Feeding and Hunting

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Feeding and Hunting

Post by Nero 06.02.15 20:45

I know that hunting isn't really practical in this day and age but there has to be a way to feed is there not? For instance my wife knows about my vampirism and yet doesn't allow me to feed. I'm becoming withered and unstable. Please help


Number of posts : 6
Location : Oregon
Registration date : 2015-02-03

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Stapleraindrop 06.02.15 21:49

If you are suffering from a lack of energy, the sun is a pretty great resevoir. There's hieroglyphs of people absorbing rays into their hands. If you google "sun-gazing" you will get a lot of results pertaining to the subject.

Also if you get intimate with your wife, and "eat" her physically it will reflect energetically in a mutually beneficial energy exchange. There are many books on the subject and I'm not going to go farther than necessary into that topic. She shouldn't be very adverse to that...

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Nero 06.02.15 21:53

Thank you for the rapid response. However my wife and I are... Struggling at best. So that is out of the question. But sun gazing... I've never heard of this.


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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 06.02.15 23:41

Stapleraindrop gives good advice. Sun-gazing, or even moon-gazing, are great ways to "feed". It doesn't always have to be from a donor.
Have you, by any chance, read the Asetian Bible? It explains something important about feeding... when you take energy from another person, you establish an energy link. So in many cases, it might be best to find a way to feed from nature, or ambient energy. (Especially if the relationship is having issues.)
If you don't mind me asking, what is making you feel that you are becoming "withered and unstable?" If I might suggest something... I would say to leave all avenues of possibility open. Perhaps other factors are at play here, aside from the need to feed from something. That very well could be it and I'm not discounting your opinion or experiences, but please give it a thought. For instance, depression and relationship issues could be causes of your feelings of instability and lack of energy. In that case, there are a multitude of avenues open for exploration.

I will say this... you mention that you and your wife are struggling... I have had experiences with feeling like I am struggling with my significant other. When you are having troubles with the person you have committed your life to, it can be rough on the soul. Leading to feelings of being withered... among others.

Anyway... this got way longer than I expected it to. I hope this helped, if only a little.

Take care.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Nero 07.02.15 15:15

Rhea Kaye I have tried both types of gazing since the last message I have posted here. To no fruition. I haven't fed on anything. Able to sustain me in a long time. In my despiration I have even tried feeding from ones self. It gave me a boost I haven't felt in years. Yet it quickly dissipated. A donor seems to be the most likely way to sustain me. But being that I haven't fed it a long time I'm afraid my tactics are a bit... Robust.


Number of posts : 6
Location : Oregon
Registration date : 2015-02-03

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 07.02.15 15:30

How did you try feeding from yourself? I'm not knowledgeable in this field, as I am only a beginner, but this seems counterproductive in my opinion. If you are already feeling drained, draining yourself even more... seems like it would only serve to upset your subtle system and make matters worse. I think feeding, even lightly, leaves a scar or wound on the aura. More experienced members of the forum might have a different opinion though, I am not sure.

It might help to meditate. Simply to sit down, clear your mind... This has helped me greatly before.

Reading your posts, it seems that the possible issues causing your feelings are limitless. It very well could be a feeding problem, or something else, as I mentioned before. Perhaps you have some sort of subtle attachment or parasitic entity hanging around? I only say this because I believe I had issues with an entity in the past, and it was making me feel extremely drained. I also think entities could be anything (if this is the problem). They don't necessarily have to be demons, nasty spirits, etc. An entity could have been created from the negative ambient energy of the place. For example, if someone hangs out in only one room all the time, and they tend to have depressive thoughts in that place, it creates bad vibes.

I would encourage you to look within for your answers. Your higher self already knows the problem. Meditation goes an incredibly long way in helping you to uncover issues and facts about your own self.

Finally, if you don't mind me asking, do you consider yourself to be a vampiric creature? It seems that way from your words.

Number of posts : 1623
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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Nero 07.02.15 16:52

Feeding from ones self is counterproductive. Yes and I can happily say that there are many vampires out there Rhea.


Number of posts : 6
Location : Oregon
Registration date : 2015-02-03

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Jonathan 07.02.15 20:06

Nero wrote:Yes and I can happily say that there are many vampires out there Rhea.
No there aren't that many vampires out there. Vampires are rare and few. There is a big difference between all the people claiming to be vampires and those who actually are.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Nero 07.02.15 20:11

Interesting outlook. But I don't think you need to be reminded that most will avoid people due to the fact that if they show their true self they would be put into a mental hospital. People don't understand vampires. Hollywood has made sure people don't get it


Number of posts : 6
Location : Oregon
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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Stapleraindrop 07.02.15 20:26

Asetians are few and far between that is for sure Jonathon, but with authors like Ford and Koetting out there, vampirism as a practice has become a lot more common in this day and age. As to how many of these are real vampires is a different question.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 07.02.15 21:27

There will always be discrepancies between occultists about vampires. The popular side will assert that there are plenty of vamps out there, wanting to be heard. As I'm sure most of you know.

But I do agree that there aren't many real vampires out there. I see why this forum is always criticized by others when it comes to this view but it is correct regardless. Vampirism is a condition of the soul. Many humans and even otherkin have vampiric qualities. For example, someone with depression. There are multitudes of people out there who can learn how to feed, but it doesn't make them a vampire.

I am glad Hollywood has made the vampire into a caricature. I think it takes a lot of soul-searching and deeper understanding to see why Hollywood does real vampires (and heck, even otherkin, witches, etc.) a service.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Jonathan 08.02.15 0:26

Stapleraindrop wrote:Asetians are few and far between that is for sure Jonathon, but with authors like Ford and Koetting out there, vampirism as a practice has become a lot more common in this day and age. As to how many of these are real vampires is a different question.

Anyone with proper experience and some digging can learn how to use vampiric techniques that have long been associated with vampirism but that doesn't make someone a vampire. Draining energy or intentionally creating a psychic attack doesn't define a vampire as anyone can do that really.

I agree with what Rhea said as this popular culture has led a lot of delusional people into believing they are vampires or thinking just because someone read a book or learned a certain technique they can now describe themselves as vampires. Vampires are rare. People pretending to be vampires are common.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Maxx 08.02.15 9:17

yes. Very much in agreement. I have watched this column from the beginning and decided I would not waste time with a reply til now..... gag..gag. Nero,,,,,Oregon..... too close to not be connected.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 08.02.15 20:00

Maxx, I don't know what you are talking about but I wish I did. Is there a thread somewhere I missed? Also, I need to take a leaf from your book and be a little more blunt about things. Very Happy. I have a feeling things will change drastically for me once I do.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.02.15 21:20

He might be referencing OREgoN, where as you can see, the capital letters spell Nero. Perhaps it is an alias, but I could be reading into something that doesen't exist.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Maxx 08.02.15 21:45

Temple of the Vampire reject.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 08.02.15 21:58

Well, thank you for clearing that up.
Off to go hone my radar...

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Raven Kyles 02.08.15 11:30

I have tried self-feeding, but in my case, not being awakened, it makes some if not most go crazy mentally. Self feeding is not recommended, but I'm having trouble finding anyone to help me transition. I was fed from but not returned blood, so I wonder how does that work? I feel like if I don't feed soon my 'beast' will be unleashed and I don't want to wait to let it get that far. What do you guys suggest? I'm around humans and I'm on a campus.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 02.08.15 12:42

Self-feeding? You mean feeding off of your own energy... right? I'm not sure I understand the mechanics behind why this would even be worth your time. If anyone understands this, by all means feel free to correct me. But to me that seems counterproductive at best.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Maxx 02.08.15 12:47

Actually, I was going to recommend to study more....but I bit my tongue.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Raven Kyles 07.09.15 9:45

to clear things up, I have preferred a taste for my own blood, but I understand why it would amuse some of you, and no, I don't do psi feeding although I can manipulate very little energy. Again, there needs to be a way to edit some posts. I apologize for the confusion.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Troublemaker 07.09.15 13:21

I sense a great deal of frustration in your words.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by -Amirah- 07.09.15 14:52

Nero wrote:Interesting outlook. But I don't think you need to be reminded that most will avoid people due to the fact that if they show their true self they would be put into a mental hospital. People don't understand vampires. Hollywood has made sure people don't get it


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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

Post by Maxx 07.09.15 15:11

Nero passed away.

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Feeding and Hunting Empty Re: Feeding and Hunting

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