Why do we feed from others?

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Why do we feed from others? Empty Why do we feed from others?

Post by tutankhamon 02.03.24 17:18

Greetings to all.
I wanted to discuss a topic with all of you

Have you ever wondered why we feed energy from other beings?
Humans/animals and so on?
I was wondering, if this process has a negative result on our soul, because after all we ,,steal” energy from others.

I visualize feeding energy as someone injecting steroids into the body.

Why did I ask myself that? Because:
We all have a soul, and it's our own soul, spirit and so on,
why do we need other people's energy so we can evolve or charge our batteries?
Why don't we do it ourselves? Or can't we?
Can't we raise our own energy much more, can't we materialize our soul much more in this body?
Or why?

Do you know the reasons why we feed from others?
Because after all your energy combines with the energy of others, which spoils your pure energy, which is yours, your soul, right? So you're basically destroying your ability to be your original self, am I right?

I’m waiting for your opinions, thank you!

Number of posts : 28
Location : Romania
Registration date : 2022-12-19

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Why do we feed from others? Empty Re: Why do we feed from others?

Post by Kherpukos 06.03.24 14:28

I have questioned myself about the exact subject. Why do we feed on other beings energy and what would happen if We would be alone in the existence. How would we feed? Is it a psychological need? Like social media addcition, is it a true urge?

I never got a real answer to the question but we all know that energy is never destroyed, at least not on our plane of existence. Energy is transformed.
And we do not create anything, we just manipulate what exists even though our cells are generating energy, we are generating through several sources.

I am not bringing a real answer to that, but it seems that this universe is based on the survival of the fittest. The stronger preys on the weaker.
Even stars devour each other, micro or macro beings devour the weaker

Perhaps, the answer lies inside ourselves


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Registration date : 2023-09-20

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Why do we feed from others? Empty Re: Why do we feed from others?

Post by tutankhamon 06.03.24 15:03

Hello Kherpukos.. Thank you for your reply and time to my post, all I have to say to your reply is :

,,The Universe is a Whore: She gives birth to all
senses and impressions, all ideas and
expectations, all things sick and sublime.
And She laughs as they devour each other and
She takes Her play with each as it takes Her
All Creation is at war and carries within its
parts the seeds of destruction. How could it be
otherwise? For the parts are not the whole, but
to wholeness they aspire. Thus they fight to
win more space and being for themselves at
the expense of all others. Even love is such,
seeking to draw the beloved into the personal
sphere, to become part of one's wholeness.“

And may i ask.. Is it better never to have been than it is to be and then have to end?

Number of posts : 28
Location : Romania
Registration date : 2022-12-19

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Why do we feed from others? Empty Re: Why do we feed from others?

Post by Louanne 12.03.24 14:05

Thank you for this interesting food for thought. All living beings need energy from outside in some way in the world, especially us. What is the reason for this? I actually thought it was because we are all supposed to live in dependence on each other and can therefore see the relationship as the meaning of our existence? But maybe I'll think about it further.

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Registration date : 2023-04-18

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Why do we feed from others? Empty Re: Why do we feed from others?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 13.03.24 13:59

Vampires allegedly suffer from a need and/or deficiency that cannot be identified or verified, they appease this need with something (metaphysical energy) that cannot be identified or verified, their symptoms cannot be diagnosed, and thus are never treatable.

"Real vampirism has emerged as an identity category through two decades of discourse . . . Applying the theory of dynamic nominalism, I speculate that if the psychic vampire did not exist as a category, individuals with this sort of expenence would not be vampires"

Dr. Joseph Laycock


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Why do we feed from others? Empty Re: Why do we feed from others?

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