Details: Sigil of Orion.
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Details: Sigil of Orion.
Em Hotep, friends.
There is a story that tells us that in ancient Egypt the bull was born of a flash of light cast by Aset and symbolized fertility and strength and was a great veneration in ancient Egypt, this veneration happened years later by the Greeks and Romans. It is our understanding that Christianity is based on Mithraism, and the best example is the birth of Mithra which was celebrated on December 25th. The decay of mithraism begins from the moment in which Christianity was the official religion of the Rome Empire. The Taurus is strongly linked to Asetian culture, is one of the sign that is part of the Zodiac. Another sign that is important is Aries, where there were numerous cults about it in ancient times, many aries mummified in ancient Egypt. In Christianity, for example, the ram animal is a manifestation of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the Savior. A perfect representation of the Lamb. Now, through these two signs we already know two things:
1. December 25th the birth of Jesus - Taurus
2 . Son of God (Lamb) - Aries
It was through Mary that Jesus was born, and she is strongly represented by the sign of Virgo, the Virgin Mary. We also know that the symbolism of Mary, Joseph and Jesus is a Copy & Past from Aset, Osiris and Horus. We see clearly present here three signs Aries, Taurus and Virgo. This detail did not call my attention if not for the Sigil of Orion. Half of Sigil of Orion is represented by three simple letters: Vav, Heh and Yod representing the signs mentioned above. Not surprising were the three Magi Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar to be a reference to the constellation of Orion. To be exactly three.
Now, focusing on Sigil of Orion, the number 22 is connected to the Hebrew alphabet represented 22 different initiations. On page 93 of the book, we have a complete listing of the starting 1 and ending at 22. A curious detail is that the position of each letter is listed , so Beth is in position 4 , Kaph at position 7 and Gimel in Position 5 .
In numerology , numbers greater than 9 are reduced , so, we have He at the position 11 (1+1 = 2), Vav at position 12 (1+2 = 3) and Yod at position 16 (1 +6 = 7). It's Easily come to the conclusion that Asetian numerology is all represented in Sigil... 2 , 3 , 5 and 7. The number 4 represent the Tetragrammaton .
There is a story that tells us that in ancient Egypt the bull was born of a flash of light cast by Aset and symbolized fertility and strength and was a great veneration in ancient Egypt, this veneration happened years later by the Greeks and Romans. It is our understanding that Christianity is based on Mithraism, and the best example is the birth of Mithra which was celebrated on December 25th. The decay of mithraism begins from the moment in which Christianity was the official religion of the Rome Empire. The Taurus is strongly linked to Asetian culture, is one of the sign that is part of the Zodiac. Another sign that is important is Aries, where there were numerous cults about it in ancient times, many aries mummified in ancient Egypt. In Christianity, for example, the ram animal is a manifestation of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the Savior. A perfect representation of the Lamb. Now, through these two signs we already know two things:
1. December 25th the birth of Jesus - Taurus
2 . Son of God (Lamb) - Aries
It was through Mary that Jesus was born, and she is strongly represented by the sign of Virgo, the Virgin Mary. We also know that the symbolism of Mary, Joseph and Jesus is a Copy & Past from Aset, Osiris and Horus. We see clearly present here three signs Aries, Taurus and Virgo. This detail did not call my attention if not for the Sigil of Orion. Half of Sigil of Orion is represented by three simple letters: Vav, Heh and Yod representing the signs mentioned above. Not surprising were the three Magi Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar to be a reference to the constellation of Orion. To be exactly three.
Now, focusing on Sigil of Orion, the number 22 is connected to the Hebrew alphabet represented 22 different initiations. On page 93 of the book, we have a complete listing of the starting 1 and ending at 22. A curious detail is that the position of each letter is listed , so Beth is in position 4 , Kaph at position 7 and Gimel in Position 5 .
In numerology , numbers greater than 9 are reduced , so, we have He at the position 11 (1+1 = 2), Vav at position 12 (1+2 = 3) and Yod at position 16 (1 +6 = 7). It's Easily come to the conclusion that Asetian numerology is all represented in Sigil... 2 , 3 , 5 and 7. The number 4 represent the Tetragrammaton .
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