Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

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Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...) Empty Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.09.18 12:04

The predator hunts in silence, calculating steps by heightened senses and quick reflexes. Slowing down, so as to see and hear much farther and of what is [going on] around them, is a dangerous weapon in the psychology and arsenal of the predator. This probably holds true for any predator animal in the wilds, like a wolf or a lion when listening or scenting for other animals or prey, just as much as it does to any creature of magickal prowess and metaphysical stealth in combination with a predatory spirituality. Slowing down, meaning the restlessness of the mind come to a standstill upon the enhancement of higher senses, clarification of focus and knowledge upon further steps in a kind of disciplinary way of insight... There is, in my opinion, a clear and efficient cognition of what is relevant; they will precisely know their aims and goals, whether minor or major, and will often not face distractions upon nearly any scale, foremost, reflecting upon the psychology for the hunt... However, this is not to say that they all the time only intellectually control themselves but never have fun or do any form of recreational activity... as it can sometimes be needed for any incarnated being... in balance, not to overstrain themselves. But, whilst herds of lost sheep wander around in constant confusion by restless activity and never stop to ponder, the archetypal predator will have a rather introspective nature and practice. This is of course somewhat archetypal but not less psychologically applicable... I also strongly reckon similar traits belong to those of a metaphysically predatory nature such as vampires, werewolves or other forms of otherkin with similar needs. Of course there is much more to it than this and this barerly touches upon the tip of the iceberg...

Feel free to comment. Smile

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Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...) Empty Re: Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

Post by CREdarkness 27.09.18 13:36

Interesting ...

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Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...) Empty Re: Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

Post by CREdarkness 27.09.18 22:52

I apologize for the double posts on this forum ahead of time I don’t want to be annoying, but I forgot to ask - do you feel you are someone of a predatory spirituality such as this which you just wrote?

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Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...) Empty Re: Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 28.09.18 7:56

Depends. I won't go into details. But it was not in primary reference to myself; perhaps alluding to others. Trying to capture some of its psychology, although it might not have been the utmost work at that. What I described was probably a kind of tool, more than anything else, the act of "slowing down" so as to perceive more of what is around you.

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Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...) Empty Re: Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

Post by A.Nightside 29.09.18 16:15

I want to come back to this, sorry mobile.. wanna come back when I'm on desktop

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Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...) Empty Re: Predatory Spirituality - Psychology of the Predator (Vampire, Werewolf, Otherkin, or any other type of predatory being...)

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