Dreams Vs Reality

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 13.04.14 10:29

I've been exploring the Inner Plane for during some time, I have made discoveries that have helped my understanding about the “reality” of things. The easiest way to access this plan is through the Lucid Dreaming, by the famous DreamWalking. My understanding of the universe is based on Kabbalah, so my whole vision is based on the theory of what all we study. Many times we speak of what we don't understand, I own here on the forum and in several places shared knowledge and some time later I realized that I was wrong and immature. Talking about something I couldn't understand and defending an illusion of a reality far from the truth. Anyway, that's how we're learning from mistakes. Lucid dreams, almost always happens during REM sleep, however, there are theories that lucid dreaming can occur during NREM sleep, too. Whatever our experience in dreams, we all use a diary to record dreams. All of you have seen the Matrix movie and certainly remember a pertinent question that Morpheus made to Neo:

Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Neuroscience is the study of what we are, we do, think and want. Is a result of the functioning of the nervous system and its interaction with the human body, the tarot sets the mind in 10 different levels. It's all very complex and requires a lot of effort and dedication to understand at least the basis of human life. All this information that I have given, I think you know, but I had to tell it to share what I want share. Recently, for three days I slept between 1:hour and 1:5half during several moments, my body was completely tired with the brain tired too. Many of times I ended up dreaming and unfortunately I couldn't stay lucid. The exercise I've done is to do the following:

-Wake up an hour later and do the same activity always, without changing anything in the exercise;

The truth is that on the third day, my brain has created this entire scenario in the dream, made me believe that I woke up, and I was doing exactly the exercise as done in previous days. Everything was equal. I was interrupted by an alarm that had scheduled to wake up myself at that time. Another exercise I did was wake up in the middle of the night and go meditate with the Tarot, at one point I woke up and didn't have any strength to get up and go to my meditation room, in the middle of this frustration of weakness, my alarm goes off and I wake up. Again I see my brain "trick me". Again the brain returned to create a scenario of physical reality to avoid "wake up". I've been searching the internet and I found a forum that they called this scenario INRALD. – "I'm Not Really Awake Lucid Dream".

“Why do INRALDs happen?
As INRALDing is a new idea around the dreaming community, it's still under discussion as to what they are and why they occur. So far, it would seem that the reason we dream about being awake is because it is an incubated dream. While you are tossing and turning during a sleepless night, you're often becoming frustrated at the inability to sleep. You may be unconsciously incubating this idea. Additionally, during a WILD you may be unconsciously incubating the idea that you are lying on the couch trying to attempt a WILD, but you've fallen asleep before you even realize that you have done so.”
- http://mortalmist.com/forum/index.php/topic,3586.0.html

The first example I gave, my goal was always to sleep at least an hour, my brain has created the whole scenario because he didn't want to wake up, I've done the same exercise but this time slept 7 hours every day, and I have not received any result because my brain had time to rest. I come to the conclusion that my brain has the ability to create a scenario and place it in the dream, then has the ability to create other scenarios without I realize. Depends on what I do, the issue here is that the brain has the ability to deceive us. In Asetian Bible is there an important detail about the Inner Plane and about illusions and imaginations of people. Having said that, and taking the responsibility to constantly be doing a Really check in dreams and in real life, all care is necessary. By my observation over time, and talking about me, I believe that many times people are confusing the mental plane with the astral plane, I mean, it's possible people being misled on the astral plane? Thinking they're in the astral and are simply being deceived by the mind? As the physical plan, that the brain is able to fool us? According to Kabbalah, the universe is divided into 4 worlds, we live in the most polluted and the development plan goes up according to our conscience. In Tarot the suit of Wands represents the different manifestations of our energy, the Cups our emotional manifestations, Spades mental manifestations and Disks different aspects of our perception of material world. I've been watching right here in the forum, people give a lot of value to the astral plane… But, I don't see anyone talking about the Inner Plane. It's not wise to rule the Inner Plane before mastering the Astral Plane? Or are those two different things? Different ways of living? Finally, I wonder, To what extent can we be deceived by our own brain?

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Maxx 13.04.14 12:27

  • One thing I might ask by reading your post....and I am not trying to discredit your post at all, only ask a question...is that if I turned around the direction you are taking in your post and direct it in the opposite way, that of looking at it from the spirit view, it appears to me that you are turning every view of yours at this time into a mental or materialistic view, excluding any possibility of truth originating from that spiritual view.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  It is the same way that science looks at the metaphysical world.  Almost by refusing to give it any importance at all would discredit it's very existence and therefore establish the fact that one will find only true answers from the scientific view alone and not from the spiritual side. 

I believe you told me you do not work with any spirits at all, is that correct?  Again, nothing wrong with that at all.  But by not experiencing that contact, you might be limiting yourself to more experiences becoming open for you to compare issues.  Just my thought and I know each person is different and we all have very different paths we have chosen....and there is not a right way or a wrong way....as OUR INDIVIDUAL way will create the right way for our own view.

Personally, I am open to any way that speaks to me that I can verify.  Verify in more than one way or one example.  But verify is important.   You may be saying that if you found your past examples where you had placed your faith in to be incorrect, it may appear that you are being overly gun shy now to readily accept any kind of personal spiritual experience to be real.  I may be wrong entirely.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Maxx 13.04.14 12:34

OH.. forgot to add about the WILD.

I see that example as an opening of going into the astral.

That example is even a technique to go from a self hypnotic trance state then into a dream within a dream to enable one to have complete control over going out of the body by going through a different set of doorways or gateways.  Not sure, but I think that technique has been around for a few years.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 13.04.14 13:58

Maxx. Yes, I told you that I currently don't work with spirits. I'd rather walk on my path.
It’s not necessary work with spirits for spiritual development that things can works great to me. First of all, I seek the wisdom and knowledge to know and understand myself, I want to know why I react to things in different ways, I want to live my life without having deal with spirits. There are things more important to do. Workings with spirit don’t will help me in my quest. All I need is inside of me, I just need to go exploring and looking for all of that information and work in order to grow. I'm not saying that in the future I will not work with spirits, but right now, I’m not interested, because I need to be alone. My philosophy right now is ... If I want something, then I must do Alone. My post is all focused on the reaction of the brain, because he "created" a scenario that could have fooled me. As we have an ego in the physical world, we have an ego on the Inner Plane, and this ego has two options: Or live in reality so humble and hardworking, or lives of illusion and imagination. I believe through the Inner Plane we can get great results, or was not one of the favorite techniques of Asetians. It is possible to access all the truth and higher plans through the world of dreams. Again, my issue is facing the brain on how he created the whole scenario trying to trick me and not wake up. Because, he wanted to sleep, and I wouldn't let him. That's a small example, how he took control of me and working in a free mode. I believe in astral work and psychological messages. But for that to happen we have to have an overall domain on consciousness of being ourselves. Everything should be questioned, even in the world of dreams.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Maxx 13.04.14 15:16

Of course I agree with you if you feel that is the walk and path you feel you need to walk and be comfortable with. 

But I see there is no difference in the receiving of the info coming from the source and being delivered to you within what you are calling the brain.....and getting that same info from the source delivered to you from a spirit.  Both techniques hold the element of having us learn whether what is received is correct or incorrect.  Either way is a great mystery which each one has to work out themselves but with the same end goal as a result.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 13.04.14 16:22

From personal experience, the craziest results I have ever seen have been while working with spirits. Working with them definitely opens a whole new door in your life.

Do whatever you want Kalb, it's your life, I'm just here to share a youthful opinion ^.^

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 13.04.14 17:34

Em Hotep,

There is no problem about it. As I said above, I have a goal to achieve, and I'm going to do it without the help of Spirits and no matter how long it takes.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 13.04.14 18:18

we are talking about the spirits that was once human, right?

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 13.04.14 19:33

Like ghosts? I thought spirit included any disembodied being?

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Divine 277 14.04.14 2:54

Kalb : I have experienced what you are talking about, I did not do it as a study and experimenting project, My reality was like that .. and it was very frustrating every time i thought i had stood up from bed and then something in the dream made me realize i was still sleeping … then i woke up again, and still could not be sure if I was awake… it was horrible … at worst causes this could happen up to 8 times .. before I actually was awake and could do what i desperately had to to …
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 14.04.14 5:37

Yes, but keep in mind that my goal was not to have a lucid dream or get ready to go to the Astral. I just wanted to do my exercise on the physical plane. Simple things, and my brain has created a scenario completely equal to not being able to wake up.
The point I made above, is to what extent we are mindful of the actions of our brain and to what extent that everything we do in the dream world or even deal with spirits is real or not. How we know? Go to the astral world, means getting out of our mind, and this is not a job for amateurs. That's the question I do.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Divine 277 14.04.14 6:44

When it comes to the astral, I really have not done that much experimentation, dream walking, sending and receiving energy or feelings ( blush ) i have done , also been experimenting on different types of past life work …

One exorcise kinda scared me a bit .. it involves basically in just closing your eyes, meditate and use your eyes to look at the back of your eyelids … only staring in to the dark … after a while I got a clear image .. like i was watching something while my eyes where open … and not closed .. almost knocked me out of my bed Smile

i have experienced dreams where i could feel physical things on my body, all of my senses where completely active .. also in those types of dreams, i can't change them, its like my mind thinks that I'm awake … and nothing will convince my mind that I'm not .. until i actually wake up … The one i talked about over here … the one that i woke up in the dream, usually resulted in something telling me i was still sleeping.

I have also had dreams that also involves me looking at my own body, not physically being able to move … while it still feels as if I'm in my body … even if I'm steering right on it …
How to differentiate .. hmm… well how about starting exorcises with someone with the same interest, that you trust ? and see if your actually can connect to one another true astral perception.

The mind is a powerful and illusive tool .. and usually if it acts in a particular way, its usually a reason for it .. like you wrote, it made you dream you where waking up because it needed more sleep …
figuring out your inner realm is way more important for your own well being then to visit things out side your self …
You can not do anything the mind does not understand … but thats how we learn, isn't it Wink
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.04.14 7:19

One time when I astral projected I 'fought' some ugly looking thing that beat me up a bit before it left. When I returned to the physical I felt as if someone had been nailing me in the stomach with a bat for 10 minutes >.>

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Divine 277 14.04.14 7:40

@stapleraindrop I had similar experiences .. when dreaming .. waking up with blue masks .. bites and scratches ..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.04.14 8:18

One of my favourite Harry Potter quotes: "Of course it's all happening inside your head Harry, but why should that mean it is not real?"

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 14.04.14 10:48

Stapleraindrop: Great quote. I really enjoy that quote. But, do you believe that all things that you think or "see" or "do" is real? It is quite common for dreamers make a really check or put tags to identify where they "are". Please, keep in mind that I'm not doubt of your capabilities or to question your maturity. Neither yours nor others. My question to you is that if you think that everything that happens around you is real.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.04.14 10:53

Define real please.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.04.14 10:57

Morpheus: What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 14.04.14 11:09

I give you the first example of all in my first post. My brain made ​​me believe I was on the physical plane to perform the task. When in fact I was just dreaming exactly about the task. The reality for me is the task that I perform in the physical, not in the dream world. In this case, the dream for me is the creation of my mind.
Tell what is real or not, is a complex and sensitive issue, because the own dream everything that happens in it is real. Therefore, I will not go for that subject. I do not criticize anyone or put doubts in your minds, but, rather to know your opinion on the subject, know what you think about this and if possible share some tips on the subject.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.04.14 11:16

In my opinion, everything that is, is real. Though the dream world may not always transition to the physical, it still is a thing, as it can be experienced.

Of course, when it comes to 'objective' reality things can be super duper foggy, but personally, I try to just think less and let the flow of life take me on its current.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Maxx 14.04.14 13:08

If you think you wake up and think you are in the physical world but are still in the dream element that shows you are in a lucid dream state.  If you cannot take control of it, that would show me that you are in the preliminary state of obe just before leaving the body.  If you can reach the state of going farther into it and then taking control, you will willfully leave the body.  At that point you would need to walk over the a mirror and then look into to see what you are looking at.

making your body or your brain tired or depleted purposefully to go into this state is working against the goal in my opinion.  To intentionally drive yourself into hallucination would not help your body's system accomplish an obe at all.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Maxx 14.04.14 13:11

I also remember Victor making a post here that one can enter into the dream state of another individual and input any thought that is chosen to influence the dreamer.  If that is certainly possible, why discard what a being you meet in your dream state would give in info and then determine if it is the truth or untruth?

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.04.14 13:12

And then there's Maxx here to save the day. I personally cannot project in conjucntion with sleeping at all, I usually end up flying around a city or something with no clue as to what is really going on XD.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Maxx 14.04.14 13:37

But we are trying to get at the center of the question for kalb and help him find out what is going on with his exercise.......Who cares about what Maxx is up to as he does not count....you again, are another story.....you are just weird......lol.  You may grow up to be completely out of it like Maxx is.

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Dreams Vs Reality Empty Re: Dreams Vs Reality

Post by Kalb 14.04.14 14:09

I learn some years ago that when we focus on our goal, we attract our goal. If we focus on fears, we will attract fears in our mental space, or even doubts, because the dreams put us in the area of our focus. I had no intention of having an OBE or lucid dream or go to the astral. I can accept your suggestion, but, keep in mind that We spend some part of our lives sleeping. But, in reality, the brain is active as when you are asleep while awake. The brain controls us when we sleep. The brain also controls what stage of sleep in which we enter and paralyzes the muscles of the body to avoid damage while dreaming. The long term memory is turned off while dreaming, which explains why it is necessary to wake up in the middle of a dream to remember the dream. The initial phase of sleep is referred to as surface phase, which gradually develops to the stage of deep sleep, after  90 minutes, a deep sleep happens and returned to the beginning to the surface phase and go on to the deep sleep after 90 minutes and this pattern is then repeated until we wake up. In my case, I did not give reach the deep sleep, he was always interrupted. Another point here is the reaction of the brain while we are sleeping, the brain identifies various sounds and people to not disturb us while we sleep, demonstrating that he is always working. There is a theory that sleep gives the cells of body a chance to regenerate while the brain itself is given time to fix the day's experiences.
Saying that, do you think it's possible that the brain have made an incubation in the dream? To keep me sleep? Or do you really think it was an OBE?

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