Introducing myself

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Introducing myself Empty Introducing myself

Post by Soop 11.08.16 16:03

Greetings everyone!

It was one year ago when i first started with the occult and came to this forum researching about vampires and magick, despite i did not register i've been checking the forum several times a week and i've read many topics.
I am an Asetianist, and this was my very first contact with the occult, i can say that its study has strongly influenced my life and taught me lessons that made me become more mature.
Regarding my occult background i've been studying Asetianism for a year along with several books of Michael W Ford just to know about it (i'm not a luciferian), a bit of runology and sigil and servitor magick.
I consider myself to be at a primal stage of my evolution through this path for i still have lots of things to know and understand.
I'm glad to be here and i hope we can share some thoughts and have a good time Very Happy

Number of posts : 9
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2016-08-11

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Introducing myself Empty Re: Introducing myself

Post by Jonathan 11.08.16 17:14

Hello and welcome to the community. It's perfectly fine to be on an early stage of spiritual growth. In fact, realizing that you're just beginning and not claiming anything greater than that is already a very important step that I can tell you not many people do.

So I hope that you can learn a lot around here and that we may also learn back from you. We're all evolving in Asetianism and that's the beauty of it!

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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Introducing myself Empty Re: Introducing myself

Post by Soop 11.08.16 17:21

Thank you Smile

Number of posts : 9
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2016-08-11

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Introducing myself Empty Re: Introducing myself

Post by Heruset 11.08.16 19:11

Welcome. Smile

What have you read on servitor magic? Actually I was looking into that recently myself and could use some direction


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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Introducing myself Empty Re: Introducing myself

Post by Soop 12.08.16 3:22

Heruset wrote:Welcome. Smile

What have you read on servitor magic? Actually I was looking into that recently myself and could use some direction
I based my practice in a book called Creating Magickal Entities by David Cunningham, it is very simple but practical at least, and a good starting point if you want to get in touch with magick to get results. I will send you a pm with link the pdf, good luck. Very Happy

Number of posts : 9
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2016-08-11

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