Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Mike W
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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Mike W 09.05.16 1:07

How much influence does anyone think the Aset Ka has in the entertainment industry?

I know its been mentioned that J.K. Rowling has been in contact, and in certain films, certain characters or themes seem to be almost inspired by them, at least to my eyes.

Also, again to me at least, it would make a kind of sense. Same thing as with the AB and Luis Marques's other texts, only catering to a bigger set of eyes, those eyes possibly being that of  an unawakened Asetian who maybe never developed the interest of studying the occult to lead her/him to the truth.
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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Mike W 09.05.16 1:23

Themes might be bad word, it sounds too overt. Like subtle hints, or symbolism is what I meant.
Mike W
Mike W

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Troublemaker 09.05.16 12:20

Hello Mike.
Recognizing Asetian influence, or even just occult influence in general, in movies is a part of the personal initiation undergone when studying these things and growing spiritually. I am quite certain that both Asetians and Sethians have influenced more aspects of society than we can even imagine, given how ancient they are. The Asetian Bible actually makes a rather interesting use of quotes from other authors, many of them from fictional works. Looking for these little clues of their influence on the inspiration of humanity can be a very long and silent process, as there is a lot to sift through and things have become even more hidden and convoluted over time.

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Jonathan 09.05.16 13:53

Common examples used when discussing Asetian influence in fiction is Harry Potter by JK Rowling and The Lord of The Rings by JRR Tolkien, both well studied and clearly influenced by Asetian history in different ways. But there are many other examples, although I do agree with Rhea when she says that finding those clues and examining those influences is part of the process of initiation into Asetianism. If you look closely enough you will find references in many movies, television series and books. It's actually quite shocking once you realize how so much is influenced by the Aset Ka but hidden from the eyes of ignorance in the blindness of society.

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Kalb 09.05.16 15:30

I always thought Egyptology a bit confusing, but after studying the Asetian cosmogony and Djehuties, I realized that the Ten Commandments created by Hollywood was a real travesty. Not for the story of God and Moses, but by the mistake they made in what regards the Pharaohs.

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Troublemaker 21.05.18 21:36

This is an old thread, but it involves a topic I've had on my mind for a pretty long time.

I have every single Harry Potter book in the series, all yellowed, all falling apart a bit as I have read them many times. I absolutely love these books, as do millions of others across the world. The rumor has been mentioned that J.K Rowling was inspired by the Aset Ka, being once in Porto and (maybe?) having contact with some of the Asetians.

I can certainly see bits of interesting synchronization in her writing, one being the Dark Mark Lord Voldemort tattooed onto his loyal followers, that would give their wrists pain whenever being called somewhere. Another is Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle's deep connection to serpents, being able to even speak perfectly to them in Parseltongue, a rare skill evoking stigma and terror within the entire wizard community.

It is said within the Violet Throne/Asetian Bible that Viperines are particularly talented at wielding Serkem, which we can learn was greatly feared and misunderstood. It was the sacred language of elder Scorpions, and the native language of  the Seven Scorpions of the Imperial Guard.

Whether or not this highly successful author had contact with forms of Asetianist knowledge I obviously cannot say for certain, though it's hard to ignore the striking details. She was even inspired by the dress code within a certain Portuguese college. Smile

Fascinating parallels aside, underneath the shiny carapace of this rumor I cannot help but see recoil-worthy details.

Truly, I cannot think of a character who would be less likely, as well as worthy, to be an immortal leader representing the Serpent lineage.  Voldemort was ruled by his fear.  Before taking a hammer and chisel to the deceiving exterior of these parallels, he looks like some incredibly fearful glamour lord with so much prestige and power.  Yet this man, this character, was weak.  At every moment in the story he is ruled by his fear.  He is a slave to his weaknesses, and has no honor to speak of.  I can't see any characteristics of a Prince of the Duat within his actions, mind, or motivations.  He has natural intelligence and astounding manipulative abilities, even an incredibly high level of talent. But in real world analysis this could intimately fit many human narcissists.

He has a small Order of Death Eaters who are dreaded and feared by the general populace, who have been compared to Asetians before, but this fictional pyramid structure is ever at risk by the rotten cowardice and mortal mindset of these people. Many of the prominent Death Eaters such as Lucius Malfoy are arrogant and utterly blind, without the ability to balance themselves or see a greater picture beyond the futile want of wealth, prestige, shallow comforts, recognition and physical possession. Many of the old families joining the "Dark Lord" seemed to rely more upon their family names, their biological lineages, to evoke fear rather than actual spiritual might. Not to mention that this band of "followers" was glued together by fear of Voldemort, blind prejudice and unearned feelings of superiority over others.  What unites Asetians is unshakable love and loyalty which has the divine power to transcend thousands of deaths over the eras. And yet, Voldemort was a man ruled by his intense fear of death, even willing to destroy his own soul with corrupted magic to desperately flee the inevitable break from the "chains of matter." Funny enough, considering the attributions of Death to the Viperine lineage presented in the Book of Orion.

If anything, this is a representation of humans who try to copy Asetians, destroying themselves in the process. This is a hypothetical representation of what sheer mimicry and its resultant failure would look like.

So to those who think the Death Eaters and/or Voldemort are really cool representations of Asetians in fiction, I'd say come have another look.

My inner book nerd is coming out, looking for sustenance.  Razz

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Jonathan 22.05.18 15:04

Rhea that’s a fascinating analysis and subject because as you said there are some parallels that it’s clear where J.K. Rowling was drawing her inspiration from when working on her highly successful Harry Potter series. They are full of clues and occult connections, not just from Aset Ka but also witchcraft and occult history in general.

You share an interesting theory when you explain that Voldemort and his followers could be seen as a representation of how human groups appear or turn out to be when they try to copy the Asetians and the Aset Ka, trying to mimic their power or take advantage of it. It could also represent how some humans actually see the Aset Ka in their misguided notions of darkness and magick, understanding the Asetians as a disturbing element of evil and their followers as blinded by fear or manipulated by curses like the Death Eaters.
We really don’t know what access Rowling had to genuine Asetian knowledge, she could have actual connections within the Aset Ka or just found lost pieces of the puzzle due to her living in Porto back then and its historical background on the occult. So it’s also a possibility that even her was mistaken about the Asetians or misunderstood what they represent. It’s possible that she got the idea that the Aset Ka was a dangerous Order of black magick and a danger to more typical “practitioners” like regular Pagans and Wiccans. Just speculating here as it’s really curious what might have transpired while she was writing those books. If she intended for Voldemort and the Death Eaters to be a metaphor for a twisted and inverted view of something like the Aset Ka or if her own judgement was clouded by the whole secrecy and mystery that dominated those times in Europe.

I really enjoyed reading about your theory.

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Troublemaker 22.05.18 16:21

Thanks, Jonathan.

It's rewarding to find parallels in different places. The puzzle gets more interesting when I realize that some of the works/sources to be found in this continual hunt didn't necessarily have contact but perhaps were inspired by the universal truths within this path.

It is said that the vampiric archetype lives on in the darkest recesses of the mind, hiding hopes, fears, and desires. I think certain parts of their legacy live there as well.

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Noctis 04.08.18 6:37

It is an interesting possibility that you mention, this raises in me a question:
H.P. Lovecraft experienced vivid nightmares related to many of his writings, something that undoubtedly helped to shape the cosmogony that surrounds the myths of Cthulhu.

Could it be that some writers and screenwriters would have been influenced, asirically or astrally somehow by the Asetians at the time of writing their stories, even if they did not run away had any direct contact with them?

Things like automatic writing come to mind in meditative states besides dreams for example, naturally I am not affirming anything, it is just one more theory ...

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Jonathan 04.08.18 8:08

Hard to know for sure but it's certainly possible.

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Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka? Empty Re: Are some Hollywood films influenced by the Aset Ka?

Post by Zabet Aranyalma 15.08.18 10:25

I would say I have seen plenty of Asetian-appearing imagery in all sorts of medias, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume inspiration or reference. <3
Zabet Aranyalma
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