Shadow Self

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Shadow Self Empty Shadow Self

Post by Heruset 08.01.17 2:07

1. Magickally,
2. Psychologically

What do you know about the shadow self and what are your opinions on it?


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Naoom 08.01.17 4:20

In luciferianism Set is the shadow self.Isolated,Set represents the Evil Genius.The BA may be seen as the evil genius.

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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Heruset 08.01.17 12:34

That's an interesting idea, George. Especially considering that the shadow can become destructive (and that in some places Horus and Set are considered twins...) Anyone else have info to share?


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Naoom 08.01.17 12:37

Since you found what I have to share interesting,I will also add that the Magnum Opus allows marriage of opposites.Union of Ka and Ba.I like the metaphor Fire and Wind,representing both aspects of the Self.In the left hand path this is the act of union between Samael and Lilith (she has 17 names),to beget Cain.

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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Heruset 08.01.17 14:36

You've given me some food for thought, though I don't necessarily agree with all of those combinations. (Unimportant).

I find the underlying idea appealing. Ive made some other posts about Set /the qlippoth. Rereading it sounds like shadow and Set can be related or correlated


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Heruset 09.01.17 19:13

Does anyone have a psychological or alternative-to-George's perspective on the shadow?


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Nightshade 10.01.17 5:07

I don't connect the shadow self with Seth. I approach it more like a dualistic side to your light or conscious self that you recognize but both make up the whole that is you. The shadow self being more dangerous, dark and unexpected, maybe a side of you that you're not even aware it exists unless you explore your own existence deeply which not many succeed in doing because of how painful and traumatizing it can be. Bringing it to surface can be related with what the Asetians describe as the Dark Flame.

But what is your perspective Heruset? This is only mine, not necessarily accurate.

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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Naoom 10.01.17 5:19

Nightsade,I was refering to the luciferian Angel-Daemon who is seen as Azazel and Lucifer.Both are the same deity.

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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Heruset 10.01.17 13:35

I believe that you and I hold similar views on this Nightshade.

At first I did think of the shadow as Set, however I think that is because the undesirable aspects of the shadow are also associated with Set, however just now I had a train of thought.
Perhaps this is (part of) Seth's trickery. Set and Aset both have shadows, but Seth lets his rule while Aset integrates hers (via magick, healing, etc). So perhaps the shadow is so recognizably associated with Set because his archetype mostly shows his shadow behavior manifest. In this behavior others can see that they have similar traits but do not identify with Seth... Then again wouldn't an ideal way to "kill" or "subdue" evil be to integrate and enlighten it? Just some food for thought

However, you're right that the Asetians call Aset a complete goddess for a reason. Like her Precessor she reproduced with her own shadow.

This dualistic side (the shadow) is harmful and can be undetected by those unaware of it... However it becomes the ultimate creative source if tapped into and integrated... Which can take years or lifetimes depending how deep your shadow goes, and even during this process there is no guarantee for success.

Though, it is important to note that self-success relies on self-effort.


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Naoom 04.04.17 8:29

I completely disagree with my previous posts on this thread and will have to say that Nightsade was correct. I admit I did not have complete control over myself and I have to apologize. My own veiws on the shadow self are the below which are copied by an article on orgone therapy. The Lower Self (Shadow Self/Primal Wound) arises due to violations of the core. When we are hurt, rejected, or violated we feel anger, hate and rage. When a child’s needs are not met, there is an organismic reaction of terror and rage. This is the development of the Lower Self. The child learns quickly that this Lower Self reaction is unacceptable and must negate this part of himself, in order to survive and keep parental love. This energy becomes stagnant and produces the next layer of defence, which becomes the physical armouring. The shadow is a part of the core of life. The shadow contains primitive, undifferentiated life force, a power which is disowned and needs to be integrated into the personality.


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Heruset 04.04.17 12:52

Thanks for sharing George


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Shadow Self Empty Re: Shadow Self

Post by Naoom 05.06.18 6:10

I want to add on this, because I had some very insightful experiences and encounters with the Shadow since. I am going to describe two lucid dream experiences about it. In the first I was walking towards my grandmother's appartment and upon entering, I saw a very ugly, distorted version of myself looking at me. I felt deep fear just by looking at him and because of this I mocked at him and immediately saw him doing the same action towards me, like a mirror image. I then realized this was an aspect of myself and I had no reason to be afraid of it. It immediately united with me and when I looked at a mirror, I could see its reflection in the back of my eyes. I could still feel the fear but I had a deeper sense of power. In the second dream, I entered with the intention of facing my fear of this personality that exists in the unconsious. Upon entering, I saw a red figure with no facial characteristics standing still in front of me. I felt terror and I wanted to know why. I felt unable to move but at the same time I knew this figure had no life or intention to harm me. Both dreams have meaning under a Jungian Perspective. Psychologist Carl Jung stated:

Active imagination is a meditation technique wherein the contents of one's unconscious are translated into images, narrative or personified as separate entities. It can serve as a bridge between the conscious "ego" and the unconscious and includes working with dreams and the creative self via imagination or fantasy.

I didn't put a link to my last post on this thread so here it is:

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