Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)

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Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)  Empty Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)

Post by Divine 277 01.08.14 5:48

I was basically wondering If people around here have been noticing that more and more people seem to be going nuts ?

Also I see that its escalating … ( kinda knew this Smile ) however my 3 questions stand.
Im basically wondering if its all in my mind Smile giggles …

Is it because everything that is happening all over the world ?
Is it because of some kind of mayor clarity is going on ?

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)  Empty Re: Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.08.14 6:19


Having gone through insanity, sanity blossoms; the tree is replanted, knowing how to horticulure the garden.

Become then a beacon of sanity, a fire of inspiration.

Meditation is a key, the power of silence to the world of noise.

How have you noticed this?

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Post by Divine 277 02.08.14 6:12

I know Smile it just have not been very easy the last 9 months to have some time alone Smile

well, I don't know, its like people feel lost , empty eyes :/ .. seeing it mostly with my close once , depressed and tired of life … not finding their ground so to speak ..
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Post by Troublemaker 02.08.14 23:12

I think people are going crazy because the world is going crazy. Mysticlight pretty much nailed it, in my opinion. People are picking up on the chaos around them and absorbing it... leading them to overloads and depression (from what I've seen in my own little corner of the world).

I see what you are talking about, though. People look like they're walking around on autopilot... swallowing the lies society feeds them. Not thinking for themselves... wanting the big society figures to herd them in the right direction so they won't have to work at anything mentally. They are lost and blissfully ignorant. I've known many people who are this way, and lose themselves spiritually because of it.

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Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)  Empty Re: Little bit off topic, in the off topic :)

Post by Divine 277 03.08.14 8:48

Well… We are the world Smile so Im guessing its still spinning down then :/ I agree with you, seems like they have lost their "sparks" ….

So how to inspire ?

Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
Age : 43
Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Post by Stapleraindrop 03.08.14 12:00

You took the words right out of my mouth Divine. It seems however, that the answer to that question lies within each individual, because they have to be receptive to change and the such.

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