how to bring someone into your dream?

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how to bring someone into your dream? Empty how to bring someone into your dream?

Post by Demonia 20.04.14 15:20

Hello everyone,

I've shared dreams with others unintentionally before, like it has happened on its own, but has anyone ever pulled someone into their dream? could I astral project and find this person and bring them into my subconscious? is this possible? or does it have potential dangers/would it be too difficult?

I want to bring a close friend into this recurring dream i have thats a very beautiful forest with a stream and this magickal temple. all I ever do is explore and find birds and fish and old magic ruins. my friend has rarely lucid dreamt since they were a kid and I want them to have the experience that i have naturally every night. it's almost like a second world when i go to bed all the time.

is this a dangerous idea? any and all answers/suggestions are welcome Smile

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how to bring someone into your dream? Empty Re: how to bring someone into your dream?

Post by Maxx 20.04.14 22:13

Until one has done the work required to accomplish that I do not think it is possible just out of the blue.

Maybe someone else can help you but I do not think there is a quick formula to accomplish that.

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how to bring someone into your dream? Empty Re: how to bring someone into your dream?

Post by Stapleraindrop 21.04.14 9:53

Before you read anything, this is 100% theory.

IMO a dream is a subconscious, kind of fluid creation of a mental plane. If you could capture your recurring dream in a controlled state, that would probably be the first step.

With dreams, I noticed you can visit others, but it would be a lot harder to just pull them into a dream. First, you would probably have to dreamwalk/project to your friend and somehow make them lucid. Then, you'd either have to completely take over their dream (rude) or bring them to your dream.

Personally, if I had 'locked' my dream in a state of existence, I'd weave a sigil into it for easy access. After your friend is lucid, you're going to have to go to your dream somehow. A sigil can act kind of like an astral gps if you program it to.

You could also empower a particular dream sigil and show it to them when they're awake and see how it affects this whole process.

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how to bring someone into your dream? Empty Re: how to bring someone into your dream?

Post by Jonathan 21.04.14 11:08

I agree with Maxx this is one of those things that just takes a long of time to practice. There's no simple recipe to achieve it. It's definitely possible but requires a lot of patience.

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