The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by Nightvein 16.02.18 7:15

There’s been a few questions about types of vampires, how vampires come about, and what makes a vampire. This is the most widely known definition within the “real-life” vampire community. I don’t have a better name for it, and that is what they call it.
1. There is a need for life-force. The most common forms of life drawn from are: blood, prana, tantric(sexual), elemental.
2. The doctor can not diagnose their “illness”.
3. They have crossed the barriers of what is considered to be natural or in some cases possible.
4. They are not the average human.

There are many other kinds of vampire aside from this but within the community of real-life vampires this is the most common understanding of what truly makes a vampire. Most vampires still qualify under this even if they are a bit different or have a different definition. Beyond this there are many breeds, bloodlines, origins, and definitions. Many forms can the vampire take. There are also religious and spiritual practices. (I would personally advise against religious and spiritual practices which are vampiric).

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by A.Nightside 16.02.18 18:15

You need to understand that the majority of this forum do not associate with the "Vampire Community" and due to varying reasons tend to have a but of a distaste for those who associate with it.

Key is to be open minded, respectful and learn that the VC is not the end all be all of facts/info regarding vampires. Read, learn, understand. Take joining this forum as a sort of restarting. Put your previous knowledge from the VC aside for now.

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by Nightvein 16.02.18 19:18

It’s a pretty standard definition and fits everyone. Nothing about it needs to change, thus far. Possibly change the name of the forum if no one is welcoming to those that actually have vampirism.

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 5:54

You are incredibly narrow minded and a very poor representative of the Vampire Community. Please crawl back into the hole you came from and STOP claiming to represent the Vampire Community. You clearly have been misled.

I tried to be nice, I tried to be fair, I also come from the Vampire Community, do you see how very different you and I are?

This group represents vampires as much as any group from the VC, however their definition is a little different, but if you were to actually pay attention and do some research, their definition really isn't that far from the one the VC poses. They don't outright contradict each other, AND can fit hand in hand, at least from what I've been able to gather. But you're so dead set in your ways (which DON'T even represent half of the actual VC that I've been a part of for longer than a decade) and are so unwilling to consider other possibilities, and accept other opinions. You won't find this forum to your taste, nor will you find any VC group I'm a part of and support to your liking either.

So are you still under the notion that even blood drinkers drink for the energy within? I'm just trying to gauge how long you've actually been a part of the VC and which corner of it you might have crawled from.

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by Nightshade 17.02.18 6:03

Nightvein wrote:It’s a pretty standard definition and fits everyone. Nothing about it needs to change, thus far.

That's a pretty good example of someone extremely limited in understanding. Anyone seeking knowledge or even wisdom always bears a mark of openness to diversity and understanding. Only those very ignorant believe their opinions and definitions are laws that must fit everyone by force and anything different has to be discarded as false. That's actually an accurate reflection of everything that is wrong with certain parts of the wide community.

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.02.18 7:19

Humility, Neightvein... and ability to see different perspectives through putting yourself in their shoes or behind the glasses... why do you think that you hold the absolute truth in your point of view, which is only a perspective, a perception of reality but not the actual reality itself, although perception should be in tune with the reality more or less to not run insane?... Yet it is is only a perspective and there are innumerable ones just as there are people as everyone houses a unique perspective just like the interpretation of the meaning of obscure art, that may be conceptually the same to multiple people but yet differing in nuance, detail and perception of depth and various other understandings. You might have missed some things, I might have missed some other things, then we feel free to admit it by being seriously committed to honesty and that is humility, and purity of heart in regards to conquering arrogance and ego.

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 16:56

Alright. I might be beating a dead horse/going over board at this point but I would like to break this down. Just to be sure I'm clear, and not being misunderstood.

Nightvein wrote:There’s been a few questions about types of vampires, how vampires come about, and what makes a vampire. This is the most widely known definition within the “real-life” vampire community. I don’t have a better name for it, and that is what they call it.
1. There is a need for life-force. The most common forms of life drawn from are: blood, prana, tantric(sexual), elemental.
2. The doctor can not diagnose their “illness”.
3. They have crossed the barriers of what is considered to be natural or in some cases possible.
4. They are not the average human.

Yes and no. As I've stated, I agree with this, generally speaking, but there's details that I feel NEED to be ironed out here.

Yes, I also believe/learned that vampirism, at least for ME and those LIKE ME, is, at it's very core, a need for something extra beyond what the average person naturally maintains. This generally centers around Blood and/or Non-physical/Meta-physical/Life energies (Prana, Ki, chi, etc.). Beyond that the breakdown is debatable, and often argued, and involves things like degree/severity of need, specific need (blood, energy or both), method of feeding, etc.

WHY we/they/vampires (of this sort) experience their need is also up in the air. Theories such as broken, damaged, malfunctioning or simply different energy systems, inherited/dormant genes that when triggered cause this condition, among other things. Many have also theorized that vampirism of this sort is simply something that has been misidentified with a label that it isn't really.

Many self-identified vampires believe there is more to being a vampire than the core need. Many ascribe other traits and characteristics as being inherent in vampires. Some believe that being a vampire in and of itself, is the result of being nonhuman in some way. Some believe traits such as [debatebly] better than average physical senses, a greater awareness/likelihood of subtle senses, adeptness at energy manipulation/psionics/magic(k) work, and Empathic abilities are trademarks of being a vampire. While I agree that other traits must be a thing, considering just because the body is ill/malfunctioning doesn't mean we're not human, similar may apply to the subtle body, while damage/malfunction/illness/condition may be part of vampirism, having such may not actually mean you're truly a vampire (maybe maybe not?).

#3 I only agree with in the context of need, but in no other ways really. Our physical senses do not become greater than what our physically human body is capable of, though I do experience a level of clair-abilities/sensitivities myself and therefore can understand if perhaps a person may confuse nonphysical for something physical.

#2, again yes and no. I'm familiar with what seems like a majority of self-identified vampires who describe mirrored effects on their body (assuming in context here, to an energy-related need) possibly related to need. I'm also familiar with what seems like a majority claiming some level of chronic, physical, and diagnosed illness. Which arguably could be an explanation FOR their vampirism, a result OF their vampirism, or something completely unrelated alltogether. This is why however it is emphasized that anyone considering the idea of vampirism to receive a full physical and mental evaluation because treatment for what is and can be diagnosed could not only make life easier, but could also save you from the label of "vampire" ('cause it's not all kittens and rainbows, I promise).

Causes of vampirism are no more than hypothesis (at least in my opinion) and range (as mentioned) from subtle body reasons, spiritual and/or physical genetics/inheritance, astral (/other realm?) parasites, disease, etc. (Yeah I'm not feeling as thorough with this bit, sorry).

#4 in all other ways besides the core/base need, I honestly believe all vampires are just average people, even if they aren't human in some way. I believe anyone is capable of honing psychic/psionic abilities, I believe anyone has the chance to be born subtley/spiritually aware.. Some are better than others, some are born with innate gifts, but vampires aren't the only ones who get "lucky".

There are many other kinds of vampire aside from this but within the community of real-life vampires this is the most common understanding of what truly makes a vampire. Most vampires still qualify under this even if they are a bit different or have a different definition. Beyond this there are many breeds, bloodlines, origins, and definitions. Many forms can the vampire take. There are also religious and spiritual practices. (I would personally advise against religious and spiritual practices which are vampiric).

Once again, THIS is nto "The Community", or at the very least, it's important to understand that this forum specifically makes it a point to seperate themselves and disassociate entirely from "The Community". So the definitions "The Community" puts out, whether you agree with them or not, are generally seen as irrelavant here.

I once agreed "most common" was this definition, but have long since been shown otherwise. Between the "it's not just energy" debate I was educated in at 19ish, to now the Occult side of vampirism as well. There are so MANY variations, though I feel all very similar, I don't think it's a fair call to assume that our's is the most common, it just seems our's is simply the most well-known (to us), or the loudest/most public.

No breeds, No Bloodlines, but indeed a variety of individually and group believed origins and definitions. Even the VC does not recognize breeds and bloodlines and will wave you off as nothing but a roleplayer or delusional person when you try to speak of such things.

Technically, the fact that you are vampire (again assuming spiritual/energy need) requires you to engage in spiritually vampiric practices. If this is not the case for you, then you may not fit your own definition here. Wink


Number of posts : 523
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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 17:21

Oh, right. Sorry.
REferences (fair warning, a majority of these are probably from VC affiliated sites, groups or individuals).

Definition(s) of vampire{s} (and other words):

[additional] Characteristics/Trait (can also be found by navigating the previous links):

[additional] General links:

*to clarify, "bloodlines", my statement is in reference to physical/biological bloodlines which is generally the assumed meaning when the term is used. Spiritual bloodlines/heritages are something different entirely.

If I've missed something, or you'd like a more specific reference (anyone), lemme know. (:

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The Definition Of The Vampire (Community) Empty Re: The Definition Of The Vampire (Community)

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 17:29

OO, and finally, a thread in this very forum that askes every member's belief/opinion/knowledge of what a vampire really is.

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