Sumerian - Jewish parallels

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Sumerian - Jewish parallels Empty Sumerian - Jewish parallels

Post by Stapleraindrop 23.03.14 10:14

I noticed while studying the Goetia that for some reason, Asmodeus, according to Solomon, must be invoked bareheaded. I am not sure which Sumerian/Egyptian deity he most closely 'cooresponds' to, but there is something interesting in this. I was thinking the other day about religion and hats. For some stupid reason, in a stadium or church or something, people are asked to take their hats off to show respect. Maybe its just a coincidence, but is it possible that the power of Asmoday may only be able to affect those who are bareheaded? I mean sports and church both raise a lot of energy and both would be a good time for some, for lack of a better word, Sethian 'mischief', possibly involving the spirit known as Asmodeus.

Thoughts guys?

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Sumerian - Jewish parallels Empty Re: Sumerian - Jewish parallels

Post by Tehom 20.09.14 6:03

Perhaps there is a relevance to the "crown chakra", or highest Shen Centre, in this. I would imagine the symbolism of this practice is likely more relevant than the actual act itself. Asmoedeus is certainly a fascinating figure.. but I am unsure of how Sethians would involve him in any form of "mischief", to be quite honest with you. It's possible. If Asmodeus corresponds to the Egyptian Pantheon in some form, or bears some relevance to Set, then Sethians could theoretically utilise vicinities of high omnipresent energy for chaos magick/feeding purposes. If we were discussing Ahriman (possibly another 'face' for Set), I could agree with Sethians involving a spiritual figure for their 'practices' in environments such as these, but, again, with Asmodeus, I am "on the fence", so to speak.


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Sumerian - Jewish parallels Empty Re: Sumerian - Jewish parallels

Post by Stapleraindrop 20.09.14 8:37

Geburah is viewed as the reflection, of sorts of Binah, where the energies of Seth reside. Asmodeus is likely a face of Samael, and is rooted in the fiery powers of destruction. Hmm he seems similar to Sekhmet almost, or the eyes of Ra. And where Bast was worshipped more in lower Egypt, Sekhmet was bigger in upper Egypt, so that has the potential to make sense.

Number of posts : 540
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Registration date : 2013-06-20

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