Greetings to all~

Black Tarragon
Carpe Noctem
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Greetings to all~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Daniel09 02.03.09 13:07

Well, indeed I spoke with him about it, but I don't recall his answers ><. I have an unfortunate memory when it comes to what I learn from other planes of existence. Any answer I'd give you would most likely be fabricated from my own logic at this point. I do vaguely recall him thinking it was certainly possible, though he hadn't witnessed it himself. It may be somewhat related to telekinesis abilities. To be honest I don't get to talk to him for very long or very often. If I'm lucky for a few minutes every couple days.

I will keep things updated though, on my quests I found an interesting library that I've figured out how to use. I'm thinking of pulling a book on Aset if I can the next time I visit.

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Greetings to all~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings to all~

Post by Black Tarragon 03.03.09 6:39

To Syrianeh,
I am not blaming you or anything, you didn't do anything wrong~ just because my English isn't that good compare to you guys so I kind of misunderstood your meaning~ sorry about that!
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

Number of posts : 20
Location : Hong Kong
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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