Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by Maxx 07.02.14 10:41

As each being is here for a different and specific purpose at this time in history, and as many people sit and listen to a lecture in a group, the words of  the lecture are heard by all but what is dispatched is the ideas provoked in each individual can be as different as the sands in the sea yet created from the same words all heard.  They each will react differently to the ideas they receive and then create their own concepts.  You are receiving the same as your vision is different from mine and others that read these words.  Bottom line is that we all perform a little variation when we act on our destiny.  But react with a single purpose as a goal.  It is of utmost importance.  Good luck in your journey.

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.02.14 10:52

Thank you, and bless you.

Good luck on your all journies also.

Now I purchase the book.

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by N.Augusta 07.02.14 21:08

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:The example varies. I am absolutely certain, that if I fast for a few days, pray and meditate: then tell a person who is sick, "Be whole!", or "Be healed!", they will absolutely get healed. I have been near to such instances before, it is on a faith level, it is not on an intellectual level; intellectual level has to dissapper, and faith level be blossomed forth, meditated forth, as a flower.  

Okay, so now you are telling us that you are a faith healer? Healing through fasting and prayer....this sounds a lot like that insane fraud Benny Hinn. You been hanging out with him? Think about this for a moment... Do you realize how egotistical your self-perceived miraculous abilities of awesomeness come across, especially to occultists? I can tell you, not to be harsh, but honestly, you will not be taken seriously. Jesus preached about humbleness and compassion. To humble thyself and to develop compassion for others is by far the greatest lesson that one can learn from Christianity, yet, the majority fail to see beyond their very own ego as they falsely preach to others about such topics formed on a religion of falsehood intended to control society.

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Post by N.Augusta 07.02.14 21:29

Good ole Benny Smile

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Post by Maxx 07.02.14 21:37

Heck, I was hoping for Benny Hill...He is much

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Post by N.Augusta 07.02.14 22:42

Okay, here ya go, Uncle Fester. Smile Just look at that face! Smile

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 2:03

What I wrote seems egotistical, but I write it not from a point of ego, just a demonstration.

O, forgive me if it sounded ego-manifested. No... no... that was not my intention, but more ... humorous. I said "absolutely certain" to demonstrate no seed of doubt but faith, yes I put on my yoke of humility, that is very important. No, I am absolutely certain that anyone has this power: it is simple faith, pray to receive the gift of faith, you may not have earned or deserved it, neither may I, but yet received it. Did not Jesus say, that if you have faith as little as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Be moved, and planted in the sea", or something similar, "and it will obey you". It may have been an allegory, but from my viewpoint also an telling that with faith all is possible. You know, when King David prayed cursing upon a hill in his prayer to God for their inhabitants having persecuted him and seeked his life to kill, I believe; and no vegetables and no green grows on that hill even today ... It is not your own power, it is the power of God through faith, occultists do they look for power in prayers or do they seek knowledge of other power? But prayer is a thing of humbleness, not to demonstrate power. Of course, if you were tremendously sick, and someone came to you and said "Be healed", and had faith, would you not be thankful.

Ego... I have none, I do not know what ego is. After passing through similiarities of schizophrenia and just humbleing my ear a little... what I say is just a demonstration. It is said to be believed in, a demonstration of faith, that it is absoluely possible, when cut down all seeds of doubts - and they cut down with faith!

However, the "control mechanisms" of society, please reveal them to me, so I impart not with them.

There was a jewish rabbi who shared a similar life experience of demonstration of faith. And I do not see it as any power at all, just emptiness, no glory in it, give the glory to God. Faith pleases God, and he works through everything and all things, and so with faith many things are possible.

This is my demonstration, and play of faith, that you also can have faith, that it is possible to all. I have no power of myself, I only have that small mustard seed faith. You too get buy it, purchase it, the mustard seed.

Ego... if you can say: laugh at ego, jump at ego, play games with ego, how can you say you have ego? Ego already is... otherwise it would jump up, protect, assert itself.

I just say my things as a demonstration - but there is an implicit assertion, although not to be mistaken as an assertion.

Magic also has to have faith in order to change things after the will, internal structures foremostly, in my own self.

A Sadhu once said in attempt to try the faith of a christian gathering place or congregation, "How great is your faith?", so, he said, nearabout: whosoever have faith, if you would say to the green out there, "Let a flower spring forth", would it happen. Such is just a demonstration of faith, no magical power attached to it that has been cultivated but a small mustard seed of faith and perhaps prayer, power of words and faith. And when I spoke of healing, that also is power of words. Egyptians had similiarities to it, did they not? If you are completely empty, and humble, and have faith it works - no seed of doubt whatsoever - miracles may happen.

Forgive me if it sounds egotistical, and you may have well earned or deserved it if you have it, to repair the breeches. A demonstration of faith.

If you are in a storm, and would say with absolute faith, to the winds: silence, and throw yourselves at another direction, it will obey you, because it is not a magical power but faith. Magical power works in different dimensions. Faith is superior. It may or may not obey you, but the faith is very sensitive, as a mustard seed to the rays of light; there must be no soil of doubts to be overcoated with it: the faith has to penetrate its rays of light into the thickest of soil.

That is a challenge.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 2:07

Forgive me if it hurts or injures anyone. As said, please expose me so I do not fall into the category of a cult leader, contradict me, and battle with me! Faith can be a sensitive matter, how it is handled and taken care of. You know, planting a seed is a sensitive work also, and does require some work.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 2:19

I appreciate your open-mindedness, and wish to be in no mentality of a cult leader. For me to contradict myself is a work at hand, for others to contradict me is a blessing, to always be assured of a right and good path. Neither to become into the mentality of a societal control device, so as far from it the better, and as contradicted as possible the more splendid.

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Post by Matttt 08.02.14 2:29

I do not believe Faith to be superior to Magick. One must have Faith in the Self and in Will to perform Magick.
At least, this is my opinion.

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by N.Augusta 08.02.14 3:09

Hmm, one who has solid Christian faith with seeds planted deep into the foundation makes effort to stay away from the devils temptation and certainly wonders not into his domain in the occult realms. Christians view vampires as demons, and, of course, demons are to be avoided at all costs for a Christian. And yet, here you are preaching about faith. Surely, there must be some great Christian forums our there for that, no?

Tread carefully, Asetianism led myself and others to leave Christianity behind us....

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 4:43

Faith can be a good tool, you know, a spiritual tool, even for your journey, if you will to pick it up.

I love you all, and bless you.

Aye, but it is true what you are saying, careful step: you too have careful step. But I do not view vampires as demons at all! A demon can be an ugly thing, but vampires can be of beauty; demons can be of hostile things, vampires can be of nobility. A demon can be commanded as by excorcism out of humans, a vampire is a being of their own. Demons can be shattered and crushed, a vampire should stand steadfast in their own being, as other and all people.

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by N.Augusta 08.02.14 5:03

You said that you have viewed this forum for a while, but what do you really know about Asetianism? Have you viewed their web-site? There is a good amount of information there.

On the forum here, you will find many opinions being shared. However, for solid information about the AK that must be obtained through visiting their web-site and reading their public books. With that said, one must remember that the public is only given a glance as they must limit what can be made public. Note, that they are dark predatory beings. "Asetian spirituality was and will always be, a very dangerous subject to study or get involved with." Honestly, it really is! It will make you or break you! We have seen some clearly go mad from it. Why is this path of any interest to you? You've stumbled onto something far deeper and darker than you can possibly yet understand.

Honestly, based on what you have shared, I think it only wise and responsible to sincerely advise you to stay away from this path as it truly is not for everyone. However, the choice is all yours to do as you will. I made a couple of attempts to ruffle your feathers a bit, to see your reaction, yet, that was just a drop of water in the sink in comparison to the hurricanes that this initiatory path will put one through. One will either sink in the current of madness or swim in the waters of evolution. And, sometimes, you have to sink a little first in order to swim. There is no turning back! The gates of wisdom open for those who are ready...this is not a path based on faith, nor blind faith for that matter...this is a path that will cause a profound transformation of an individual, again, there's no turning back, especially once the violet seeds are planted, they solidly attach to the Soul and will always remain as they are not seeds of faith, instead, they connect one to a violet current, and love is the fuel that feeds that which grows.

And you see, I have been away from this path for several months as I work too much and am sleep deprived...And, yet, those seeds shine on. Or, maybe I just channeled something too. :O

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 6:07

Yes, I see that you tested me, I thank you for that. I took some time to look back and forth the forum to recollect thoughts to make a clear answer.
I really have to meditate this path, I have already gotten to know the Lord Jesus Christ, so I cannot abandon him, and I think asetian respect such. So it is really something to meditate. This path contains profound wisdom, which I appreciate and honor. Mad and insane I have already been, so I have passed that treshold and learned experience therefrom, but I know not the furtherest corners of the house of insanity. So I would presume it to be safe or not, that I do not know; I really need to decipher, and make a conscious decision first. Do you think it is adviceable to me to read the asetian bible at this mark of time, or would I get too pulled into it, as I am warned from here? Yes, it feels even as if I can associate to that violet colour, and perhaps may have felt some asetian influence or energy earlier in my Life, believe it or not, as I associated with vampirism to a little certain degree, now, this were before I became christian. Why I became christian, is initially something I did not do of a conscious effort, I were afraid of hell, I stumbled upon a lot of preachers upon the internet, I prayed on the top of my lugns, felt a holy presence of God embark before me, I did not dare to think a single thought before such a holy presence. So I have already passed through great storms, the very shaking of the foundation of my house of being, whilst also reading this forum frequently, being almost closed to it, I do not know why, perhaps subtle influence; I never felt I received my intellectual or spiritual food from christianity enough, it were to , and I seeked food of a higher quality to saturate my thirst also. But if there is such a thing as reincarnation ... I remember I had two very little images in quad shapes flash up to my inner eye before going to bed or waking up or being half asleep, one with a man of a little brown skin colour having some etheric blue around him and one with a degree, and different colour, darker colour, red or grey, I did not remember; I thought these to would be memories of past lives, they lasted for merely a second. Christianity was not my will from the beginning, but I felt a dedication to serve it; I hope some churches and people are blessed by my silent service, to the Lord, so that I have atleast contributed to a good and benevolent cause, forgive me for sharing if it should be kept secret. I have already thought that christianity may not be my path, asetianism inspires me the more and with a certain fragrance that has suited my being from the beginning I would per say. I have felt no peace in christianity, just the regularity of humanity and human fraility, I want something more than that, and I do not know how I would contribute to the human race. Now that I think of asetianism, I see the violet stirr up, I feel at peace, and the storms and hurricanes set before me I can perceive also, perhaps it is the right path for me, it is not as the other branches of occultism which has its own dark connotations, but a darkness escaping the voids of eternity wherein there is a family. I do not know how this would affect my relation with Jesus Christ, or what he thinks of it, he is very much alive and living, the "Living God", and their ways with the asetians, perhaps I can contribute as an ambassador between two paths.
I still retain my faith, and it is unshakeable, I know of the existence of God, and by a little repentence to turn away my ways of thinking, but I do not see the asetian path as a harmful way; there is always the community and friendship and peace, which I think you will agree with. I have already passed through affliction of my soul; I prayed to God to heal my soul, to heal my body, and bestow me happiness, and henceforth some weeks or a month, I have been in well-being again. The Existence is God, I do not know if the asetians can agree with that, and whosoever Aset or Isis actually is, I do not know. But all are part of the Existence. And I can always pray to the Existence, asetian or not, and gain aid. But I really do not know of this now the intermingling of paths, therefore I write all of this, to share opinions and to write to you for correspondance.
By the grace bestown on me by the Lord, my God, I will make my careful decision, and embark on this journey, and try to find the right way, the balance. Amen.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 6:12

When I think of all this, I can as see the ancient days of egypt before me, I truely recognize they were powerful days of magic, and these must have held together for a long period of time, eternally, the asetians foremostly I think of. But it is an interesting path, then I will see what the asetian bible has effect on me, hopefully it will be merciful and show me the way in or out.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 6:13

Thank you.

And bless you.

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by Divine 277 08.02.14 6:36


I read your post about prayer and I must say that in a way the principle behind the "miracle" is the same, however there is a huge difference.

As Christianity or any path that is asked you to believe in an outside force preaches how prayer learns you to have faith in an outside force and not faith in one self.

Magic however learns you to have faith in your self and take control over your own life, and wakes inner knowledge and reflection, to makes own change.
Being your own "god" and trusting in own abilities and to know one self, and also importantly take responsibility for own choice and actions. ( talking out of my own opinion on the mater, cause not all occultists, see it the same way)

This does not imply one can not be humble.. just to have made that clear.

We are all part of creation and we are all on our own evolutionary path, each on its own stage.

This path is wide, it does not mater witch religion/ path you follow, however with an open mind.. as people before me has stated, Asetianism recommends reading all teachings from different paths, to find once own true path through life.

I would like to ask you, if you see god as something out side of you, or within you or even both ? Cause I have meet many Christians and not all have the same view.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by N.Augusta 08.02.14 6:59

I do not share your romanticized opinion of vampires. Vampires can be ugly and hostile, yet, beautiful and kind to those they care for. Wink However, do we not see the same in man? Indeed, we do! And since Man is the majority here in this plane, I have to say more ugliness, hostility and cruelty exists in man. Man is the ugliest of beasts!

There are the majority who are wanna-be vampires, then there are vampires and then there are Asetians= different leagues. The first being like a kids little league base-ball team, the second being a college base-ball team, and the third being the Big Leagues for a practical comparison. Vampires are really rare and more rare are the Asetians and Sethians.

As it has been stated in the AB "Asetians are by no means beings of goodness and kindness.....their spirituality is built upon predatory occultism, dark arts and secrets long forgotten by mankind." Now, "Predatory spirituality" or "predatory occultism" you cannot tell me that such sounds like a good or wholesome thing from a Christian perspective. It doesn't! How does one rationalize that with Christ? I am just keeping it real! They are the children of Aset, which, according to Christianity, we followers of Aset are following false Gods and in essence all false Gods are the working of Satan, thus, We are the sinners that will burn in the pits of Hell, yada-yada-yada. Luis Marques has stated that, 'An Asetian is both an angel and a demon.'

It is a struggle to present this in a Christian perspective, but, I think that is the best way to reach where you are in my attempts to do so respectfully to your faith.

You said, "I still retain my faith, and it is unshakeable, I know of the existence of God, and by a little repentence to turn away my ways of thinking, but I do not see the asetian path as a harmful way..." The Asetian path is very harmful for a Christian, especially from a Christian point of view. Honestly, your entire posts shows that your faith is not as solid as you are trying to say it is. Christianity is not a you chose "this" or "that" to follow and ignore or disregard everything else. With that said, I know damn well it is an impossible mission to follow in accordance with all that is required as a human. A Christian cannot think that they can stray away and "test the waters" elsewhere and simply repent for it later when they begin to drown. The Asetians believe in reincarnation, and as you know, Christianity does not. You have two different systems that are incompatible in every way. Do you, as a Christian, really want to drink from a "well of knowledge" that goes against all that you have learned through your faith? In good conscience, I cannot recommend this path to anyone who is suffering from mental illness. The AB has a huge warning in the first pages for good reason-- it really is not for everyone. You have found some peace in Christianity-- keep to where you find peace. Seek not to further shake your foundation-- embrace peace. With Christianity, you can find a very large network and all sorts of resources and help, this is a solo path, with nobody to guide you. It is a lonely path.

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Post by Kalb 08.02.14 7:17

N.Augusta wrote:Honestly, based on what you have shared, I think it only wise and responsible to sincerely advise you to stay away from this path as it truly is not for everyone.

N, If you believe in freedom and in free will then you need meditate in what you said. Everyone deserve an opportunity to check if the path is the right or not. It's not you or me that give him a hint. If he's here, then let the time show him why he came here.

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Post by N.Augusta 08.02.14 7:56

I agree with you and that is applicable 99.9% of the time. However, Kalb, read through this thread in "detail" and you will understand the reasoning behind my suggestions--they are clear. It is up to the individual to do as one wills. A forum is an open space for suggestions and recommendations to be given. Smile I did what I felt was responsible and wise in this particular case, especially, given the background.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.02.14 8:50

Aye, thank you both

Foremost, I seeked some community with intellectual understanding, away from the stagnated humanity, to evolve and develop. I will try to reconcile that idea, with that humanity is fine; the attitude towards them perfect, so that my approach is good.

Magic is a fine idea. My intellect is not too functionable; my fingers can type-write, carry intelligence within them, my head is... there is some feeling of that the two brain hemispheres are interconncted but with a strain, I will try to heal this too. I have healed greatly the past month particularily. Magic, as I typed it, is fine; I can research it, as I have already purchased the asetian bible. But I will not open many doors to the occult; they are closed doors to me already, I know that practitioners of it may suffer from some soul fragmentation, and I have myself suffered from something similar to fragmentation perhaps more of my senses; my soul lead with fortitude. Prayer is the best way above the occult; who is stronger, the forces of weak spirits, or that of God responding kindly by prayer, but of course the occult is so much more than that. The knowledge surrounding of it may carry certain wisdom and understanding of the laws of the universe and thier operations; hermeticism I am studying now, the kybaion.

Knowledge is my interest for the moment, I am taken a pause from prayer and faith. Study in consciousness is another additional interest. Community hereon has helped establish me a base for knowledge searching and researching deeper into a nexus aray of subjects. Stagnation is a thing I am fighting also, for which I see so much cause of in this world but concerning not with it, keeping instead to my own solitude and holding it counter-stagnative, generative, creative and productive. Experimenting with words is a thing of interest too, but I have to let loose every bit of isanity, as a volcano eruption and the magma freezes at the sides of the volcano in sanity.
As I have prayed my way to insanity, I knowledgeable my way to sanity. And screaming out in the mountains as a mad-man is great healing method, from insanity: if anyone is in insanity, that is a suggested practice just within a controlled area and in a sane way.

To have a thought correspondance with you I also desired; a development of thought, a disciplination of my thinking from my past states of being penetrated by thoughts of humanity all over, now I take responsibility for my own thoughts, and wish them to develop, as they have seen past glory, now glory anew.

O, I sent a reply to dear Divine 277: but I do not see it anywhere in this forum thread, it dissappeared, I will answer anew.

Yes, I believe in God as both within and without. All is so beautifully interconnected, what is within also is without and. As per what scriptures say, God must have a throne. Perhaps his essence is everywhere. Source Energy, God. The root source of our being, as a tree with its roots planted near the rivers of life, the sustainer of all Life. The infinite out of which finity infinitely is given form. That was my idea of God, how I perceived the Infinite Father. Jesus Christ must have been a perfection of his essence, a culmination after the will of God, or how I should explain it better: you can comprehend, perhaps.

Yes, I should research spiritual paths, hinduism and christianity ahead and asetianism seemingly came here-now before my way. I have purchased the book, asetian bible, should I read it you think? - of course, I have purchased it, but is it initiatory, I do not know - for knowledge respectably, of course it can be read, but I will thankful for and honor it, the knowledge given.

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Post by Maxx 08.02.14 10:06

This has gone to the absurd stage. Read the book and then if you find any questions return with them.

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Post by Nightshade 08.02.14 18:17

N.Augusta wrote:You said that you have viewed this forum for a while, but what do you really know about Asetianism? Have you viewed their web-site? There is a good amount of information there.

On the forum here, you will find many opinions being shared. However, for solid information about the AK that must be obtained through visiting their web-site and reading their public books. With that said, one must remember that the public is only given a glance as they must limit what can be made public. Note, that they are dark predatory beings. "Asetian spirituality was and will always be, a very dangerous subject to study or get involved with." Honestly, it really is! It will make you or break you! We have seen some clearly go mad from it. Why is this path of any interest to you? You've stumbled onto something far deeper and darker than you can possibly yet understand.

Honestly, based on what you have shared, I think it only wise and responsible to sincerely advise you to stay away from this path as it truly is not for everyone. However, the choice is all yours to do as you will. I made a couple of attempts to ruffle your feathers a bit, to see your reaction, yet, that was just a drop of water in the sink in comparison to the hurricanes that this initiatory path will put one through. One will either sink in the current of madness or swim in the waters of evolution. And, sometimes, you have to sink a little first in order to swim. There is no turning back! The gates of wisdom open for those who are ready...this is not a path based on faith, nor blind faith for that matter...this is a path that will cause a profound transformation of an individual, again, there's no turning back, especially once the violet seeds are planted, they solidly attach to the Soul and will always remain as they are not seeds of faith, instead, they connect one to a violet current, and love is the fuel that feeds that which grows.
I agree with what you're saying. I also think that this obvious danger in studying the Asetian path is also what makes it so special. Not because of being dangerous but because of what makes it so dangerous. It's much connected with its power to change you, to shake you and to make you discover things within you that you never knew were there.

Number of posts : 439
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by Nightshade 08.02.14 18:25

Oh and MysticLightShinethForth sorry to step on your carefully constructed sentences full of fluff but you're not really a Christian. At best you're an eclectic trying to bend elements of Christianity to suit your own ideas. Christians don't believe in this energy you talk about and they surely don't accept magick. In fact, they see it as a manifestation of evil and temptation. This source energy as god you speak of is much more new age and Pagan than Christian. This god you talk about surely doesn't sound like the god that vatican preaches about or this lord jesus christ. All this reverence you show towards jesus is something that the man he was would hate to death. Just the very title of lord would at best make him laugh, he would rather leave that for Darth Vader or maybe Lord Satan.

Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings, I am new hereto, and small differentiating of religion

Post by N.Augusta 08.02.14 20:49

Nightshade wrote:I agree with what you're saying. I also think that this obvious danger in studying the Asetian path is also what makes it so special. Not because of being dangerous but because of what makes it so dangerous. It's much connected with its power to change you, to shake you and to make you discover things within you that you never knew were there.
Couldn't agree with you more! Smile

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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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