greeting committee

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greeting committee Empty greeting committee

Post by Maxx 04.08.17 13:26

Good to see more than one person scanning the new personalities coming in to join the forum and culling the clowns and jokers and mentally delusional from sincere seeking individuals. A.Nightside and Heruset along with staples Jonathan and Nightshade can do a great job. I am going on vacation looking for the good life and will become a recluse enjoying silence and chuckles within. Might even pull the plug on my computer. I have a couple of new projects I will be playing with. Will plan on checking your actions at least once in a while so keep on keeping the crazies out of here. lol. Have fun.

Maxx i mus tard w/ mayo

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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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greeting committee Empty Re: greeting committee

Post by Heruset 04.08.17 19:30

Maxx you're too funny

and A. Nightside is too kind.

You rip a weed from the roots jocolor


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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greeting committee Empty Re: greeting committee

Post by Jonathan 04.08.17 19:34

Hey pal don't be a stranger. Wink

Number of posts : 3062
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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