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Post by Saya 21.10.14 19:26

hellos all!

well i came to this forum to kinda gather information i need to understand a few things about myself.  though i feel like i am a bit sensitive to energies, i dont consider myself a vampire.  the act of having blood taken from a person is interesting to me, but i have no need or want to take in blood.  im getting ready to donate blood (medical wise) and its a weird feeling knowing that someone else is taking my blood for life.

what do you all feel about the use of blood as life giving?  im quite open to theories and personal feelings on this.

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Location : Mountains
Registration date : 2014-10-21

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Post by Maxx 21.10.14 20:56

You might be interested in understanding how blood is formed in our bodies from the ingestion of food and how this process utilizes different organs in the body as this creation takes place.  How a membrane process is used to separate the different benefits and creation of the different blood cells.  This entire process of life giving vital force, if understood, would help one view blood in a different light than many now do.  It is a magnificent process and one that might then have us reach out and encompass other forces that have a bearing on living in this lowly 3rd dimension.

As Victor stated, many do not comprehend what the real meaning of Vampire is.  

Welcome to the site.  We sincerely hope you will find of interest the articles and posts you will find here.

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Post by Sybil Mason 22.10.14 6:25

Moved to Off Topic section.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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Post by Saya 25.10.14 11:48

@ Sybil - oh haha it was off topic. please dont mind this newbie's mistake. *bow*

@ Maxx -  now that was a detailed answer that catch me off guard. very much thank you!  Smile ah yes i will be stalking this forum a bit, just to see where i really fit in to all this.  please have a nice evening Maxx! and thank you again!

Number of posts : 5
Location : Mountains
Registration date : 2014-10-21

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Post by Stapleraindrop 25.10.14 11:56

If you enjoy the content, I, and probably most on this forum highly recommend the Asetian Bible by Luis Marques. After you read it some threads will just kind of appear like "Ohhh so that's what they meant" when previously the thread seemed confusing.

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Post by Saya 25.10.14 12:23

@ Stapleraindrop - Ah thank you!  Haha yes reading some of the posts, im already a bit confused.  maybe its just the humor of the name but ill read anything that has "bible" in the title. Smile  thanks again! *bow*

Number of posts : 5
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Registration date : 2014-10-21

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Post by Stapleraindrop 25.10.14 12:53

I believe you will enjoy it. He explains the meaning behind the title in I believe the first chapter of the book.

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Post by Jonathan 25.10.14 17:45

Welcome to the community. My advice is to spend some time around reading this forum as there is a lot of information spread throughout different threads. It's a lot to sink in, especially if you don't have previous experience with real life vampirism. I also subscribe to Stapleraindrop's words and recommend the Asetian Bible. It's not the kind of bible you might be expecting and it's clearly the best primer on vampirism ever written. It will also open your perception to knowledge, tradition and culture that greatly precedes everything you might have learned from Christianity. Asetianism, the vampire tradition of the Aset Ka, is far older than current world religions and it's not only open to vampires but to anyone seeking for truth, magick and honesty.

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Post by Saya 26.10.14 6:44

Thank you again Stapleraindrop Sir!

Smile Thanks Jonathan! im always open to reading up on something ancient, but i wont lie, as you say "truth magick and honesty"... that usually means somethings is gonna change me internally.  well, i guess... if you dont drink the wine, you cant taste its flavor or feel the buzz. haha!  Thanks again!

Number of posts : 5
Location : Mountains
Registration date : 2014-10-21

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