Messages in Dreams

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Messages in Dreams Empty Messages in Dreams

Post by Troublemaker 12.03.15 21:19

I would like to ask another specific question of the other users here, even though the topic is very easy to understand for the more experienced:

How much stock do you put in dreams? I have had some extremely vivid ones lately that felt so real I had to wonder if I was actually projecting... In those dreams, highly specific messages were delivered to me. This normally happens when I go to bed repeating the desire in my head to either project or experience a lucid dream and receive information that I need to know until I actually fall asleep (and it normally works better while I'm laying on my left side for some reason... lol). And after these experiences I go about the rest of my day without being able to ground myself properly or pay due attention to the little intricacies of mundane activities.

Is the best approach here to simply record these experiences and look for a pattern, meditate heavily upon the subject, or both? The messages were so specific that it's impossible to misinterpret them... but I am wary of deceit and unsure if I should just give the issue a little more time before trusting the messages completely.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Kalb 13.03.15 2:52

Its your subconsciouns send you a message. Enjoy and learn.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Maxx 13.03.15 7:27

Throw away any dream books that are supposed to give you any meaning to any dream.  Why?  Because your dreams are personal to you and are connected to your life.  Write down any dreams every night and get accustomed to doing this.  Know that you will work only with your higher self, spirit guide, etc. and no other being in these dreams.   And know that there is not any other being that is going to take over your body or your dreams or possess you at all. Your higher self will not allow that.   Soon you will begin to see how the dreams are relating to you and what is the best way to deal with it.  Rarely will you see a specific and exact subject that is dealt with just like your waking hours.  Mostly, it will be given in symbolism and because it is for you only, you will begin to learn how to interpret this symbolism exactly for you.  It will enable you to learn from this technique as well as give emotional release to many problems you have to deal with daily.  Learn to feel the emotions in these dreams and ask how do these emotions lend their teaching to the situation.  Learn to ask about the people you see that are interacting in these dreams.  What is the attitude you see from them?  How should you react to this attitude?  It will probably give you insight into their personal feelings about you and how that person deals with other people.  Learn to watch closely the small things that you will see you focus on as those are excellent aids to help you interpret your answers. If there is something you did not understand upon waking, just sit on the side of the bed and close your eyes and ask within yourself to have that answer be given to you.  It may not come instantly but during the day you will more than likely receive the answer in a flash out of no place.  (I have had hard answers come 3 days later that explained it all).  Also, as you are going to sleep, focus on your breath going in and out slowly and relax your body.  See that breath going in as blue.  See it change to the color red as it is goes out.  Soon you can attach your consciousness to that red color and ride that breath out to the place you choose to go to.  So at this point you are conscience of your being located within the place between the eyes....instead of the location in the solar plexus.....I will not go into that now.  There is enough info here to help you turn the nighttime into a full opportunity of doing other things other than just resting...ha.  You can wake and say you've had a hard days night.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Kalb 13.03.15 18:51

Lucid Dreaming can be a trap when we want to get tips and symbolism to grow our spiritually. When we are lucid ego can influence the purity of the dream.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Troublemaker 13.03.15 20:31

Thank you Maxx, you make good points to consider.

As for Kalb's comment, this is exactly what I was afraid of in the dream. Actually, I have recurring dreams where the same message is repeated, while I am lucid. I am afraid of the possibility that my ego affected the message and possibly distorted it, which was why I posted here. If I were to accept the message... well, the implications would be pretty huge. So I am taking things cautiously right now...

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Maxx 14.03.15 6:58

show me a person alive that does not have an ego. The ego is something that points us to our goals in life. too much or too little ... well it takes balance like anything else. It is like a movie you watch about a killer. You watch the entire movie but you know you would not do those same actions that person playing the lead in the movie. You learn reinforcement by watching knowing that you will not be part of something like that. Dreams can be viewed just like the movies. lol.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Jonathan 14.03.15 10:30

I think dreams can be good tools but I also can see the dangers of illusion as they are often deceiving. You can use them to a lot a magickal work but personally I prefer drawing answers from deep meditation and ritual than from the dreamscape. The access and response from your inner realm is much more enhanced during dreams so people liberate their frustrations and hopes during them, making it a less accurate tool than actual meditation with the right techniques. I know others think differently but this is just my experience.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Maxx 14.03.15 10:33

I understand what you are saying and agree with most. But I have found by personal action a way that connects the remote viewing technique to operate within the dream scape, so I do view the dream element a little different because of this and again, on a personal basis.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Troublemaker 15.03.15 4:24

Most of my lucid dreams/projections happen after I have cleared my mind before sleep. I wonder how this affects the ego influence in the dream? I mean an overbalanced, deceitful ego and not a helpful one. The dreams that are bothering me, are extremely clear and recurring. Normally I have a different feeling about these particular ones, they are impossible to forget and I see clear faces. This is why I ask these questions... because my dreams have categories. There are the fuzzy ones, the ones I can easily spot as being complete crap, and then there are the ones I am primarily mentioning. Things got interesting once I started paying attention to their differences.

Anyway, it feels like real people are speaking with me and I am actually living out an experience. It isn't like watching a movie, because I am actually going through what seems like reality.

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Lupus de Umbras 19.03.15 10:39

I agree with the excellent advice that has been given here;but would like to suggest in addition that you try and be aware of experiences and occurences that occur during your waking day.I often find that they complement what has been shown to me in recent dreams.After all our divine self is never asleep.Dreams and waking dreams are often a continuation of our total awareness and experience.

As for the effects you feel the following day-Do you do anything to ground yourself,Rhea?Sounds like one or more of your subtle bodies are sometimes very active,and you literally need to come back to earth.I have the same problem occasionally.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Messages in Dreams Empty Re: Messages in Dreams

Post by Troublemaker 20.03.15 21:44

I have been working on my grounding but it is very difficult for some reason. I also spoke to several energy workers recently and they all told me I extend my aura pretty far and project lots energy at them. Nothing manipulative or anything, but a side-effect when I get really excited about something. I think that is one of the reasons I have issues with energy levels.

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