Greetings to all~

Black Tarragon
Carpe Noctem
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Greetings to all~ Empty Greetings to all~

Post by Black Tarragon 30.01.09 4:08

Hello everyone,
My name is Jenny. I'm new in this forum and is here to introduce myself to you guys for course Very Happy
I'm from Hong Kong... (really wish that i'll be able to meet someone here who is also in hk) and i'm still a student.
maybe i should provide some more information about myself huh?Surprised hmm... I have been reading books about witchcraft for a few years, really interested in supernatural stuff and recently, i started my reading on vampires. (i swear it's not because of the "Twilight" movie) anyway, I don't know why i started on this topic. The word "vampire" seems quite attractive to me. Some of my friends had been making fun of me, calling me "vampire" for years because my hands and feets are always freezing cold and my skin is white as a chinese (chinese suppose to be "yellow" more or less) but i think i'm not a vampire of course. silent
Something more exciting? i can see spirits sometimes but i can't control this ability. Rolling Eyes
The reason i'm here is to learn more about vampirism and honestly i want to meet real vampires and know more about their life and stuff. Hopfully can make friends here. I've read quite a number of topics you guys had post, I'm sure i'll learn a lot! I love you

(Sorry for my bad English Sad )
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Daniel09 30.01.09 4:43

Welcome, I hope you find a lot of what you're looking for here. We'll help you where we can with your questions.

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Syrianeh 30.01.09 5:20

Welcome, Black Tarragon. Your English is very good, and I'm glad to see people here from so many different places.

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Post by Kemisi 30.01.09 6:51

Greetings, I hope your stay is a good one. We will try to help where we can and each give you our own and honest opinions.

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Post by Aghrab 30.01.09 9:41

Greetings, welcome to our community.


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Post by Saylamine 30.01.09 10:03

Welcome to the forum, Black Tarragon. :-)

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Carpe Noctem 30.01.09 11:23

Welcome, Black Tarragon!
Carpe Noctem
Carpe Noctem

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Maxx 30.01.09 16:37


Just a note, I love Hong Kong the month before Christmas with all those lights across the harbor. Very beautiful and excites the Spirit. You live in a very upbeat city and I have visted many times.

Hope you enjoy the site.



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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Jonathan 30.01.09 17:42

Hello Black Tarragon and welcome to the community of vampirism.
It is great having people from all over and that is a reason that makes this forum and community so special and different from all the rest that we can find online.

Looking forward to read more of you in your posts.


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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Black Tarragon 31.01.09 1:37

Wow... Thank you so much for the warm welcoming from all of you!!! All of you are so friendly!!! Feels like I'm home with my family members~
Actually I know little of the topic "vampirism" and I already have learnt something from you all!

Since I was little, I realised that I have the ability to see spirits (what we called the "after-death" in chinese). Honestly, I'm scared sometimes, and I've been looking for a religion which my friends say might make me feel more comfortable and safe. I'm thinking if I can find an answer here. Chinese believe that they are "dirty" and they would bring us bad luck, so I've been feeling uncomfortable for years because I can see them. (Which is adnormal of course) Can any of you see them too??? Like I said, this ability of mine isn't in my own control, sometimes I see them, sometimes not. They cared me every now and then because I might "suddenly" see them poping out from no where. Maybe this is my "talent", but I just don't feel right as I can't control it. I want to know if any of you have similar experience like mine. Rolling Eyes I'm wondering if becoming an Asetianist would help me feeling more safe. (I'll buy the Asetian Bible soon!)
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Post by Syrianeh 31.01.09 4:08

Black Tarragon:

First of all , I don't think you should be afraid. If spirits expose to you that easily it is because they trust you. It is a talent and a privilege from you. Fear will always keep you from accepting it and making use of it. It is there for some reason.

What do they look like, if I may ask?

I cannot say I have ever seen any, not at least while being awake, but I have certainly felt them on ocassions. And many of these times they were from individuals who were still alive on this physical plane. I do not feel fear, because so far it has never felt like an attack but rather a communication.

As to finding a religion that will make you feel safe, I would advice to look inside yourself and believe firstly in yourself. Then, once you are comfortable with who you are, start reading and researching. Maybe being an Asetianist will make it easier for you, or you you might find the same relief from Buddhism. It is something you will only know once you learn to meditate and take a look at who you really are.

In any case, yes, I would greatly recommend reading the Asetian Bible as it is an amazing source of spirituality.

Good luck with all! Smile

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Post by Victor 31.01.09 11:35

Welcome to the world of Vampires. I have to say I understand your need for a better understanding of yourself and the feeling of safety you mentioned, since myself have been in contact with spirits, ghosts and beings from the subtle realms since my early childhood. That was actually one of the major things that drove me towards studying the occult and delving deep into the secrets of vampirism, now for more than 30 years.
Reaching here is already a good thing and while I can't say what is the right or wrong path for you, I can by no means tell you that this place and this knowledge will surely help you enlighten about your inner Self, reach a superior knowledge and understanding, that will lead you to your right path. Just like Syrianeh very correctly stated, only you can say which religion or tradition feels right for you, no one else can. I also do recommend the reading of the Asetian Bible, being a central text for opening doors and the spiritual mind, but in the end it will have to be you and only you saying if being an Asetianist is the perfect and definitive place for you to be in life. We all will be here waiting for your growth, development and feedback...

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Post by Black Tarragon 02.02.09 8:25

Haha, actually I'm able to listen to the noise they make and sometimes sense their presence. Hmmm... how they look like, I'm not sure if I can describe it Rolling Eyes there are main two types of appearence. Mostly they look like clouds, floating around in the air, change their shape constantly and they may be in white or black. They have no "face", just patches of "blurs" floating round. They might also shape like human, but they don't walk of course. This type of spirit doesn't bother me too much. They are believed to be the less powerful spirits (for Chinese). Another type, which I seldom see is just like human, but translucent. Mostly I would only see the upper part of their body. They are more scary because they would stare at me if they discover that I can see them. There was once I was walking alone at night in the street, I bent down to tie my shoe-laces and I saw a person wearing a long red dress standing right behind me, without any feet... Then I started running home in my full speed. Haha, of course I won't do it now, I'm not that scare of them now, but still, feeling umcomfortable about seeing them.

I would buy an Asetian Bible and hope that it would help! Very Happy
Thank you all of you for your advices~ I love you
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Syrianeh 02.02.09 8:30

Black Tarragon:

What you tell is remarkable. I do hope you keep a personal diary of your experience.

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Post by Kotaro 02.02.09 10:28

Welcome, Black Tarragon. Smile

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Post by Kemisi 02.02.09 10:36

Your "talent" and experiences is quite unique I would love to hear some stories about your experiences.

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Post by Hellen 02.02.09 11:12

Greetings and welcome Black Tarragon,


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Post by Talibah 03.02.09 6:50

Welcome to the forums Black Tarragon. Smile

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Black Tarragon 22.02.09 4:39

wow... you guys are really nice... I love the warm welcoming Very Happy
Sorry that I didn't come here for ages. (exam's round the corner)

Besides, I do have new experience with spirits, so I come here to share with you guys~

It happened on Valentine's Day.
My friends and I went for barbeque at a rural area in hk. It was just a normal gathering at first, but then one of my friends suggest to go to a huanted house nearby and my friends thought that it was a good idea so we went...
It was a small cottage with two rooms and it just seems normal until one of my friends said that she don't believe in ghosts... WE ALL heard footsteps all around us. It just felt like there are a lot of people walking around us! All of us panic but we were too stunned to move a single step. Then I saw the spirit tore one of the poster on the wall off... (only i heard that there was a ridiculously loud tearing sound of paper ) then I told my friends to run. I think the spirits were angry as my friends offenced them by exlporing the house and saying that they don't believe in ghosts... I'm not sure... but some of my friends fell sick after that... reason? I don't know... but I think they won't do that again...
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Post by Syrianeh 01.03.09 11:03

I like your stories, Black Tarragon. For some reason they have such a pictorial sense to them... Maybe it's me, I have images in my mind all the time and I am a story-weaver.

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Black Tarragon 01.03.09 19:11

^^" i'm not sure i fully understand what you mean...
But you know, i've being to many forums, many people don't believe my experiences at all. But all those experiences i told you are truth. I've been living in fear since i realised i can see them. but i feel kind of at ease now, after reading what you guys suggested me to do, to see my "talent" in a different point of view.

PS: that day i saw the spirit tore off the paper from the wall... does spirits have physical power??? how do they do it??? that's the first time i see them "doing something" besides walking around.
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Post by Daniel09 01.03.09 20:38

I know I wish I could see the man I've become very close to from the afterlife. We were strangely bonded before his death in an extremely strong manner though we hadn't met, and since I awakened I've been picking up his memories, abilities, and have even been able to actively talk to him when he wants to be around.

And about spirits having physical power? The next time I speak with Con I'll let you know what he thinks. I don't know the contents of the Asetian Bible yet, so I haven't the knowledge of whether it answers this.

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Greetings to all~ Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Black Tarragon 02.03.09 7:48

wow~ your exprience is unique to me. I have never talk to a spirit before! but at least you can some kinda understand how i feel! ^^

Okay, i'll wait for your answer~
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

Number of posts : 20
Location : Hong Kong
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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Post by Syrianeh 02.03.09 11:48

Black Tarragon:

I did not mean that I didn't believe you, I'm sorry if I didn't express myself correctly. I meant to say that for some reasons your stories have a very "pictorial" sense to them, I can see you in them, not in a physic sense but as a product of my wild imagination. Smile

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Post by Syrianeh 02.03.09 11:48

physic = psychic

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