Wisdom - sharing a text
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Wisdom - sharing a text
I would like to share this summary of a text I received about Wisdom.
Wisdom is the most important of the virtues, because it contains all the others.
It is the synthesis of all. Ideally speaking, means that being wise is to be patient, confident, moderate, tolerant, detached, unselfish, humble, courageous, peaceful and benevolent, which requires great self-control and some degree of perfection.
So very rare people can be qualified as wise.
In fact, the common of mortals meets, at best, only some of these qualities, which is already appreciable. On the other hand some flaws are more negative than others, in particular egoism and pride. But whoever suffers from these flaws, and can overcome them, has much merit, both on the human plane and in the divine plane.
We must always remember that it is not the fact of being imperfect that is carmally blameworthy, but the lack of effort to perfect oneself.
Regardless of the virtues of which it is the synthesis, no one can deny that wisdom is indissociable from knowledge.
it is precisely for this reason that the ignorant can not be wise.
However we still have to understand what we call knowledge.
It is not the intellectual knowledge that some people brag about owning and that they like to display, usually under the impulse of their ego. In fact, this kind of knowledge is necessarily relative, arbitrary and limited, however vast it may be learned on the purely cultural plane.
In addition, it is proper to our brain functions and not to our spiritual faculties.
In other words, it concerns our mind and lasts no more than a single life, whereas true knowledge is an integral part of our soul and remains in it from incarnation to incarnation.
What then is knowledge in the mystical sense of the term?
According to previous explanations, it belongs to the soul field. In fact corresponds to the understanding of the divine laws, that is of the natural laws, universal and spiritual, as they manifest themselves in and around human beings.
It also includes what we commonly call life experience, that is, the ability to understand the contingencies of life and to adapt to circumstances. By extension implies knowing oneself, for the way we judge others very often reveals the vision that we have or not in ourselves.
Whatever the true knowledge is not acquired in the books, however cultural they may be, but in the lessons that everyday life teaches us.
In fact, it is these lessons that contribute to our spiritual evolution, because they necessarily resort to our soul and leave an indelible mark on the conscience that is proper to it. But knowledge, however prestigious it may be, is not enough to make wise who owns it. In order to be so, it must be accompanied by the corresponding practice. Otherwise, it is limited to a theoretical knowledge without any interest, both in the spiritual as in the material. it means that wisdom is the application of what we know in philosophy, meaning that word exactly "love of wisdom" or "science of life."
As far as we are concerned with the esoteric or exoteric definition of the term. To be wise, in the noblest sense, is therefore to think, speak and act in consonance with what is known and to know that what is known is in conformity with the Divine Wisdom. In other words, it is to express in our behavior the perfection of our Divine self in all aspects of life. This implies, of course, a very high level of evolution.
Since wisdom is the ability to think, speak, and act in harmony with Divine Wisdom, it implies the mastery of thought, speech, and action. To be wise in action is to apply the maxim every day: "to do good and let them speak". in other words, it is doing good without worrying about the judgment of others.
We must also remember "science without conscience is the ruin of the soul".
We are of divine origin and evolve from life in life to the perfection of our own nature and we are all embodying on earth the Divine Wisdom, Universal Intelligence, which is at the origin of the universe, of nature and of our human being. And it is in the depths of ourselves we must strive to find this Divine Wisdom.
Wisdom is the most important of the virtues, because it contains all the others.
It is the synthesis of all. Ideally speaking, means that being wise is to be patient, confident, moderate, tolerant, detached, unselfish, humble, courageous, peaceful and benevolent, which requires great self-control and some degree of perfection.
So very rare people can be qualified as wise.
In fact, the common of mortals meets, at best, only some of these qualities, which is already appreciable. On the other hand some flaws are more negative than others, in particular egoism and pride. But whoever suffers from these flaws, and can overcome them, has much merit, both on the human plane and in the divine plane.
We must always remember that it is not the fact of being imperfect that is carmally blameworthy, but the lack of effort to perfect oneself.
Regardless of the virtues of which it is the synthesis, no one can deny that wisdom is indissociable from knowledge.
it is precisely for this reason that the ignorant can not be wise.
However we still have to understand what we call knowledge.
It is not the intellectual knowledge that some people brag about owning and that they like to display, usually under the impulse of their ego. In fact, this kind of knowledge is necessarily relative, arbitrary and limited, however vast it may be learned on the purely cultural plane.
In addition, it is proper to our brain functions and not to our spiritual faculties.
In other words, it concerns our mind and lasts no more than a single life, whereas true knowledge is an integral part of our soul and remains in it from incarnation to incarnation.
What then is knowledge in the mystical sense of the term?
According to previous explanations, it belongs to the soul field. In fact corresponds to the understanding of the divine laws, that is of the natural laws, universal and spiritual, as they manifest themselves in and around human beings.
It also includes what we commonly call life experience, that is, the ability to understand the contingencies of life and to adapt to circumstances. By extension implies knowing oneself, for the way we judge others very often reveals the vision that we have or not in ourselves.
Whatever the true knowledge is not acquired in the books, however cultural they may be, but in the lessons that everyday life teaches us.
In fact, it is these lessons that contribute to our spiritual evolution, because they necessarily resort to our soul and leave an indelible mark on the conscience that is proper to it. But knowledge, however prestigious it may be, is not enough to make wise who owns it. In order to be so, it must be accompanied by the corresponding practice. Otherwise, it is limited to a theoretical knowledge without any interest, both in the spiritual as in the material. it means that wisdom is the application of what we know in philosophy, meaning that word exactly "love of wisdom" or "science of life."
As far as we are concerned with the esoteric or exoteric definition of the term. To be wise, in the noblest sense, is therefore to think, speak and act in consonance with what is known and to know that what is known is in conformity with the Divine Wisdom. In other words, it is to express in our behavior the perfection of our Divine self in all aspects of life. This implies, of course, a very high level of evolution.
Since wisdom is the ability to think, speak, and act in harmony with Divine Wisdom, it implies the mastery of thought, speech, and action. To be wise in action is to apply the maxim every day: "to do good and let them speak". in other words, it is doing good without worrying about the judgment of others.
We must also remember "science without conscience is the ruin of the soul".
We are of divine origin and evolve from life in life to the perfection of our own nature and we are all embodying on earth the Divine Wisdom, Universal Intelligence, which is at the origin of the universe, of nature and of our human being. And it is in the depths of ourselves we must strive to find this Divine Wisdom.
Lynskha- Adept
- Number of posts : 476
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Registration date : 2017-08-25
Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
Well said.
We each have flaws or imperfections to work on, perhaps fewer with each incarnation but, will we ever reach perfection and, if so, what then? Do we continue to reincarnate or, do we exist without a body, or gain a truly immortal body here, or in another plane? And isn't that the ultimate question to be answered - what happens when we do finally perfect ourselves?
We each have flaws or imperfections to work on, perhaps fewer with each incarnation but, will we ever reach perfection and, if so, what then? Do we continue to reincarnate or, do we exist without a body, or gain a truly immortal body here, or in another plane? And isn't that the ultimate question to be answered - what happens when we do finally perfect ourselves?
Charby- Outsider
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
we will go on into other universes to work on other projects after leaving this planet and depending on which vibration pattern we settle in at any time. But the final destination is becoming one with the Source.
Maxx- Master
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
Amazing words Maxx. The Union with the Source.
Lynskha- Adept
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
you, yourself, have made contact with it as you described in your meditation
Maxx- Master
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
Of course but, is that really the end for us? What if we choose not to go into the Source, if we wish to live on in a more physical, temporal sense? If nothing is impossible for us then, might we choose how we live on at the point of perfection?
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
the physical realm is the lowest of all level. no one wants to stay in kindergarden all their life. You will see some different views in your future that will help you move some choices around. As I always say, everyone is just right in where they are in their walk. Never too early or never too late. Thousands of different lives before this one and that many or more ahead of us. always learning. every onward.
Maxx- Master
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
Yes, meditation has brought me some very meaningful and deep experiences.
I believe the Union with the Source is something beautiful, but a hard work with many struggles until Selk knowledge and self develompent.
Going from 0 to 0, a cycle of ourselves, until we reach the absolute nothingness where there is everything.
I believe the Union with the Source is something beautiful, but a hard work with many struggles until Selk knowledge and self develompent.
Going from 0 to 0, a cycle of ourselves, until we reach the absolute nothingness where there is everything.
Lynskha- Adept
- Number of posts : 476
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
there is plenty of time..... it may take more lifetimes to accomplish a certain task we are interested in.
We do have forever....
We do have forever....
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
True knowledge cannot be found in a book. It is something one either has or they don’t. What you’ve described is not knowledge, at all, whatsoever... Wisdom too you likely have no true understanding of, aside from what wisdom you’ve gathered from you’ve experienced. Wise people do not even consider killing off the weak. Unless you were joking you have very little aside from a bad ego, a bad attitude, and a robotic take on life. Not just any kind of robot either, something of an ignorant robot, built for elitist goals... I think you should consider projecting nothing into existence until you learn wisdom. And that, as a final statement, is something of a gift.
Nightvein- Banned
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
I apologize - it looked from my screen as if maxx was posting this about wisdom and knowledge, which would be obscene, but since you are posting it. It might not be. Now I cannot delete it - no buttons here ! Very sorry to the member who posted it.
Nightvein- Banned
- Number of posts : 66
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Registration date : 2018-02-02
Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
Beautiful text. One should always strive towards a mind under the domain of wisdom. Through the stillness, in the silence of the heart, one ought to find its ways, and realize... Silence is quintessential to wisdom, and this silence is not merely verbal silence - as I think you have mentioned in some of your other texts - but inner silence, mainly of the heart but also of the mind, both together. But verbal silence is helpful to the maintenance of overall, inner silence. A lot of unnecessary speech tends to stir up unrest in the mind, or restlessness, and cause it to lose sight of the beautiful silence that is found or manifested within. If silence is mastered in wisdom it tends to give off an aura or radiance of silence. Such peaceful vibrations of utter inspiration in its magnificent state is mostly or often I suppose the outcome of such practice and not anything made by forceful intentions. Firstly, one has to discover inner silence, and, secondly, through its keeping, manifest it outwardly under the regulation of wisdom, partially to keep all distractions at bay through watchful discrimination and, on the other hand, to fully perfect it in and of itself, for they very much go hand in hand, at least so I think.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
MysticLightShinethForth ,
thank you for your comments. I have been observing Silence and everything that surrounds it. How we are deceived by the illusion that we are in silence when in reality our mind is full of noise.
I had the opportunity to exercise verbal silence during 3 days, and it was quite surprising to see how the body strives to manifest. My mind was just flooded by thoughts. I could observe how we have thoughts for everything. We want to make comments, we develop ideas, and not being "allowed" to talk, made this observation quite an interesting experiment.
I also noticed that we tend to move a lot, without the real need for it. Our physical body is in constant action, like the act of swinging a leg, scratching, moving without reason. All unnecessary movements spend energy, and it is a trial from the body to bring attention to itself. It is also a kind of noise.
dominating the mind and body is no more than an act of extreme need for silence to be attained. Through some correct exercises and training, one can begin to exercise some mastery. Keeping in mind that it is an arduous and constant work that can take years.
Silence brings us a lot of learning, and it is not just the silence of guarding ourselves to avoid talking too much, unnecessarily, or a silence to avoid giving answers.
The real silence, I think, is, in fact, the inner one. They are quiet, without waves ...
As I read in a little text that morning that mentioned the fact that we were like a lake, with 5 blocks of ice, like icebergs. Each time the blocks break, they cause waves in the water. Then managing to keep these blocks of ice standing still, the water also quiesces, and then the sun can be perfectly reflected on its surface.
thank you for your comments. I have been observing Silence and everything that surrounds it. How we are deceived by the illusion that we are in silence when in reality our mind is full of noise.
I had the opportunity to exercise verbal silence during 3 days, and it was quite surprising to see how the body strives to manifest. My mind was just flooded by thoughts. I could observe how we have thoughts for everything. We want to make comments, we develop ideas, and not being "allowed" to talk, made this observation quite an interesting experiment.
I also noticed that we tend to move a lot, without the real need for it. Our physical body is in constant action, like the act of swinging a leg, scratching, moving without reason. All unnecessary movements spend energy, and it is a trial from the body to bring attention to itself. It is also a kind of noise.
dominating the mind and body is no more than an act of extreme need for silence to be attained. Through some correct exercises and training, one can begin to exercise some mastery. Keeping in mind that it is an arduous and constant work that can take years.
Silence brings us a lot of learning, and it is not just the silence of guarding ourselves to avoid talking too much, unnecessarily, or a silence to avoid giving answers.
The real silence, I think, is, in fact, the inner one. They are quiet, without waves ...
As I read in a little text that morning that mentioned the fact that we were like a lake, with 5 blocks of ice, like icebergs. Each time the blocks break, they cause waves in the water. Then managing to keep these blocks of ice standing still, the water also quiesces, and then the sun can be perfectly reflected on its surface.
Lynskha- Adept
- Number of posts : 476
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Re: Wisdom - sharing a text
Indeed, and if you keep inner and outer silence, you are able to rechannel energy into higher outlets as the mind becomes clear and refined. You can begin a truely alchemical work worthy of its name. Transmutation of lower into higher, until they converge and the lower is made into higher, the higher reached by the lower, and a process of distillation... A work consisting of a lot of pain as you go through many emotions and blockages in the subtle energy system but worth every ounce of inward practice. Reaching of elevated consciousness and refinement of purification by its sacred art. And it must be realized through inward silence, helped by outward keeping of of it. It is a process of hard work and dedicatedly committed practice which requires patience and perseverance, as a lot of things might be unraveled or uncovered through its procedure, all from dancing shadows to basking in light, metaphorically but also litterally in terms of light and darkness as is always an inevitable finding in the realms within; however going in tides, turning and shifting, often from one end of the polarity to the other, depending upon many internal and external factors, such as cosmological or astrological influence I believe but also the rising and falling of energy within, much interrelated if I am not mistaken... At least this is just my personal experience. I do not know if I divulge some high and mighty secret here, regarding this practice, coming just from my personal practice and experience without anyone else's direct influence as rather self-grown. It has been my mystical endeavour for years, so it feels as if I am quite ready to teach it out, at least its principles and small doctrines - to those who are able to grasp it - but not entirerly, so dare to tread its path by careful self-analysis, and spiritual discrimination, if it suits you. I hope this sounds somewhat agreeable, hehe... and that I present it in an unharmful way, not able to be misinterpreted and wrongly practiced, as well...
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
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