Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.06.19 7:36

Has anyone here developed astral sensing and/or sight? If so, what are the methods of developing this?

Does anyone here feel like a non-physical being, interacting with a physical world that is rightly perceived as delimited and narrow ranged within the bandwidth of frequencies? A world that can only be perceived as very limited with our physical sense organs whilst understood as that from a higher perspective within the mind. Does the physical world feel very unfullfilling to you?

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Maxx 03.06.19 11:05

There are different and vast areas that I see in answering your topic with all kinds of ranges and explanations for those.  But that is not for people that just come in and read this forum.  We are not going to try and tell idiots how to run the Kentucky derby astral races.

But I will repeat what I have said in the past here.  We are all half physical and half spirit.  We all operate in half awake in physical and half awake in astral worlds, or we should be doing that at all times.  Trouble is that most people only use awareness connected to the physical world senses.  We have been conditioned to not utilize the astral or spirit world because of the management by the controllers here and that keeps us ignorant.  ONCE one recognizes that fact and decides to do something about it, then it can be properly turned around.

I have been doing various healing on people in other parts of the world as well as disconnecting various spirit attachments with people for some time.  Never meeting them and never talking with them except over the net.  They say the results are positive so it is not me just blowing in the wind.  They pay for it and that speaks somewhat of the results.  On the flip side of that, there are people that have their physical bodies lying presently below ground and they have moved on to another area as that was my choice alone.  I have no regrets or wish to do that over again. Karma is only a topic to decide if you want to use it for balancing an individual life at a time. Does not have to be if one does not want to use it as a tool.  Entirely my decision.  It does work both ways.  Darkness and Light are both tools for this individual world.  I think you have finally become aware of that fact within the Aset Ka.  (which I am not a part as you know).  just an addition for anyone not familiar here.

I have entered other planetary dimensions and frequencies and spoken to various leaders of beings in charge of different sections there.  In one case, as I turned to leave, I was asked if I would want to have a spirit assigned to aid me in various things and return back with me.  I had never thought of asking for this and it struck me as a total surprise.  This fact alone would tell me it is not imagination involved here.  Of course, I accepted it and I now have another friend with me at all times.  This is very real.  I interact with spirits from many different levels on a daily basis.  All are my very close family and friends.

I do say the above to answer your part of the questions as you present them in a manner that one might think it is abnormal to deal in both worlds at the same time.  It is not.  What is abnormal is being a part of both worlds all one's life and only thinking in terms of mostly physical.  No.  It is not correct in saying that one would feel not completely attached here in this dimension while living here and separating more into the astral realm before passing over and going back to our normal living arrangement of consciousness. That is only for those very aged or dying of some sickness and beginning to separate from the physical anchor before completely leaving.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.06.19 11:56

Thank you for the reply, Maxx, good points. I was feeling today that I am shifting more into a subtle level of existence with very real perception of the subtle bodies within people. This of course has always been there, as you state, but that it has not come to my awareness as lucidly all the time. I do believe, however, that developing clairvoyance or astral sight and vision requires delicate care and highest responsibility because it is a sensitive organ. It does not just come over night, nor - and especially not - by force as that would upset the whole developmental process and just cause more harm than good.

Maybe you have developed much of this in past lives and now it works as second nature to you and therefore you have an easier time with it even to the point of presupposing that anyone can do it as effectively?

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Maxx 03.06.19 12:13

correct that much was afforded in previous times. took a little tweak to make some come together this time around. But I actually am living 4 very much different lives in this one adventure. I do not know if I selected to do this before coming or even if I was part of the decision. A big question I am still working on.

And yes, I knew you had much of the situation you described within yourself as you were writing the above.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Maxx 03.06.19 12:21

forgot to mention that I was told the 4 lives scene is really the case so I was surprised to find that out.  It was not something I just dreamed up.

I also was shown I have a choice to exit this world in the year 2029 or the next choice will be in 2036 but I think that the first choice is my plane ticket home.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.06.19 14:35

By four different lives do you mean different lifestyles all in one life simultaneously or different bodies controlled at once?

Number of posts : 1339
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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Maxx 03.06.19 14:48

I will just say one physical body

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Maxx 04.06.19 9:47

Mystic, you might consider that you may not be balanced. Not spending enough time with physical exercise and more time involved with the spirit side might make it seem unbalanced for you. Need to find the correct time for each.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.06.19 11:19

Oh, why thank you, you're right. Good reminder.

I believe the physical reality is merely an extension from higher dimensions, like a matrix, which final simulated result is perceived by our senses and delimits our worldview, much the same as Plato's allegory of the cave. It extends by various mathematical formulas that lay at the root and core of the phenomena that we perceive as physical reality but is in fact very much like a code and simulation for certain intents and purposes; growth, evolution, learning, manifestation... These mathematical formulas are also in some sense part of the higher dimensions themselves and those dimensions do not at all work like we do here but are causal, above the astral, and work very much like a different mode and operation of life that is far more ideational than form-embodied physically action taking avatars that we are accustomed to think of in our simplistic worldview from the impressions of the worlds that we inhabit. Just like chessplayers enjoy the intellectually stimulating game of chess and view the chessboard from a completely different perspective than the chesspieces would if they were real beings, so higher intelligences from these dimensions work upon the world in a very different way, than say, what the chesspieces would perceive as natural if they were, as such, conscious entities - the physically embodied creatures and particularly human beings of this world. Life is assumed to be way different 'up' there but you adapt the more you draw closer to that place.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.06.19 11:26

The chessplayers view the game of chess from a complex set of rules and functional abilities of the chess pieces to be utilized whilst the chess pieces merely see things from their perspective of subjective functioning and execution of ability, the latter of course being just a metaphor for the physical beings.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Maxx 04.06.19 16:54

Mystic, when I saw this I thought of you as it speaks in your language. It is kinda self-explanatory...

Frantic? Misaligned. Fearful? Misaligned. Harried, worried, flustered? What do you think? Yes. Misaligned. What happens when your tires are out of alignment? You bump along the road. Things do not go smoothly. What is alignment? Flowing smoothly, the way you are built or meant to be. How are you meant to be? You may not be able to be happy at all times while in a human body, but the soul is ever aligned with the true nature of Life, which is connection, creativity, Love. Feel it in the heart. That surge? That is connection. Align with this. Your true nature is here, now. It cannot be anywhere else, for there is only here. All else that appears separate is only that: outer appearance. If you are bumping along out of alignment, think connection. Think cooperation. Think love and see how things smooth out.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.06.19 2:03

My language? Do you mean Swedish?

I feel very much in aligment, thank you, although I've got a strange head.

My last post I was pre-editing so it turned out in a very strange way as I had to remove things that spoke of me a bit too privately and left it outside of context what I wrote.

But it is a good quote - I am sure I can make use of it for future reference.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by Troublemaker 29.06.19 19:48

Lots of good contributions here. I enjoyed reading the selection about being in alignment.

Sometimes it can be really easy to get a certain disconnection... especially when things seem too mundane, or when the physical really is feeling quite limiting. All I can say for that is, being disconnected to the point of being unsatisfied with life in the here and now is quite the dangerous thing if left unaddressed. I feel that it's up to the individual to create their own magick in life. It would sort of be like staring at a blank page, or perhaps one with some writing already on it, not liking the story as it unfolds... while forgetting that the pen is in the other hand, just waiting to create new material. We are indeed creators of our own reality.

I remember reading something from Gareth Knight that really struck a chord with me. Essentially, it is said that when we are born as physical babies, it appears as a death to the higher realms, and when we die physically, it is like a birth again by the perspective from those same realms. So in this empowering sense, we are just travelers making a stop on a long journey. Changing in form, but the consciousness remains. (I'm leaving out the stances regarding immortality of the soul for the time being, so as to make my post less convoluted.)

Myself, I would like to stop and marvel at the wonders life can produce, enjoy the sun on my face (as irritating as it can be sometimes), laugh, love, learn and evolve during my time here in the physical. The physical felt limiting, confining, and even unpleasant in the past, but I came to understand that much of this was due to unlearned lessons that needed to be addressed at the time. We are here in a reality that can sometimes be exceedingly painful and even drab, but that same reality can also explode with color when looking through the right lens.

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Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being Empty Re: Astral Sensing and Non Physical Being

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 30.06.19 4:03

Very good reply, Rhea. This is difficult to explain but I think you might be right in some way. Whilst this was probably due to higher senses awakening and seeing the world through their lenses, therefore the world lost its colour of the physical eyes, there is yet a very strong point you have, namely that of grounding back into the body and learning that lesson, in my own understanding. Lightseeker would be familiar with this, but in Rudolf Steiner's works and possibly some other Rosicrucian understandings, there are the three paths, or pillars, of Ahriman, Lucifer and Christ. Ahriman tends towards matter and pulls the mind of man down into that. Lucifer does the opposite; he frees man from the bondages of matter and leads him towards spiritual pathwalking which might somewhat relate to my own case but this is although imbalanced because he misses the balancing factor between spirit and matter. That balancing factor would be Christ which balances those two aspects and puts them into a working fashion where neither does he escape from the world nor is he drowned in the world. This is merely an allegory I use. I don't particularly consider myself Rosicrucian but there is a lesson to be learnt from that metaphor.

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