What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by trentonterranceratzlaff 12.06.17 6:37

I have been reading this all night, looking for something to ascertain what I am.

After reading the gamer who talks about a guardian feeding on him, it seems very dramatic and would really seem out of fiction. How about the dark shadow I saw go across my hall when I was doing my protection ritual this evening?

Its not the first one I saw.

How about my dramatic life or experience, nah.

I just want to know what I am. Someone who could ascertain this by looking...

My Shaman said there was something wrong with me, I have done the Peyote Ceremony a number of times...

Last one I was asked to leave...

I do not know where to go, I feel alone. I will not really say what happened or do not know how to describe it, just that gamer talking about the eye of horus after he was working on an art piece made me vomit, and not in the way "getting well" is associated in Peyote Ceremony. It was like I am going to waste writting about OMG a guardian is attacking me everyweek. Here is the first chapter in my book I hope to sell...

It was written to well, sounds INSULTING to those trying to figure their shit out...


Just to reference it...

My shaman said I been trying to help you...

So and a whole lot of other stuff, we have something about night spirits. I have never been ejected from ceremony. It was an interesting walk back to town...

I do not know how to describe it, I zone out with the medicine and go to a place. This time I woke up and the elder was yelling at me, the road man was yelling at me. Forgive my rant about the previous article. I just found it offensive enough to try to post this, and figure shit out.

So here it is what am I?

How do you figure out what you are and how to work with it?

My ancestry is German, yeah my last name is traced to german nobility, I have alot of stuff from other nations. Makes me a big white european.

Something seems right, like satanism does not make much sense and this actually goes back 6000 years like peyote ceremony. I find myself wanting to learn more, where to start? I find I have a affinity with animals and even understanding scents and learning body language. I am hopping this helps.

Thank you, net is full of trolls...

I am hopping to find something, like a shaman would be able to tell.

My crack in the dark, I did not know where to post.

Thank you for the help.


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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by A.Nightside 13.06.17 23:52

Perhaps I'm not reading right, but I don't fully understand. What are you asking? Type of what?

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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by trentonterranceratzlaff 15.06.17 15:39

I was wondering about the types of vampire. I was seening about their being five types in the bloodlines. I guess this is what I am curious. I feel I may be a hybrid between more than one.

I am asking for someone with the gift of sight, to take a look at me in the astral realms and give some insight for my own personal journey.

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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by A.Nightside 18.06.17 21:41

Bare in mind here, I'm not coming from an Asetian background here. I don't believe there are bloodlines, at least none scientifically confirmed here, and as far as I can tell, this isn't a roleplay group that believes in the Vampire the Masquerade types.

From my knowledge, it's quite simple, if you need energy you are a Psi Vampire (or psy, pranic, energy). If you need blood, you're Sanguinarian. If you need both you're "hybrid". If you need soemthing else, such as energy ONLY via sex and intimate environments or feed off of non-blood bodily fluids, you might be an Eros or Sexual vampire.

You should not rely on someone else telling you what you are. They can give guesses but perspective is subjective, they can only make suggestions, guesses, attempt to guide you, only you will know you best through experience, self searching and research. Only you can confirm for yourself what is and is not true.


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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by A.Nightside 18.06.17 21:56

Regarding the 5 types, I now understand what you're talking about as I realized there are 5 subcategories under part of the forums. I'd recommend browsing those subforums for more information.

Again, as I described, I don't know much about that, sorry I can't help you more.

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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by trentonterranceratzlaff 20.06.17 23:41

Thats the truth, I find an elder can shed sight. So the Peyote people called me, said sorry and came back for anouther ceremony. Saw what I was. Somehow I am all five types. I am very interested, because it feels like the medicine wants me to grow in this area. The guy that called me to ceremony told me a story how the guy that wanted to lead this one got called away, saw him steal someones chi three years ago, the guy he stole it off could not do ceremony. So I found away to set it all right and make the plunge. It felt really good. It was very funny, the next day I signed up on the forums I got a facebook message from one of the shaman that was fed up with some of the drama in the peyote chruch. So he wanted me to come, when I got there everything made sense. I am very greatful for this group of people, feel like I have a certain family.

Time for me to learn more, thank you for the help Smile

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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by Heruset 21.06.17 11:05

Wow, what a crock


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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by A.Nightside 22.06.17 13:01

I highly doubt, if you're any "type" that you're all 5 in one. I can understand traits of types overlapping here and there, seems common as humans (or at least human bodied entities) but there are seperate, defined types for a reason.

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What Orgin or Type would I fall under... Empty Re: What Orgin or Type would I fall under...

Post by Jonathan 22.06.17 13:37

A.Nightside wrote:I highly doubt, if you're any "type" that you're all 5 in one. I can understand traits of types overlapping here and there, seems common as humans (or at least human bodied entities) but there are seperate, defined types for a reason.

Agreed, there's no such thing as being "all types" or a mix of lineages. For example in the Asetian culture those are hallmarks of spiritual identity and major archetypes. As A. Nightside mentioned overlapping of characteristics and abilities is only natural and expected but that doesn't imply any mixing of identity types.

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