Physical Tattoos

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Physical Tattoos Empty Physical Tattoos

Post by Matttt 21.07.14 16:19

This is something I've been wondering about and would like your alls opinion. Do you believe that having specific symbols tattooed on your skin could have metaphysical effects?
Such as a hieroglyph or rune.. Etc.

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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Jonathan 22.07.14 1:28

If the tattoo uses a sigil with significance and is imbued with initiation by someone familiar with such (rare) techniques, then it can certainly have metaphysical effects. Now if you mean a normal tattoo as most people do nowadays I don't think so. It's just ink.

A symbol alone is often just a symbol, it needs the "secret" in order to be initiated into something more. This is something most people wouldn't have access to or know how to do. Reference to the Book of Orion on the subject about initiations and sigils.

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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Nightshade 22.07.14 8:28

My opinion aligns with that of Jonathan.

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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.07.14 9:31

Wasn't there a picture going around a while ago of some girl who got the dark mark on the back of her neck lol? I wonder what kind of effects that would have.

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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Jonathan 22.07.14 10:35

Stapleraindrop wrote:Wasn't there a picture going around a while ago of some girl who got the dark mark on the back of her neck lol? I wonder what kind of effects that would have.

Oh yes. lol Also don't forget those other girls who tattooed some modern gothic Ankh on their left wrist to be Asetian. Wall

Number of posts : 3062
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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Saylamine 04.08.14 13:05

Hi everyone, and I hope all of you are doing well. I would generally agree with Jonathan's post. I have seen where certain sigils, symbols, or markings that are normally used as spiritual beacons within different religious paths are tattooed on individuals. I do not know if I would recommend doing this, depending on the marking/symbols, etc. But, I believe and would imagine that tattooing such a symbol would have metaphysical effects, especially if that marking is linked with a particular entity or spiritual being.

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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Jonathan 04.08.14 13:20

Hello Saylamine! Nice to see you around, haven't heard from you in a while.

Number of posts : 3062
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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Stapleraindrop 04.08.14 13:59

Yea, I was wondering what side effects having a giant ass purple ankh on the back of your neck might produce.

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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Saylamine 04.08.14 14:33

Hi Jonathan Smile How are you? It's nice to see you around too. I am going to make it a goal to be more active again on the forum. I hope you are well.

@Stapleraindrop, I was wondering the same thing myself...

Number of posts : 145
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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Jonathan 04.08.14 14:53

I'm fine thanks, how have you been? Smile

Number of posts : 3062
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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Saylamine 04.08.14 15:41

Pretty good, thanks for asking! Keeping busy and trying to stay out of trouble Smile

Number of posts : 145
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Physical Tattoos Empty Re: Physical Tattoos

Post by Demonia 20.08.14 11:33

Matttt wrote:This is something I've been wondering about and would like your alls opinion. Do you believe that having specific symbols tattooed on your skin could have metaphysical effects?
Such as a hieroglyph or rune.. Etc.

yes it depends though.

I have the symbol of Jupiter on my left ankle, in a gradient from light-blue to indigo. i got it during the time and day of Jupiter's exaltation... it brings wisdom, fortune, beauty, good luck, prosperity, connection to the planet and it's amiable qualities at it's best, etc...

the first week of having it i noticed people really staring at me more so than usual. albeit i usually stand out in a crowd because i look really different, but noticed more eyes on me than usual.
after getting it, my telekinesis training sped up a bit. I can influence thunderstorms to get pretty crazy, make lightning strike in desired places or at desired times... Jupiter and lightning are a thing.

there's also Sak Yant tattoos monks give to other monks and people as forms of spiritual protection.

it all depends upon the intent like much spiritual things... but i am guessing even getting a tattoo without any special conditions, as long as it means something to you, will aid you in ways you will it to Smile

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