Are they thinking for themselves?

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 25.11.15 0:38

i don't care about facebook
i am personnaly a negative person sometimes, proof the reaction you have
I can be considered as a troll, but a troll who say what he think to everyone pleasing or not.
The principe of a conversation is to be true, i really am with you and i feel you really am with me so what's the problem?
The difference beetween our views are complex but not antithetic, and thanks for the advice whatever the method use to feed from myself without paying me make me feel bad, and when i feel bad if i have the strength i fight, if not i go.
I don't want to change or blow your mind, what you think is true for you, you feel good so.....
I have to say that what i think make me feel good but i have a true problem : i got no culture, i speak fooly about something without rules or knoweldge and as i said before i hate read dead book written in the past and not reflecting the living message their bring, i read books by speaking with other people to think on what they have understand and how they live it in the book alone divide
I learn coran like that and i am a better muslim that the majority of them for the moment, but tomorrow what i understand could be pass over and i'll need to evolve again.
Don't believe because i speaking like you don't have the habit that i'm a negative people, you have your philosophy i get mine, i just want if it is possible make them compatible cause i believe we have so much thing to learn from each other.
Don't use your beautiful book as the crazy man use religion : the need to read will come when you will not judge me anymore and qualifying me with sad words.
I'm a leo ascendant bull and i am an earth horses in chines astrology so freedom, power and conscience are three essentiel point of my own for the quality, for the drawback i let you discover those which upset you, i have so many Smile>
on the subject facebook i want to say that if i named my group is that for you try to know me better with other media : on facebook we can put picture, video and it is a great way to feel before to understand the thing i try to share with you if the same thing is possible here, i will never speak again about Faithbook
I don't like to speak with mouth and finger, too much misunderstanding born from this way of communication and a fact i'm french so i can't express clearly my though in english cause i'm weak speaker.
To finish i want to say to you that your forum can help me in my way, with the help of some people like you, but if you think that the stranger i am is nothing to do here, please contact the administrator and ask him to banish me, i will never come back, i understand one thing important yet grace of you, and it will already take a lot of time before i integrate in my own what those two day here give to me and i will don't stop my Sethian path till the day when Seth sent me free.
Have a nice day

Geoffroy D'aillaud

Number of posts : 19
Location : Messeix Auvergne France
Registration date : 2015-11-23

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 25.11.15 6:46

"I have to say that what i think make me feel good but i have a true problem : i got no culture, i speak fooly about something without rules or knoweldge and as i said before i hate read dead book written in the past and not reflecting the living message their bring, i read books by speaking with other people to think on what they have understand and how they live it in the book alone divide
I learn coran like that and i am a better muslim that the majority of them for the moment, but tomorrow what i understand could be pass over and i'll need to evolve again."

Regarding your words above....Then anything you post here is not relevant to anything as it has no lasting quality.  Also you exchanged one religion for another to memorize difference between any religion as they were all designed for control purposes.  If you cannot see such, then you are blinded and your path is not singular or educated.  Until you awaken from this you are involved in a mindless loop repeating the same mistakes over and over again. No need to continue endless and mindless chatter.

I do not think you have made a big enough impression on this site for many to engage you with continuing senseless or useless dialogue.  You probably are not as relevant to others with your concepts as you are to your own mind.  Ego demonstrates its' own display of growth or decline and you have certainly given us a picture of what level you live on.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 25.11.15 7:31

i really don't understand why you don't try to understand judge me and it's a fact this is a illness of man, i don't believe before that some vampire get the same.
you want i speak like you, with your words, with your philosophy, your only look reality trhough the pris of your kultur and in what i feel i have the impression that you think that your kultur is better that mine in every case.
I am not only interest in vampire path, i mix several conscience of being like dragon and werefolf from a first part, and the contradiction beetween the point of view of those being making pass for a fool to your eyes, don't you think that modern vampire get some problems to solve that the solution will come from outside of ( for you ) you close mentality, and it's not an attack, is what i understand of each of your word.
I'm a vampire born from nothing, with no rule and i try to feed from the less, it's like you meet a wild child who was always lived in a deep forest and you want he know all about history, philosophy, mathematic.
Don't take it too much agains't you but you are like Iman, preacher or other religious whom believe in truth only by speaking about their book and what they understand they live like an universal truth.
I came with you in modesty but i didn't hide myself, i speak as i am and as my world made, i'm not perfect but i want to evolve with or without you
i hope you will not be upset by my message, but you are really strong to defend your point of view like if speaking with me is a battle to win

Geoffroy D'aillaud

Number of posts : 19
Location : Messeix Auvergne France
Registration date : 2015-11-23

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 25.11.15 7:50

It is only viewed as foolishness here.  The only activity of Vampirism here is on the higher realm.  When anyone declares their Vampire nature in evidence on this physical plane, we all know they are delusional and walk in their silly world of movies and games.  Your "awakening" is not at all in the manner you view it.  This is why I do not view you as relevant for any conversation worth anyting.

You would probably fare better contacting Djinn. They are more real than the vampire movement you associate with.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 25.11.15 7:54

And about that culture appear to be playing the victim now.  We are sick of that victim movement on this site.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 25.11.15 7:57

i'm not a victim but each time you speak about me your negative, there is nothing i said to you that interest you and believe me there are somethings to be understanding in what i'm say, the only victim here is you, you are the victim of your ego

Geoffroy D'aillaud

Number of posts : 19
Location : Messeix Auvergne France
Registration date : 2015-11-23

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 25.11.15 7:59

Have a wonderful life experience. Maybe you will fare better with the next one.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Geoffroy D'aillaud 25.11.15 8:41

there will be no next one, i'am in my immortal life and i do all i can to stay in her

Geoffroy D'aillaud

Number of posts : 19
Location : Messeix Auvergne France
Registration date : 2015-11-23

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 07.03.19 20:56

Rhea Kaye wrote:My question is quite simple, really... why do so many people hate Sethians?  I have to wonder, while browsing through topics in Asetianism, why so many people gravitate toward this hatred.  

I could announce to this entire forum that I am an incarnated turtle, and would they believe me?  They would be faced with a choice: either scoff at me and turn away, decide they'll "take my word for it" and embrace me, fabulous shell and all, or they'd do the smartest thing: develop some metaphysical abilities and validate things for themselves.  

Here you go, RK.  You line up exactly with what I said on the other topic about conjecture and speculation and theories on everything under the sun here.  You appear to agree with me and what I said.  (now, do not get sick at your stomach because of this).  Until one can deal in the astral as much as the physical, one does not begin to know what is actually going on with the AK or the ROS.  You hammered me cause I was telling things I had learned from the spirit world.... why don't you go over there and verify policy.  That is what you just said.  (oh wait,  that won't work because it was Uncle Maxx that said it)

I woke and before I got out of bed two days ago, my spirit friend had already given me the overview of what I needed to know on the commentary here on the board that had taken place.  I was also given a rundown of a mess in another communication format in another location.  Damn, I said.  Am I hearing this correctly? That is nothing but angrier incoming fire. Also, was told about the communication in pvt msgs between two people.  Interesting. I got up and turned on my computer and lo and behold, I had already seen the overview and attitudes of how everyone was dealing with it all. Exactly like I was told.  I must say, based on this and many other things, I certainly have to take first hand what I hear from the spirit realm before I take commentary about how I am spreading rumors about things I know nothing about.   Could be, you just do not have all the info? Might that be the cause that gets you angry again towards me?  And BTW.....I never thought I would see you agreeing with me like this.  ha.

Turtle?   naw!!!    Queen of Egypt....maybe....  and treating everyone like they were slave subjects in a fashion like one had lost their mental framework to the point where a group has to ask the Queen to vacate the place for over a year to look like some angry ole Queen without medication.....    ha.   I could believe that before I could believe you were a turtle in a past life.  

But thanks again for siding with me....this appears to be a first.  Maybe a new world is dawning.   Naw, probably not.

Uncle Maxx

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.03.19 6:13

How is this at all relevant to any form of civilized debate or discussion...? What if you focused on being more productive instead of stirring up personal drama and calling people things that are clearly just self-projections, Maxx...? Is this really what this forum needs? Seems quite redundant, ridiculously unnecesasry, to me. How about you take a little break instead of appearing like this?

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Troublemaker 08.03.19 7:49

I remember this thread! Very Happy

Yes, I remember questioning a lot of things at the time. I also remember having quite a few misconceptions. We learn, we grow.

Maxx, I am not sure why you are trying to antagonize me into getting upset with you.  

I will say this. I am an Asetianist, and I have my own reasons for favoring that over the Sethian "side". I am not going to justify the reasons. Or jump in with "proof" as to why I am allowed to favor Asetianism. If I claimed to be an Asetianist in another life, and with some kind of proof on the astral, would that suddenly make it more worthwhile? But I'm not going to do that. Because I do not owe explanations or justifications to anyone.

When I discuss my ideas, like in the recent thread about the flame of Asetians versus Sethians, those are simply my own thoughts and perspective.

Without being a member of the ROS, one cannot be an authority over how their history is with complete accuracy. This is what I was referring to in the other thread. All verifiable information at this time comes from the Order. I took this from the Remark, and I tend to want to follow that warning.

I am just a student who has a good time discussing things to generate new thought and study.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 08.03.19 8:25

I am not convinced you have attained the self-importance you seem to think you have encased yourself with.  Foolish conjecture with your hypothetical statements only tends to create confusion to factual dissemination.  I am as much against that as I am against fake and delusional vampire statements here that you tend to advocate.   Mirroring is a topic one accuses another of when they are doing what they accuse others of.  This is beginning to escalate here now.

You can count on me answering any sly remarks directed towards me in any form. If you cannot handle it, do not address me.   Really, Am I going to stop calling out your inaccurate and silly statements because you say so?  Do you actually think I would leave and shut up just based on some suggestion from the King of baseless foundations and silly white light beacon? lol.  You have your hands' full composing miles and miles of sentences making statements you could say the same thing within two lines.  I did have success with changing your typing of 20 lines without including a period to divide concepts, though.  You have a full agenda trying to feed your ego.  But I do understand you trying to protect your little friend that attacked me.  But if you engage me as you seem to continue trying to, I will certainly not continue to laugh at your silliness.  Your choice.

Rhea or [edited],  whatever you prefer.  Basically, I can say the same thing here.  If you are going to make sly remarks towards me, I am not one to not reply.  So if you think you can take swipes at me and I am supposed to be silent and then you come back and change the topic around when replying to me, and trying to be little miss innocent is laughable.   There possibly may be a lingering problem from the past with that other reality. I could care less whether you or anyone else would advocate for Aset or Seth?   Implying that is what I say is truly trying to change your appearance of outward perception. You have not convinced everyone here that you are little miss innocence.  I also hear from others here and I get comments about it.  So I will just say the same.  If you are going to engage me with dart remarks, you can count on my reply.  No need in attempting to disguise it for what it is.  If you are ill, get help.  lol.  But I am not one to baby anyone and do not expect it in return.

Now to both of you.  If you want to engage me, we can certainly do it in pvt message or behind the scenes or even in the spirit realm, but I would say to follow your own suggestions and go back to real topics here in the future now that we have aired out the laundry list here.  So....Get Real, both of you.  I can do the same.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.03.19 8:36

Says the one who baselessly and needlessly aims out insults and personal attacks at people for no reason at many occasions. What a nice coincidence and also saying you won't reply if WE aim "sly remarks" towards you, the very King of sly remarks... I couldn't care less about what you call me though.

With that said, however, I do respect you apart from your baseless attacks and stirring up drama in different ways with people. I hope we can end that, but with me personally you are free to criticize in whatever ways you want; I merely take it for consideration to improve if you've got such a keen gaze as you usally do, lol...

Now, let's have some civil debate.

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by Maxx 08.03.19 8:53

first one out of the posting things I did not say. Are you completely without any foundation at all. Damn...Maybe if you try a little harder....

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Are they thinking for themselves? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are they thinking for themselves?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.03.19 9:02

I'm very disinterested in having this conversation, anyhow. I just stood up for my friend, as you said. I have no further interest in engaging or continuing this conversation. I think this forum has seen enough drama; I do not wish to contribute more towards it. I'm just here to learn, hence my speculations and thoughts and wishing to add something worthwhile. Nevertheless, farewell.

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