Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 11.05.20 19:41

Hello hello
I happened upon this site searching for a vampire forum. Main purpose of course is to find someone for my hubby. You know, like the meatloaf song "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that" ... I'm not able to help him in that way myself and thought there would be help out there somewhere that I could find. So any help would be appreciated Smile

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Maxx 11.05.20 19:58

A person recommended a site for those that need that kind of help here on the board the other day. look under the topic of freezing blood and consuming. Whatever that site is which I do not remember can help you.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Maxx 11.05.20 20:00

safety of refrigerated blood was the topic heading. It is inside of that.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 11.05.20 20:03

If you mean the one listing a site that is specific to blood drinking, that's not the type of feeding he's looking for.

Sword Mistress

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Post by Maxx 11.05.20 20:07

then someone else might know of some other site. You probably hit the wrong room here for looking for an answer to this.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Maxx 11.05.20 20:09

additionally, I do not listen to the meatloaf song so I have no idea what you mean.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Troublemaker 11.05.20 20:28

Lol. I don't know why I'm laughing at this.
Why are the same jokes still funny?

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Troublemaker 11.05.20 20:30

But yes, wrong forum, OP. Please, if it's not too much trouble, move along to a place more suited to your particular mindset. This is not the type of "vampirism" respected in here. The role-playing brand gets old after a while.

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Post by Maxx 11.05.20 20:33

is that what that was about? Ha. wonder why she could not just come out and say that? The Village Idiot cannot understand the comic book agenda very well.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 11.05.20 21:43

Le sigh ... I thought you people were about real vampirism, not the classic "I vant to drink your blood nah ah ah" but alas I guess I was wrong

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Maxx 11.05.20 21:51

ah. that says quite a bit. Then you were not just staggering down the lane and found this place. You have an ulterior motive for showing up here. Pretty easy to confront if you are looking to file a complaint.
Please step to the counter to begin your file and just get it on because if we are not what you thought you would find, why are you still here looking for a brawl? Fake story to begin with, right?

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Troublemaker 11.05.20 22:07

additionally, I do not listen to the meatloaf song so I have no idea what you mean.

Maxx, I do not know why, but the moment I read this sentence I busted out laughing. What a Face

Lol. I am near advising people to be careful how they pick their usernames, because I feel I am developing a radar merely based upon what someone calls themselves.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Maxx 11.05.20 22:25

yes.  I have made that comment a couple of times but you and I both know, the hollow heads never read anything before coming in here and posting on the wall. My first impression was just another hollow head.

So you believe she was not here waiting to get into the cafeteria line for meatloaf and desert?  Some fools just do not have any idea what a real sword is all about.  lol. Especially a two-edged Sword.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 5:08

For one, before just assuming things you should think before you speak. The username is something from when I was heavily into anime yes, I will admit, I just simply like it and kept it, what's the problem with that? No it does not say anything about me in the real world simply an alias to use online. But go ahead continue your blind bashing on someone you don't really know anything about, it's ever so nice of you. And just FYI, I did quickly thumb through some threads before posting, thought I'd get a decent reply as I did not see a direct point searching but seen posts that the users did seem to understand what I was after.

Sword Mistress

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Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 5:13

Perhaps I should have put "the impailer" at the end of the username to aid in the blind assumptions? I am certainly not here to judge anyone for anything including what they choose as a username. I base what I think on the information individuals share. You are what you are, not what others want to think and believe about you.

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Troublemaker 12.05.20 6:08

Oh my. Doesn't seem like you will last long here.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 6:50

*rolls eyes* if I cared about lasting long on a forum I'd play along. To me it was a means to an end, but apparently the means to what I'm looking for can't be found with a bunch of wannabes. I'm guessing you both claim to be a "real" vampire. Tell me then oh wise beings that have walked the earth for centuries, what is it to be a vampire? Oh and if you haven't guessed that is riddled with sarcasm.

*Sigh* honestly thought that I'd find someone that could legitimately help me out with my situation not just mouth off about what they don't know and don't understand.

I know I have seen posts but maybe those users are no longer active on here....

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Naoom 12.05.20 7:03

Neither Maxx nor Rhea have ever claimed such a thing. That goes by to show you haven't read the forum, or you didn't look to see what this forum is about, you were just looking on how to get something out of it instead of how to learn through it, like you said yourself.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Troublemaker 12.05.20 7:10

Indeed, none of us claimed that. Perhaps if you set aside the anime and fantasy for a moment to do some real research, you would know this. You're the one who rushed in here with enormously stupid requests (donors, seriously? Get out... Lol) so do keep in mind that you're in the wrong place. Around here we actually try to take the occult seriously but I'm sure if you found a role-playing forum out there somewhere, they'd be more than happy to placate your baby ego.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 8:22

Occult usually refers to people worshipping something. I don't fantasize about vampires and if I wanted to role-play I know sites, remember said I was into anime at one point. Where else would you go for info that I seek other than a forum that claims vampires are part of the online community as likewise they would understand my dilemma, or more so my hubby's dilemma. It's a place to meet like minded people, but I'd rather not try to beat around the bush. If I want to learn anything I don't already know I'll ask my hubby, so I'm not here to research and learn the occult. I know what I know because of who I am and who I am with and don't need human definitions or explanation or teaching. Geez if he just needed to eat blood that would be a hell of a lot easier.

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 8:28

Besides a simple "dearie you are in the wrong place, keep searching the net" would have been sufficient, no need to get all up in arms if you cannot direct me to somewhere that is in the right direction.

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 8:35

It appears no matter what you return with you are wasting your time here.  You try and describe what our mental state is and how you relate to the opposite part.  You are not even close to the truth here.  You are not going to be successful here no matter how you want to create a relationship of chaos and come out on top as you are being rejected in a group and you do not like that we do not think you are special.

Go sing along with meatloaf.  You probably cannot sing either.  Let your husband find what he wants as you sound like a damn control freak or a total liar one, or both. But maybe you are just slow-witted in being able to determine we are not like-minded people, as you say.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.05.20 8:40

What are you really looking for, specifically? Donors? We don't have those here. That's not what this forum is for. If you had looked around and familiarized yourself with the forum first it would have been clearly known. It's a discussion forum revolving around certain subjects.

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 9:07

Well feeding and "donors" is part of the subject of topic, but if it's not something people speak about here, fine, just come out and say it, don't bash on people you know nothing about just because you got nothing better to do.

Sword Mistress

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Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site Empty Re: Howdy, I'm a newbie to the site

Post by Sword Mistress 12.05.20 9:08

There is such a thing as being polite. I didn't come insulting everyone with my first post.

Sword Mistress

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