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Post by Talibah 20.01.09 9:22

I had a conversation with someone today about the Aset Ka, and they vehemently announced that it was little more than a cult, and that the Asetian Bible was nothing more than an indoctrination manual.

I, of course, defended this view point, but it left me wondering how many others have come across such, adversive opinion, and how they dealt with it?

I expect alot of people not to understand it's teachings, but the individual I was speaking with went to such lengths to prove his point, it was hard not to imagine where his decision came from.

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Post by Kemisi 20.01.09 9:33

It has been proven that man fears that which it does not understand. In fact will go to great lengths to proove that they are right while and the other party is wrong. This is done out of fear and misunderstanding. This person knows nothing of us or our ways therefor cannot form any true and factual opinion of us except one of distaste. The AB even says that we will face those who oppose us and that the AB and The Aset Ka moves people in different ways. This person has done us a great service not an injustice. His position makes me laugh and just goes to proove the AB even more.

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Post by Victor 20.01.09 12:21

I can well understand what you mean, Talibah. That is something that all of us that are involved, one way or another, with the vampire and occult communities come to experience. We can easily find people against the Aset Ka, some even insulting, out of many different reasons. Many simply lack the spiritual depth and evolved soul to comprehend the Asetian tradition and path, so they simply disbelieve it. Others may even be into vampirism, came across the Aset Ka and simply because they were rejected or had no open doors they call it fake, driven by their crashed egos that were not considered worthy to go further in this path. Others can be simply blind by their beliefs and views of things, something highly common among mortals. Some, more rare, may even have more extreme agendas, as working on any cover up campaign, which is commonly done by outlets under the influence or ROS, but that were also seen in action by the AK itself in the past.
The reasons can be immense, and we surely cannot even grasp all of what may lead someone to be against the AK. Many have spent their lives trying to find the AK, as even more have spent it trying to prove they don't exist, or that they are not what they seem, or even that they are the most malign and evil force on Earth. It is all ever so common finding people against the Asetians, that I honestly stopped caring more than a decade ago. All I do know is that in nearly 90% of the cases that I hear people criticizing the AK, it comes from an obvious handicap in the individual. Wether spiritually, metaphysically, blind faith or simple pure ignorance... the most advanced and evolved minds I have ever came across during my lifetime and path never acted this way.
As Kemisi said, the Asetian Bible itself tells us about this, and warned us about how people react to Asetian knowledge... foreseeing how many people would react to this book, Master Marques told us what the weakest minds and souls would feel, think and do. He was right and once again those same weak minds have proven nothing with their diatribes against the AK except to show everyone the real depths of Luis Marques' powers and his mighty Asetians...
Personally, this situation alone never ceases to make me smile.

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Post by Kemisi 20.01.09 13:00

Well said Victor

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Post by Ankhhape 20.01.09 16:48

Em hotep Talibah:
If you put into perspective the majority of the vampire community, then you can see that 99% of the community has been and still are, part of the old Vampire: The Masquerade role playing game, including Belanger and Sebastian and the other fakes. The AK obviously has nothing to do with any of that.

When I am confronted by hostile people towards the AK and our beliefs I try to remember that unlike 'them' we have the Truth.

*Victor: as usual, the voice of reason . . . thanks.

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Post by Talibah 21.01.09 10:59

Well..needless to say I agree with all replies thusfar, and take comfort that my sentiments have been echoed by them.

I do pity (to an extent) the person that opposed the Aset Ka, Asetianism and my beliefs as a whole..but not enough to engage in conversation or elaborate further with them again Smile

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Post by Kemisi 21.01.09 11:04

A wise decision because conversing with them might just make you laugh too much, considering their close-mindedness. People are always to quick to judge.

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Post by Talibah 21.01.09 13:26

LOL...although I dont think it's so much a case of close-mindedness...rather an innate inability to accept anything which cannot be seen, felt or thrown from one corner of the room to another.

The inability to accept the Truth....

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Your opinion please.. Empty Re: Your opinion please..

Post by Kemisi 21.01.09 13:56


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Post by OliviaLucus 17.03.09 8:21

I have not yet completely learned about Aset Ka. But I can say that everyone has their own opinion. There are thousands upon thousands of religions in the world, and who can truly say that one is wrong and one is right? All you can do is keep trusting youself and your beliefs. I think it is very wrong to push your beliefs on other people and even more outlandish to judge a religion without fully experiencing it with an open mind. With that said there will always be haters and people who don't understand, but don't let that get to you Talibah. You know who you are and what you are, and you shouldn't have to defend yourself or your religion to anyone else. It will only fuel their fire.

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Post by Vertigo 20.03.09 1:46

Iam always sceptical to anything like that because of persons like Michelle Belanger.

But the AB...

The deeper I got, the more I understood.

I dont get it, if they want money and fame (I dont want to point a finger, but I mean you Michelle Belanger) why make 1 website with barely any info and why release 1 book filled with wisdom for that cheap price?

And due to people's trust in internet they doesnt seem to know what the word "secret" mean...

As normal...humans fail to see all the factors and their ignorance will pay off.

I love to see the day when man have to harvest the fruits of their own stupidy.

Even it will take me hundreds of lifetimes :p

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