Different ways to feed

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Different ways to feed Empty Different ways to feed

Post by OliviaLucus 15.03.09 7:55

I am very new to the vampire world. I have posted on the vampire forum with a few basic questions for a college essay that I'm writing . I'm trying to get a better understanding about the way vampires feed. I see that there are many ways to gain energy. Can anyone explain the different ways in which vampires can feed??

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Jonathan 15.03.09 9:04

OliviaLucus wrote:I am very new to the vampire world. I have posted on the vampire forum with a few basic questions for a college essay that I'm writing . I'm trying to get a better understanding about the way vampires feed. I see that there are many ways to gain energy. Can anyone explain the different ways in which vampires can feed??
There are many ways in which a vampire can feed. From means of subtle physical contact to more intense sexual feedings, from blood to ritual. Some mechanisms are complex, others are simple. Some are deep, others can barely sustain him. If you're doing an essay on vampirism and wish to have a better understanding of such things, I would advise you to get your hands on a copy of the Asetian Bible by Luis Marques. This book covers not only all the aspects and different kinds of feeding, as it deals with the religion of vampires, spirituality, magick, consequences and advantages of feeding and vampiric attacks to both donors and victims, among many other interesting stuff.


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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by geo 15.03.09 22:25

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I really need to ask you all something thats been on my mind for quite a while now.
What would happen to a vampire if he or she would stop feeding? ... or is it even necessary for a vampire to feed?

Thank you,



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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Elaina 16.03.09 6:03

It is necessary to feed but not always through blood. It is the Energy that is needed. Even before an Awakening a lot of times a Vampire will feed off of others energy without ever knowing it or if they do realize it then a lot of times they do not yet know what it means or what it is. Control is something that is learned over time and practice. There have been times where I have gone to long without feeding, I have become weak and my energy is not as great and this has affected me when I have meditated or performed rituals or manipulated the energy around me, if I were to go shall we say, cold turkey, it would greatly harm me and my power base.

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by vampre 22.03.09 1:32

Elaina wrote:It is necessary to feed but not always through blood. It is the Energy that is needed.

Yes but it is possible to learn how to feed without need for it. People who feed off of others without a need to do so are called leeches.


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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by OliviaLucus 22.03.09 7:56

oh ok, but how can you learn to feed without a need for it? And why would you want to learn? If you don't have a need to feed then in my understanding your not a vampire... If i'm wrong let me know.

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Victor 25.03.09 10:43

Anyone can learn how to drain, since anyone can learn metaphysics. Mortal or not.
Now the why... technically a healthy human would never need to learn that, except in rare situations to empower particularly demanding magickal works that would need a whole lot of energy.
You are very correct, though. Without a need to feed someone is not a vampire. And even with a need to feed they might not be a vampire. A vampire does not have a human soul... but some humans may need to feed out of a metaphysical problem in their subtle system. True vampires are rare beings, far more rare than most of those wannabe communities and online forums make believe. According to them there would be legions of vampires out there. That is simply not true...

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by OliviaLucus 25.03.09 11:19

I know this is completely off topic but, how do you know if one is being fake is one is not? How do you pick out the real vampires from the wannabes??

Number of posts : 18
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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Victor 28.03.09 14:58

That's the real danger in all these "vampire" communities, most people don't have ways to distinguish a poser and a faking liar from a real vampire. Hence the spread of the wannabes...

For people with some experience, it is different. Even on an energy level the fingerprints are different. However this is something that can be checked out live, not that easily online where there is no direct energy links between the users, unlike what many people may say. Just bits and bytes... no, not bites. Wink

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Hellen 28.03.09 16:09

I agree that to unaware eyes it is hard to distinguish , but it is something that has not to only be checked live , while links and energies are not a matter of distance , and internet is not the medium of them but the bearer of the print .

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Shadwe 28.03.09 21:35

I would agree that it is a problem. I have ran across it in Vampire and the Otherkin community in general... the only 100% sure way to tell is by checking energy-wise... though I have found if you talk to someone long enough and they are posing they tend to slip up... Vampire posers in particular tend to... especially if they have gotten most their knowledge from a role playing guide books or unreliable net sources.

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Different ways to feed Empty Re: Different ways to feed

Post by Jonathan 30.03.09 13:08

In the case of role-playing sources I agree it tends to be really easy to point a faker. But also as you mentioned, in other cases might be a real problem.


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