Are they thinking for themselves?

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 09.07.15 16:13

My question is quite simple, really... why do so many people hate Sethians? I have to wonder, while browsing through topics in Asetianism, why so many people gravitate toward this hatred. How many of them actually know any Sethians or have researched the topics they read about? It seems obvious that so many are just taking things at face value without looking deeper, or simply accepting everything they read without bothering to check it and question it. It feels good to hate, for many...

I'm not hurling any insults toward the Asetian tradition or the AB, as it has changed my life immensely. But as I continue my observations, it seems to me that human nature enjoys casting one group off as the villain and raising the other up as the hero, with no in-between or gray areas. Almost like a comic book, where the 'bad guys' have no depth and no faces. Even Luis Marques says to question everything... so why is it that so many people seem to ignore that advice?

I could announce to this entire forum that I am an incarnated turtle, and would they believe me? They would be faced with a choice: either scoff at me and turn away, decide they'll "take my word for it" and embrace me, fabulous shell and all, or they'd do the smartest thing: develop some metaphysical abilities and validate things for themselves.

Now, obviously I am not a turtle, (LOL) but I think the point is still clear. And I see this exact thing mirrored everywhere in society. Do people not realize they are offering far more respect to a tradition by questioning everything it teaches and striving for a deeper understanding, even if it is of people they consider an enemy?

Now, I fully understand this thread might make some people annoyed or heated, but that was not my intent.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Jonathan 09.07.15 17:49

I think there is more than one answer to that question. Many people hate the Sethians because as you said humanity likes to hate and it's easy to find a villain, others hate the Sethians because they raise their power through deception and lies, others hate the Sethians because of their connection with Christianity, other hate the Sethians simply because they are enemies to the Asetians and finally there are some who hate or dislike the Sethians simply because of metaphysical feel or where their loyalties and past lies.

Now don't be deceived with what you read online there are as many people out there hating the Asetians as there are hating Sethians. Some out of passion and others out of ignorance. The world is just too diverse and you can't put everyone inside the same bag.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 09.07.15 19:04

All those are true, I am mainly referring to the ones who decide they hate Sethians or Asetians simply to fit in or because they read a book... On the other hand, a dislike that arises for any of the other reasons is legitimate.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Victor 09.07.15 20:35

Anyone who has studied Asetian-Sethian history for some time must have realised that this is not black and white and certainly not good and evil. Both powers have committed terrible deeds in their history and both are capable of committing them again. If you ask me, personally I see the Asetians and their magick even darker than the Sethians. But that's just me. I will not explain why though...

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 09.07.15 21:22

I certainly believe I understand what you are talking about, without you needing to explain or say more than you wish. I would simply enjoy seeing a more open mindset from newer students in Asetianism. In my opinion, it is less respectful to simply accept things without understanding WHY things are the way they are. I don't want to insinuate that those who have negative feelings for Sethians are wrong, not at all. I just mean that if they are going to hate Sethians, I hope it is for a past-life reason or another very specific and legitimate thing without it just being due to jumping on a bandwagon. And then there is the pervasive myth that Asetians are the angelic light side that never even wants power, while the Sethians are simply the entire villainous root of the conflict. Things are far more complicated than that... and sometimes I feel that people are just jumping into the topic because it sounds cool without even having a basic understanding. And such a mindset leads to Asetianism becoming extremely misunderstood... (not in a good way, either.)

I wish to see more open-mindedness so that people can (maybe) reach a real understanding someday. That's all, really...

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Kalb 10.07.15 4:27

Well, good question. As my father says, we are a deceived in this world, anywhere we go, there is always someone to manipulate us and sometimes is who we never expect it to be. Read a book alone is not enough to say that there are two very ancient cultures and very powerful too is not enough, you need to feel it. You need to feel the magnetism. Such as in love, your lover not need tell you that loves you, is not enough, he need demonstrate this feeling to you as Asetianism, its impossiboe feel emotion without feelings, or you love - admire, or you hate - ignore. You can't love Aset and Love Seth, not possible when feelings exists more than 10.000 years. As you know, the real thing in Asetianism is the meaning and importance of past lives, many large of Asetianists, can't remember of their past lifes, or who have been, but are moved by their heart and intuition, know that there is something deep, a bond, but not know explain, within these emotions they can realize that there is a strong tendency to love Aset and a strong tendency to ignore Seth. So yes, I have to agree with you, it seems irrational... no physical evidence and no logic to the human mind.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Gargoyle 10.07.15 10:21

In Egyptian mythology Horus represents the Sun (Day) and Seth represents Darkness (Night). They are in an endless battle, where Horus rises every time. Seth was known as a murderer (of the god Osiris) and he wanted to usurp the throne. He is the everlasting Enemy of Light. I do not hate Seth, nor do I have any negative emotions towards him. To me, these stories simply exist and must be learned from. The Truth is riddled throughout ancient Egyptian parables, myths, is on us to open our Eye and See. We must question everything. Knowledge is the highest power.

Victor, I do agree Asetians are even darker than those followers of Seth and I will not go into detail...but we must take it all as One and metaphysically transcend these black and white perspectives. There is Light and Dark in All.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 10.07.15 15:05

But I would ask you, Kalb... how do you know one cannot love both Aset and Seth? Unless one has spoken to every being in Egypt I can't see how this conclusion has been reached.

Well, I throw a far-out-there example here. What about the mythology of Nephthys? I am sure she loves both Aset and Seth. Yet things are not so cut and dry. Sometimes there are gray areas. Sometimes things are not simple, groups do not always form stark polarities around two conflicting entities. It is a thought to consider...

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Jonathan 10.07.15 15:46

I don't think Nephthys loves both Aset and Seth. That's putting our human mindset at work when interpreting mythology. Reality of the gods is far more complex than that.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 10.07.15 16:01

I honestly believe she does... but of course others are free to form their own mindsets and opinions...

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Jonathan 10.07.15 16:15

Maybe you also believe that she was the wife of Seth while I have reasons to believe otherwise. Wink

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 10.07.15 16:30

Unfortunately we have conflicting opinions on this...

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Victor 10.07.15 17:57

Mythologies are not facts but the interpretation of humans over branches of history they cannot comprehend. Most details in Egyptian myth are symbols and clues not for literal interpretation.

Nephthys betrayed Seth during the war against the Aset Ka. Think about it...

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Gargoyle 10.07.15 18:01

Victor, I agree with your statements. My question to you is this: Do you believe Aset actually exists as a deity and that she created the three Vampiric Lineages? Or are those also symbols? Honest question because I'm curious to see what fellow Asetianists believe.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Victor 10.07.15 18:43

Gargoyle wrote:Victor, I agree with your statements. My question to you is this: Do you believe Aset actually exists as a deity and that she created the three Vampiric Lineages? Or are those also symbols? Honest question because I'm curious to see what fellow Asetianists believe.
My experiences with this showed me that Aset is real and not a symbol. She is the nameless flame with infinite faces, one of the elder gods. Her true nature is incomprehensible to our incarnated mind, yet very real nonetheless.

I can't tell you what to believe though, you must find that by yourself.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Gargoyle 10.07.15 19:02

I believe the same. I respect your views so I was curious what your answer would be. I felt her essence today.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Kalb 11.07.15 9:54

Rhea: It was only my opinion.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 12.07.15 20:49

I understand that, Kalb. I respect all opinions.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Can you?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 24.11.15 8:34

At first i have to say that i'm a newbee and i don't know really by where to begin as the quantity of information is big.
I like the way of your post and the interrogation you have about the emotion that the sethians generate.
I choose to begin my practice the way of Seth with the intention to not have a single ennemy in the universe even so in other vampire family.
Could you please expose as you want your view, your reflection and what is your ambition about the Sethians please.
I know what I ask is complicated, but I really need someone in the way of peace like you to give me my first lesson.
If you want to share other thing good, and if you don't want to help me please answer me cause i don't like ver much to wait in vain.
If you want before to reply know more about myself i made a post call if you have the time to read in off post.
I warn you about two things : i don't like to read dead book, i prefer to read the living book you are at first and later spend time to access by my own to your history, the second thing is that i'm french, so sorry if my english is ugly or if in our conversation i don't understand everything you'll write perfectly, but promise the first thing i have to do is to improve my english
I wish you the be(a)st
Peace, love and fu*k
PS i'm a mix of several culture and religion but the first religion i met was Jesus Christ Twisted Evil

Geoffroy D'aillaud

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 24.11.15 13:44

Hello Geoffroy. I will post my welcome here rather than your intro post in order to eliminate redundancy. While my beginning post may generate a great deal of confusion when matched up with how I feel about the Sethians, it was not my intent to contradict myself but rather to question why people mindlessly follow without discovering things for themselves.

In a way, I admire how open you are about following Seth in a forum full of Asetianists. This takes a lot of courage, and please keep in mind that what I am about to say is not meant to be an attack on you or your beliefs but rather my own honesty.

You asked someone to expose their view about Sethians and, while I am not sure whether it was aimed at me or not, I thought I'd answer with my input.

In reality, I think the entire lineage of the Sethians are pure filth, and when I think about them I feel nothing but the utmost disgust. To state this so openly might bring incredulity at best. But I will say that this is my honest, deep-down reaction to them. This is simply my own response, though, and I respect how others might feel.

Regardless of all that, I would like to add something. You say your goal is to not have a single enemy in the universe. I personally believe such a mindset will only serve to weaken you greatly. Not wanting to have any enemies tends to lead to a behavioral pattern of subservience and passivity, due to a desire to keep everyone satisfied with you. But it is likely that the more you fight for personal evolution and alchemy, the more people will begin to act aggressively toward you. Just my two cents, though. Good luck on your path.

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 24.11.15 14:10

For Seth what i believe is the most powerfull medicine get the worse taste......
when i say i don't want ennemy, i don't want to say that i want to love everything, but in my need i don't want to make act like boomerang playing a stupid game of you did it to me i will did to you worse i prefer when there is an opposition leading to violence let the thing go and wait the time when we could share together something better that annhilation desire, i am a warrior but my only way to kill is to suscite the suicide to explain you the secret of the death : if you die is it only cause you really want to, if you use somebody else to kill you you use by fear an excuse who generate problem to escape your own life responsability, death is wise and don't take anyone by hasard, but she still get the surprise to remind us whatever who we think we are on a second we can disappear and restart the game from a new begin somewhere else maybe.
Here was seth learn to me for the moment, are you feeling something of disgusting?

Geoffroy D'aillaud

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 24.11.15 14:46

If you'll pardon me for being brutally honest here, this seems to be a rather naive outlook on things. The conflict between the Asetians and Sethians is not so simple as 'Oh, you did something bad to me.... let me hold a grudge and retaliate.' I suspect this is a common misconception though, due to the unfortunately pervasive influence of shallow Hollywood ideals.

You say that you want to share something better than a desire for annihilation, but sometimes pure and utter destruction is necessary so that the new can take root, especially in the case of things that are entirely rotten. (Let me just clarify that this is nothing but my own personal opinion of things.)

May I ask how you understand Death so intimately that you can explain its secrets to others? When not too long ago, you claimed this is your very first life? How, then, would you stand any chance of truly knowing Death? I invite you to think and meditate on this... a LOT.

I have to disagree that death only happens when you want it to. I assume you speak of spiritual death and not physical death. The ultimately horrific reality that hides so deceptively behind a falsely fulfilling group of religions and beliefs is that the average soul is quite destructible. This is why people can't just wrap themselves into the physical reality and refuse to see the more spiritual side of things without consequences. The second death happens. It is very, very real. Anyone cloaking themselves with declarations of indestructibility based on this belief that they must choose death for it to be real are only harming and blinding themselves.

As for the reason I said that I feel a great disgust toward Sethians, it's a gut reaction for me. I'd say that I utterly despise the way they interact with the physical realm and leave it at that... but this statement may provoke numerous questions as to how I arrived at this conclusion. (Ex: did I just read this in a book or do I legitimately feel this way.) If you would like to understand my disgust, perhaps buy the Book of Orion and read the section titled, "From Purity to Dust."

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 24.11.15 15:19

at first don't excuse you to speak truely with me, even if you think it's rude, i don't feel this by my side i'm ok.
what i share with you about death is what i understand from my learning of the day with Seth, he need nobody to explain and i use a way of conscience communion to ask and get the response directly from him ( or the idea that i make from him at the point of view naive and ignorant).
I'm agree with you annhilation is a need, but i don't want to be for the moment responsable of one dead.
Sure i eat and drink so i kill animal, vegetable and this open the door at the life to kill me in a smile, i'm not indestructible even great kosmos isn't but i want to learn how to not give the desire to anything to kill me in suffering, dying why not but it isn't an obligation we could live for long time if we have an utility for ( in the present my feeling and supposition will generate administrative problem)
For what i understand from what you said, i think i was spiritual dead experienced in my little living, spirit die and rebirth without change the body it is a fact i experiment frequently no i love myself and i made a deal with the angel of death, he will use nobody else but him/her to say me my time is over Smile>
I think that murder is illness, murder is happened even on a beattle and i want cure for myself this problem, there is a way call respirianism which can help me for this, but i will still feed myself from energy and i just want to learn to know from who or what i take those energy at less to thanks for the gift Smile>
To introduce myself i am not shamed to say bullshit or stupidity because in a true conversation the best win, and i don't believe enough in truth to be worried if someone say that what i thinking is fool, i'am an eternal student who love sharing better than find a stone to build his philosophical pyramid
if you want to know me better and to share something else go on my group facebook freedom and see a part of my magik ritual, you're welcome and all i want is you spend if you have the time a good artistic moment with us.
Thanks a lot for the information you gave to me and for the time you spent with me, i'm happy to see your open mind full of sincerity.
to make a poetic description of me i'm a traveler who go where everybody is always gone and who see something that no one before me has offer to the memory, but sometimes i understand "alone" in a long time something it will take me 10mn if only i red the right book Smile>
peace,love and fu*k

Geoffroy D'aillaud

Number of posts : 19
Location : Messeix Auvergne France
Registration date : 2015-11-23

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 24.11.15 16:19

One of the things I can literally say I hate with passion, and this is because my Moon is located in Libra that references astrology, is that I abhor coarseness, vulgarity, or strife....meaning your use of the last word. Please refrain from now on. I am also a Scorpio Ascendant meaning I am not a halfway person out front. Will go no further in relating the magical connection but let us just say it is well positioned when needed and I am not a nice guy all the time... Evil or Very Mad

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Are they thinking for themselves? Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 24.11.15 19:15

Also, If you say dialogue is energy drawn and used by you if the commentary involves you and directed towards you, I should tell you that what you think you are drawing from works from either end.  You might well come across someone that knocks you off your self-imposed pedestal using techniques you have no concept of.  I know of several that are now in dire physical condition as they had no idea how a return attack entered their body.  Your lack of higher knowledge masquerading as higher magical knowledge is rather obvious.  Again, I suggest you may want to reconsider touching some dead book material as you definitely come up very short-sighted with your long range views.  If you arrived here at this site and entered having never heard of the Aset Ka or Aset, you are way out of your league, little buddy.  And coming here to troll and acquire readership numbers for your facebook site probably gets you no bonus points.  Again, you had better do some study regarding the HISTORY of the Aset Ka or Aset otherwise you may embarrass yourself if you go much farther.

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