Hi everyone! Newbie.

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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by Rayna 03.07.16 1:04

Hi everyone Smile

I'd like to start by thanking the Admins for validating my registration request.
I doubt I'll be posting very much (for fear of blinding you with my infinite wisdom and intelligence, OF COURSE lol! Roll Laugh ) but I didn't like the idea of being a "lurker".  

You can call me Rayna -- a pseudonym that features a splash of Ray Bradbury and a splash of Anna, my middle name. A quick internet search on the meaning of Rayna points me to "Pure / Clean", as well as "The Song of God" and a transcription of the Bulgarian name Райна - Queen / Latin: Regina. Don't take my word for it though.

I've always been a big fan of Learning. And I have always been very interested in Spirituality, Mythology, Religions, the Occult, and History, to name a few.
I'd love to expand my knowledge of Asetianism, amongst other things, during my stay here. I think this forum will be a great resource.

I haven't had the chance to go through every thread yet but I'm a big fan of your No BS Policy and I look forward to reading more from you guys. It seems like you have a great community Smile



Number of posts : 3
Location : Asia
Registration date : 2016-07-02

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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Re: Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by Kalb 03.07.16 1:37

Thank you for having join the forum, very kind of you. Welcome.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28


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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Re: Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by thenerdiestwitch 03.07.16 11:25

Welcome, Rayna! Nice to meet you. Smile

Number of posts : 17
Age : 35
Location : The Comic Book Store.
Registration date : 2016-06-16

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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Re: Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by Jonathan 03.07.16 22:02

Welcome to the community. A big fan of learning is good.

Do you have experience with magick and the occult?

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Re: Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by Rayna 04.07.16 0:13

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you. Very Happy

As an explorer, but not as an advanced practitioner, no.

I do practice tarot reading on a regular basis, but I seldom perform rituals of Magick.
I have collected a fair share of literature dealing with subjects such as ESP, psychic healing, Wicca, Alchemy, the study of Sigils, the Paranormal, Astrology, etc. (I'll spare you a comprehensive list :p) over time -- and I can say I still have A LOT to learn and discover.

Thank you @Kalb and @thenerdiestwitch! Nice to meet you too.


Number of posts : 3
Location : Asia
Registration date : 2016-07-02

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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Re: Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by thenerdiestwitch 04.07.16 1:33

The occult is a diverse study. I tend to prefer learning a bit of everything myself. I work with the tarot too, though I can't claim its a common place thing. I usually only break them out when I feel its truly needed.

Number of posts : 17
Age : 35
Location : The Comic Book Store.
Registration date : 2016-06-16

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Hi everyone! Newbie. Empty Re: Hi everyone! Newbie.

Post by Rayna 04.07.16 1:53

thenerdiestwitch wrote:The occult is a diverse study. I tend to prefer learning a bit of everything myself.  I work with the tarot too, though I can't claim its a common place thing. I usually only break them out when I feel its truly needed.

Yes! There is so much to explore, much more than I could handle in this lifetime, for sure.
I agree with you. Smile
My mother taught me tarot when I was a child, and it has always had a very special place in my heart.
I like to keep my and my mother's deck nearby, and I like to study the cards and meditate with them from time to time -- even though the last time I "broke them out" for a true reading was, coincidentally, in July of 2015.


Number of posts : 3
Location : Asia
Registration date : 2016-07-02

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