Different Dream

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Different Dream Empty Different Dream

Post by Maxx 23.09.08 20:57

Under this heading I want to post a different type of dream I experienced.

It was unlike any others that I have had. It was in the last Rem stages and right before waking of a morning. I could see myself being redone and worked over throughout my entire body and I knew it was being done by an Asetian. I was seeing it being done from the inside as well as the outside. I was aware that what was being done to me coincided with the additions that was inserted in the body of a Shaman. This was the only program that was being put into my body. I knew that it was connected with the Asetian Bible. It appeared as if what was taking place was being done just like you might program or add to a blank cd and put a program in the body but it was done on triple speed like you watch the line go by when adding a new program to the hard drive. When I woke I felt no different at all. I have seen no difference at all today in my feelings.

Might any of you experienced anything as such or can explain what this was all about.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Aghrab 24.09.08 1:42

Maxx, interesting dream.

I can see the "adding a program to your body" image of your dream probably being your own mind's symbolic way of understanding that the Asetian knowledge that the only source that can give it to you, Asetian Bible, has touched you. I say this because I know the mind sometimes works, thinks or dreams in symbolic ways (depending on the individual), sometimes subtly, other times so detailed, complicated and complex that it would take quite some work to figure out the meaning or reason behind a certain dream. These are only my thoughts...


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Different Dream Empty Agreed

Post by Maxx 24.09.08 6:29

Your words carry wisdom for sure. My problem was that I agree the dream was my own mind workings, but I could not see that I would be improving myself in symbols. Thanks.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Hellen 24.09.08 6:36

I also experience this learning work , like a dialogue with another conscience that answers my questions and explains concepts guiding me through the entire process

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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Maxx 24.09.08 7:15

Yes. A good way to explain it. I am also getting this during my waking hours although there is so much happening when I sleep that I cannot
wait to get to bed each night.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Aghrab 24.09.08 10:06

Maxx wrote:Yes. A good way to explain it. I am also getting this during my waking hours although there is so much happening when I sleep that I cannot
wait to get to bed each night.



The "Dream World" is certainly a place of wonders, yet only truly amazing when one learns to master it, as remembering the dream, controlling it and learning to let go.

Maxx, what do you believe was the meaning behind your dream, if you care to share?


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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Maxx 24.09.08 18:14

I now believe it is an effort to spotlight the Asetian Lifepath or direction.

I am no longer going to post my nightly dreams such as this as they are getting very direct and some may think I am posting "eyerolling dreams" to draw attention.

I will watch them for a while.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Aghrab 24.09.08 19:28

Maxx wrote:I am no longer going to post my nightly dreams such as this as they are getting very direct and some may think I am posting "eyerolling dreams" to draw attention.

I highly believe that the people in this forum are quite mature and not here to "get attention", as you can see it happening on other forums, which then become flooded with nonsense, unlike this forum which is filled with quite evolved beings, only here to learn from one another in a mature and open-minded way. Again, unlike the vast majority of the users in forums that are turned into nothingness by the closed-minded, ego-centered beings. As long as you feel comfortable to share your experiences or to question on them, there shouldn't be any problems. This is what this mature forum is made for, after all.


Number of posts : 492
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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Maxx 24.09.08 20:07

OK. But this is rather far out. Last night to make everything short and just mention the strangest part...that being that my deceased Father came back and stood in front of me and told me that he was from the Asetian bloodline and as he told me this, he turned into a large Lion..........I will not even begin to mention the rest of it...See what I mean. This was after the night before where I saw the Shaman program being input into my body.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Talibah 25.09.08 3:30

I understand your reluctance to share your dreams...they are very personal after all. But, I too have been having a few 'far out' ones, that I have been hesitant to share.
What caught my eye in your post, is that you mentioned your late father turning into a lion.

I have recently had the same dream over and over, and in it two people, (one female, one male) who I do not recognise, turn into a lion and crocodile respectively.....I am not afraid of them, and they do no harm...

I posted a couple of days ago asking for the correct pronunciation of the Kheperu Mantra - and Anen kindly oblidged - because throughout the dream, I hear it being chanted. But on waking, I could not pronounce one part of it properly. (My thanks Anen, by the way)

I keep a dream journal, and have been trying to figure out certain specific details from the dream which keep recurring...including the smell of mint and lemon???
Does Anyone have any ideas what these could pertain to?

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Different Dream Empty odors

Post by Maxx 25.09.08 18:31

Interesting your mention of those odors. I always know when someone astral projects into my area searching for me......or many times I do, because I smell them. Like I know one female as she always smells like lavender, She uses a lavender liquid in her bathwater I found out. Then there are other smells that I notice during the day and then I begin to sense the person that is nearby. Most come in and think they are not noticed but I do speak and let them know I am not amused. Some I attack on the astral while I am still on this plane.

Mentioning recurring dreams....I had a dream of a woman wrestling champion I worked for years ago. She kept coming into my dreams over and over.......I could not undrstand what she was wanting. Then I saw she had died of a blood clot after an operation. I kept seeing her
in my dreams a full six months before she died.

But your dream recarding the croc and the lion is very interesting.

In mine, I am trying to maintain my structure in dreamwork by realizing it is from the inner realm, and as was said, learn to control the dream and change things in it. Every so often I will enter the astral and move into that realm.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Talibah 26.09.08 2:43

Thank you Maxx,

As you seem to be more adept at dreamwork than I currently am, perhaps you could shed some light on this for me; I have recently become alot better at controlling and changing things within my dreams, except for the recurring dream.

In all others, I view them from a 1st person perspective, but in the recurring dream, it's always from 3rd person perspective? And no matter how much I try to interact or intervene, it's like I'm not there at all....like watching a film; It goes through it's motions and I am just a spectator.

I have been able to 'view' the dream differently, and have moved through it independently, but can't interact with, or do anything about it's actual content....if that makes any sense?

My thanks in advance.

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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Maxx 26.09.08 7:30

I understand what you are saying. I cannot give you the answer you are looking for straightforward but here is what I would attempt if that was my dream.

Since I deal with hypnosis, I am aware of the operation of the subconscious. Before
falling asleep each night, I would speak to my subconsicous and in a positive statement, instruct it to bring whatever answer you need to open up the meaning of the dream. What is it trying to tell you? Speak to it only in positive terms. Never use any negatives at all because it does not understand how to find positive answers with any kind of negative statements. (All of us create our lives and everything around us based on what our thoughts and statements are......we are what we think and design our lives based on that. We are each creative beings and create our lives with our mental creative powers. The Gods created us with this design and we have free choice to develop these.)

Write this statement down on paper next to your bed and then read it each night before going to sleep. You will either find someone walking into your dream to show you the answer or it will come to your mind out of the blue some day as you are going about your daily routine. Your subconscious has all the answers to everything. You are your own god. You were created this way.

I hope this helps in some way. Also, maybe others will have more insight to help.



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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Hellen 27.09.08 11:21

At this stage i would compare it with an Alchemical Journey of the Soul like in the Book of Lambspring :


I think one can clearly see some of the stages on the path of the soul , in the Emblems of the book .
Of course not with complete fidelity.

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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

Post by Victor 29.09.08 5:38

Maxx wrote:You are your own god.
I understand I am taking this a bit out of context, but this statement does not match so well with the Asetian philosophy. They defend free will and power, but not godhood. There are the beings that are divine, the Gods and Goddesses (and their direct children as the Asetians and Sethians) and the ones that are not. Like a natural food chain, there is also a natural hierarchy in the Universe and spiritual evolution. At least according to Asetianism...

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Different Dream Empty Re: Different Dream

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