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Post by Ch'KaRa 07.03.14 11:31

Em hotep,

Dear members of the forum,

I would like to introduce myself and tell you a bit of my background and how I came to be here.

Believe it or not, I was born into a long line of Baptist Ministers. Within 7 days of being born, I was brought to the church and raised to the heavens as is the custom of all first born sons in my family. I was expected to be a minister.  However before I even started pre-school I knew there was something wrong with the church. I expressed those thoughts at Sunday school and was quickly told to never ask those questions again. Needless to say by 16, I was kicked out of the church and my home seeing as my father was the pastor, and so my journey began.

I immediately turned to the left hand path and I tried and read all sorts of things, and while I learned many things I was still not satisfied. I was still yearning for more. For almost a decade this continued, trying one more path, learning a little here and there until finally I met someone from the ToV.I was intrigued and so I ordered the bibles, both the 1st and 2nd one.

I waited for them to arrive and when they did, I almost threw them away in disgust. Something in them challenged me in such profound ways that I threw them behind a big dresser and forgot about them. About 6 months later, I was moving that dresser and found the books again, with a little laugh I decided to flip through one, and it was as if the book had changed.

Instead of scoffing, I found myself agreeing with what was said. It was as if something in me had changed simply by me being introduced to it.

Now fast forward to today..

Since that time I have studied and transformed myself and become an adept, according to their traditions. I have experienced the lessons the found in the 9 laws of Sorcery and have walked the 9 Angles and Past the 9 gates...And still I sensed there was more, that I had only scratched the surface.

I have been fortunate to be able to dream since I was very young, and it was through these travels I was approached by beings that I knew to be very different from most you encounter in dreams. Under their instruction, in what I now know to be dreamwalking, I was led to discover Aset Ka. Since reading the AB, I feel again as if all that has happened before in my life was in preparation for this.

And so I humble myself and become a student once again. I am here to learn and ask questions. Since this forum is one of the only places I can find, that contains serious and informative discussions regarding the Aset Ka.

While I can be assertive in my tone, it is from a genuine desire to uncover the truth, and so please be patient with me if I seem at times over zealous in my search.



Number of posts : 2
Location : Guatemala
Registration date : 2014-03-05

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Post by Jonathan 07.03.14 17:51

Welcome to the community. You will find several users around here who were also students of the ToV, some who went all the way up to the very top of their teachings. Curiously enough they ended up feeling that their teachings only scratch the surface of our potential and have found the Asetian tradition to be a further step to higher knowledge. Good luck on your journey.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Post by Kalb 07.03.14 17:55


Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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