Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Gargoyle 28.03.15 13:56

As many people know, who are involved with the occult, entheogens have been used since the beginning of time to explore our minds, feel closer to the divine, and see things in a different perspective. I am curious to know what Asetianists feel on the topic of mind-altering substances.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Kalb 28.03.15 14:34

Meditation and energy work is the main rules of Asetianism. No need drugs. Now, we know that Asetians are masters of dreams and they can eqsy open doors from dreams thought DreamWalking. Modern science explain that task by REM state.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Gargoyle 28.03.15 14:42

I see. I know drugs are not needed at all, I just feel specific entheogens are helpful for expanding consciousness and seeing things in a different perspective. Since Asetians are masters in Magick, meditation, energy manipulation, and the like, I understand what you mean by it not being needed. Is drug use frowned upon in the vampire community? I can understand medically also why a vampire or Asetianist wouldn't need drugs (as in medicine) because they would use energies for healing purposes. I am specifically talking about maybe if one were to take LSD, DMT, or psylocibin for spiritual purposes.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Kalb 28.03.15 16:25

This is my point of view. Cannot be real. However, each person is liable for his actions. the decision to use drugs is personal and not a requisite to deal with the occult world. On the other hand, little is known about Kemetic medicine, and here would be interesting to see how the Asetians deals with drugs.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Gargoyle 28.03.15 20:56

I absolutely agree. Cause and effect. Whatever you do has a consequence. For every action there is an equal, opposite reaction. I feel drugs are not required for occult purposes but used in moderation may help boost energies or Magick in ritual/meditation. Alchemy has a lot to do with pharmacology and pharmokenetics. So although Kemetic medicine is secretive or mysterious it may be beneficial to experiment with these chemicals. Thank you for your feedback Kalb; I agree with your views thus far on the topic.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Stapleraindrop 30.03.15 9:12

Drugs, hallucinogens especially, are a good way to manifest your own subconscious, whether through feeling, or visualizations. Many people, however (have personally seen more than I can like to admit) have a tendency to get caught up in hallucinations, and their mind, and forget what reality is. It's pretty much the same as people getting stuck in the mental plane.

They're a good tool for self exploration, but if you progress in your practice, you'll find the states you can achieve, and the results you get will go far beyond what you can get from a psychedelic trip.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Gargoyle 30.03.15 10:14

Yes, Stapleraindrop, that's why if I'm condoning any certain use of substances I also condone moderation so that it doesn't become abuse. I feel that if you align reality with the mind-states that come with hallucinogens you should be fine but it will become an issue if you get too caught up with the drug culture. In my opinion, indulgence is good whereas compulsion is not.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Troublemaker 30.03.15 12:22

I haven't ingested any sort of drug (aside from alcohol) even once in my life. That isn't to say that people who use them for occult purposes are wrong--to each their own. I am generally turned off by the fact that certain drugs can alter your body in rather unpleasant, irreversible ways. I stay away to avoid the possibility of dependence or programming myself to only be able to achieve those states with the aid of a substance.

It is interesting though, to think about the paths that do use certain substances to achieve the desired states. I'm thinking of Shamanism (correct me if I'm wrong).

I have heard that using certain drugs can actually weaken the aura or puncture little holes in it, allowing for certain entities to attach. (Although I guess this depends on the individual).

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Gargoyle 30.03.15 19:35

Rhea Kaye, I am happy to hear that you avoid substances and can achieve these states without the use of them. In my opinion, it is better to do that than rely on any drug. And you're right, shamans use many entheogens like Ayahuasca, DMT, marijuana, mushrooms, etc. Sadhus of India, who are Hindu, smoke marijuana constantly to achieve a state of mind that brings them closer to the divine. The Indians, Persians, and Middle-Eastern peoples used a Vedic drink called Soma for rituals and also the Egyptians I believe used certain chemicals. So yes, many cultures since the beginning of time have used substances, even alcohol. I personally feel that these things were put here on Earth and exist for a reason, to be used moderately and for spiritual purposes.
Many people think drug use/abuse/addiction can lead to spirit attachment or demonic possession. I believe, like you, it depends on the individual but it is said many malevolent spirits like to prey on people's weaknesses.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Troublemaker 30.03.15 20:42

I can achieve those states, but not as often as I'd like. I'm still working at it.

Anyway, I think it also depends on the substance being used. There are certain kinds of drugs that I will frown upon no matter what, but I've heard of magicians using the ones you listed and I can't say I see a problem with it. Balance in anything is important... I think it takes a special sort of person to be able to use these substances and not develop any addictions or attachments.

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Divine 277 31.03.15 1:50

Strange that you say that Kalb... As the Egyptians used a few things to intoxicate them selfs.. one of them being blue lotus-.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Gargoyle 31.03.15 6:55

Agreed, balance is key!

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Drugs: Asetianism & Substances  Empty Re: Drugs: Asetianism & Substances

Post by Troublemaker 31.03.15 21:35

I cannot imagine they would advocate the use of substances that could potentially throw the body off balance, or adversely affect the brain, etc. Obviously, I am not trying to speak for them... but perhaps this is where the opposing side is coming from.

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