Help and Guidance please my friends.

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Help and Guidance please my friends.  Empty Help and Guidance please my friends.

Post by Ashtorah 04.05.15 7:35

Please take my words seriously. Looking for guidence. I am soon to buy the Asetian Bible but, am hoping for some guidance in the meantime. When i was 20, it had just become summer and I had been having trouble sleeping and keeping focus. I woke up for work and was in horrible pain. I am not one for over-exaggeration, I tried going to work and working through the pain. I called my friend to come get me. She did and i stayed at her place. Every part of my being hurt. My friend come over to check on me from time to time and said i was sweating and murmuring in my sleep. I dont remember the two days that had passed. My friend said i didnt get up for food or drink. She asked me a few times to go to the doctor but on that third day i felt new. More alive. I was hungry. I ate so much yet unsatisfied. I found a few more psychic abilities and the abilities i did have were amplified. Not sure what happened to me. Seeking answers. Not to mention the things in the night that follow me. Ive seen and felt some crazy things. I never belonged anywhere. Im a social outcast. Im drawn to everything Egyptian. Even had dreams of living in the old days. Any guidance will be helpful. Thank you.

Number of posts : 10
Location : Missouri
Registration date : 2015-05-01

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Help and Guidance please my friends.  Empty Re: Help and Guidance please my friends.

Post by Maxx 04.05.15 8:44

I would suggest read over the Asetian Bible as you said you would be doing. Read it twice. Then come back and if you still have this same question, post it again. It may disappear, it may not. You might even have two or more additional questions to post with it. I think you will find there will be a better overview after you study the material.

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Help and Guidance please my friends.  Empty Re: Help and Guidance please my friends.

Post by Ashtorah 04.05.15 9:14

Thank you.

Number of posts : 10
Location : Missouri
Registration date : 2015-05-01

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