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Hello there my friends! Empty Hello there my friends!

Post by Elegy Nixee 25.10.15 23:01

Hello! Recently my mind has been overcome with the thought of supernaturals, so I have raided the internet in search of a place to satisfy my random sudden interest. Specifically, vampires have been on my mind uncontrollably, causing me to be quite distracted in school and other activities. So I find my self here, wide awake at midnight saying hello to a forum full of the vampires that have plagued my mind. I am here for research, entertainment, and possibly contacts. (Please note that I am indeed human.) Anyways, HELLO!!! Let's be friends! Surprised

Elegy Nixee

Number of posts : 2
Age : 23
Location : US
Registration date : 2015-10-25

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Hello there my friends! Empty Re: Hello there my friends!

Post by Elegy Nixee 25.10.15 23:08

Also I was wondering what's the difference between the different bloodlines? This is this first time I've heard of such a thing.

Elegy Nixee

Number of posts : 2
Age : 23
Location : US
Registration date : 2015-10-25

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Hello there my friends! Empty Re: Hello there my friends!

Post by Jonathan 26.10.15 1:31

Don't get me wrong and it's nothing personal but I fear you may be too young to the contents in this forum. Also, this forum can be a rather dangerous place for someone that only now is discovering the reality of vampires.

You state that you have maybe a curiosity and this is no place for curiosities...

Number of posts : 3062
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Hello there my friends! Empty Re: Hello there my friends!

Post by Troublemaker 26.10.15 2:33

Age is not always a determining factor on someone's maturity level or readiness to handle topics such as these. Sometimes people are ready sooner. I am not saying this definitely about the new user, as they have not been around the forum very long.

On that note, I feel obligated, as an adult, to advise you to try and avoid letting this research of yours consume so much time that you are not completing your studies properly.

And also, welcome. Smile

Number of posts : 1629
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Hello there my friends! Empty Re: Hello there my friends!

Post by Stellana 25.01.16 19:19


Number of posts : 64
Age : 92
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2016-01-24

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Hello there my friends! Empty Re: Hello there my friends!

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