Dark Mark and Pharoahs
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Dark Mark and Pharoahs
Is it just me, or is this image I found while reading about Tutankhamun bear a striking resemblance to the Dark Mark?
Daniel09- Expert
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Re: Dark Mark and Pharoahs
Interesting, I did not know of that Tutankhamun's pendant. If it is connected with the Dark Mark, it is in a disguised and hidden way. Could it be connected with Concubines? We see the distinctive scarab in the center. But then again, it has several serpents all around the jewelry, which could point to a Viperine connection, adding to the Eye of Horus in the upper part. I don't know... but it also has the identifying disk at the top in representation of the Crown Shen, or the energy of Aset as the rays represented in the Dark Mark. That's quite of a complex imagery... looking forward for other people opinions.
Jonathan- Master
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Re: Dark Mark and Pharoahs
Tutankhamon reigned durign the 18th Dynasty right after the Pharaoh Akhenaten, who had been called the "heretic" because he had tried to install a monotheistic, sun-worshipping turn to the ancient Egyptian religious traditions.
When King Tut was born he was first called Tutankhaten (Aten = Sun) , but later on as he took up the throne and the old traditions were reinstalled his name was changed to Tutankhamun (Amun = the previously worshipped god). So in a way Tut represents a reversal to the ancient traditions in Egypt, because Asetianism had long gone undercover by then. But still, Amun is a rather "modern" god so I doubt that there is a direct link between this pendant and the Asetians, though there is probably a symbolic link.
The winged scarabs (rebirth), falcons (ascension of the Ba), Eye of Ra (Protection) are deep lasting symbols that were used throughout the centuries in ancient Egypt. I might add, though ,that these symbols most probably were originated during the Sep Tepy.
This means that the Egyptian Kingdom has been deeply influenced by the original sigils that, to this day, still affect us.
This is just a small opinion. I would also welcome more educated ones.
When King Tut was born he was first called Tutankhaten (Aten = Sun) , but later on as he took up the throne and the old traditions were reinstalled his name was changed to Tutankhamun (Amun = the previously worshipped god). So in a way Tut represents a reversal to the ancient traditions in Egypt, because Asetianism had long gone undercover by then. But still, Amun is a rather "modern" god so I doubt that there is a direct link between this pendant and the Asetians, though there is probably a symbolic link.
The winged scarabs (rebirth), falcons (ascension of the Ba), Eye of Ra (Protection) are deep lasting symbols that were used throughout the centuries in ancient Egypt. I might add, though ,that these symbols most probably were originated during the Sep Tepy.
This means that the Egyptian Kingdom has been deeply influenced by the original sigils that, to this day, still affect us.
This is just a small opinion. I would also welcome more educated ones.
Syrianeh- Expert
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Re: Dark Mark and Pharoahs
Actually Syrianeh, you pointed out what I was going to say, so you beat me to it lol.
I do think that even though they may have not known the symbols and greater meaning that they wore, it is interesting that they would use symbols of the three lineages together. I have pendants that I got while I was there that do the same thing, so I know it isnt just this one that holds the significance. Again the Asetians affect and inspire even if others do not realize it. Thinking back that far, to all of the Egyptians that wore the pieces that bore strong Asetian marks and Kemetic signs, its interesting to know that even if they themselves didnt believe or follow Asetianism they still wore and projected them without realizing it. I always thought it was ironic.
I do think that even though they may have not known the symbols and greater meaning that they wore, it is interesting that they would use symbols of the three lineages together. I have pendants that I got while I was there that do the same thing, so I know it isnt just this one that holds the significance. Again the Asetians affect and inspire even if others do not realize it. Thinking back that far, to all of the Egyptians that wore the pieces that bore strong Asetian marks and Kemetic signs, its interesting to know that even if they themselves didnt believe or follow Asetianism they still wore and projected them without realizing it. I always thought it was ironic.
Elaina- Outsider
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