Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 19.05.18 10:47

Hopefully where I am posting this is okay, apologies if not.

My question as the title suggests is should a newbie get the original Asetian Bible or the Violet Throne?

Not only because of cost, but availability, and a certain issue I will describe below.

So, I have been following this forum for some time now as I said - and something I might have left out of my introduction is that I was a member here under another name. I hadn't made many posts and didn't make much of a splash and went and forgot all about the forum until I found it again.

I once posted about a meeting with what I assumed then was the Goddess Kali, given she had multiple arms and was just, well, mind numbingly terrifying. Please refer to this topic here if you are interested in the full accounting :

So, one thing I intentionally left out at the time because again, as I state near the beginning of the topic, I considered myself one who did not work with nor particularly believe in any deities. Or at least being on the fence about it. I was not someone who could resonate with a deity and dedicate myself fully to them on faith alone. This particular experience started me on the path of exploration that lead me to developing a better connection with certain deities.

The bit I left out was a rather sharp memory of me asking who she was (obvious question) and she simply stated "You can find the answer in the bible." My immediate thought upon recalling this was "lady, I guarantee you are not in the Christian Bible." Because again, I'm a skeptic and back then had a nasty habit of assuming things. So naturally, because of her description, I went with the Goddess Kali.

As you can see though, Rhea Kaye was kind enough to respond and point out that many deities have many faces, not just Kali.

And the bit where this being very calmly states "You can find the answer in the bible," only just now clicked with me. And the fact that I was initially on this site when I wrote about it, TWO YEARS AGO, really just tells how thick I can be sometimes. Timing really is everything I guess. I literally just remembered the Asetian Bible was a thing a few nights ago. I was advised to buy the bible then (at the time of this happening I didn't even know of this place, so I guess it's slightly understandable that it slipped my mind) but now there is a new release.

I know some meditation or whatever could likely answer this for me, but there are other variables that those who have read both would be aware of that I am not.

So, taking into account everything, where should I start, in your opinion?

Just woke up, sorry if anything is jumbled or just incoherent rambling.


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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 19.05.18 10:50

Also, I'm aware that she might not have meant the Asetian Bible specifically, but I have spent several weeks accumulated researching what Bible she could have possibly meant and came up with nil. And I wouldn't be a good researcher if I didn't give this Bible a shot too - though, after this, I'm kind of out of bibles. Razz

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Lynskha 19.05.18 11:30

Hello. I would recommend Asetian Bible if you need an introduction in a more "basic" way. However, the Violet Throne also contains a version of the Asetian Bible, updated, and the Book of Orion and Words in Silence. It also contains additional things, being a more complete grimoire.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Jonathan 19.05.18 12:33

Lynskha already gave the good advice so I don't have much to add. It's usually recommended that people start with the standard Asetian Bible but just as she said the Violet Throne is a far more complete and advanced grimoire. A much more elaborate book for occultists. It really depends on what you're looking for. Most people seem to end up owning both.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Lynskha 19.05.18 12:58

Yes, having both is nice for a comparison for example. That is what I did.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 19.05.18 13:20

Em Hotep Niani,

The answer to your question really depends on what you are searching for, what you hope to gain by studying. It sounds like a deeper part of you is calling out toward this path.

I would recommend the Violet Throne if you want to go really deep in your studies. There is somewhat of a warning in the introduction of this new work, that it was made for an entirely different audience than the previous works. This one is deeper, and more serious. Energetically, I would say it has a very heavy feel to it.  Obtain it only if your heart burns for Aset and the path She created. Otherwise, the dangers are greatly amplified... although they are already present to begin with no matter which work you study. In my opinion, it becomes increasingly more dangerous the less one's heart burns with that violet passion. As a disclaimer, I can of course only speak for myself and my own experiences thus far, and not for the topic as a whole in a completely definitive and authoritative way even if my thoughts or those of any other may be very helpful, so keep in mind that when getting any form of advice from students of Asetianism, you are not drinking from the source.

Alternatively, you could pick up other things in the meantime while you decide, that are more affordable but not without value. There are many avenues to explore, that will open infinite doors to Self and new discoveries. You would be doing this anyway in your hypothetical exploration of the Violet Throne or any of their other publicly accessible works, as it becomes impossible to grasp beyond inevitable roadblocks of understanding without the catalyst and intensifier of further study from other sources - especially when it comes to the Book of Orion and further comprehension of its sigil, initiatory properties and deeper meaning.  Simply take care to use discernment when packing your bags for serious journeys into any path.  

Whatever you decide, I don't think either work will be able to settle this issue for you in a concrete, out in the open sort of way. Asetianism teaches you above all to grasp within yourself for the understanding of your own personal mysteries, and through this, conquering the greatest battles that have far more permanence than the dangerous deceit of Malkuth.

I will not arrogantly dismiss your vision, Niani, as that would be quite rude and also distinctly unhelpful toward you.  However, if it is of interest to you at the present time, I would like to show you a quote from this work regarding contact with beings from the Divine plane of existence.

"Deities are not found beneath the ethereal and among the mists of the astral plane, however creatures from that realm may attempt to trick and deceive while embodying an expected personification of a divine presence, which should not be confused with an actual God or Goddess."
(Violet Throne - Asetian Bible pg. 392.)

I personally believe that these kinds of visions are not without value.  Visions present themselves to the seeker for many possible reasons, and I cannot definitively say how to approach it. It could be present to make you search, to guide you to reach for paths beyond that which you know, it could be an entity trying to help you and communicate with you - it could be so many things. I have seen people mentioning visions or contact with deities and it lead them to pursue more and grasp deeper. So, it is up to you to figure out what this means for your path.

I'd like to add that if you were to separately purchase the Asetian Bible, the Book of Orion, Kemet, and Words in Silence, you would already be well within the ballpark of the Violet Throne's cost. Just an element for your consideration.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 19.05.18 13:33

Wow, guys, thanks so much for all your insight and guidance! I really truly appreciate it and will consider all that you have said.

Question, Rhea, you mentioned the innate dangers of exploring when not fully devoted to Aset. I kind of sensed there might be some issues which is why I might have been putting it off for so long, because I've honestly had the free finances several times to buy the bible over the last few months and just decided not to. I don't really know what I believe when it comes to what I saw and what the purpose behind it might have been, but I do know that I am fatally curious and will seek it out eventually and I figured it would be best to do so with the guidance of others who know a bit more that way I'm not walking in totally blind.

Back to the dangers portion though, what am I looking at in terms of collateral damage? I feel I can handle the consequences for myself, honestly. But could there be a shrapnel effect that could potentially effect the other people in my life? Oh, wait, if it effects me it would likely effect those closest to me. Duh.

I guess I'm looking for "What's the worst that could happen?" if I'm not ready, in order to do a risk-reward assessment.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 19.05.18 13:34

And yes, I'm aware that is how many horror movies start. "What's the worst that could happen?" Razz

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 19.05.18 13:50

Well, it is a tricky subject, as far as the dangers of Asetianism are concerned. With this reply you of course are not getting the source, just a student's perspective. But I'll give it my best shot.

I'd say you can approach it if you have an intense desire to better yourself spiritually. If you are coming into it respectfully and with a serious desire for change and growth, you are surely (from my own perspective) welcome to come and explore it. You just have to keep in mind that it is not a safe path by any means. The dangers, like I said are hard to talk about. You can observe some of the curious effects it has on weak minds, and those with no personality. But those are just a few examples. I'm not going to go bashing specific people here, as that would be immature and counterproductive. However, it has a tendency to leave everyone affected in some way. It has great potential to manifest and seriously intensify the elements you already have within your Self and Heart. When the impurities come to the surface they can be extremely unpleasant to confront and deal with, and I do not say this lightly. This alone has the potential to destroy many people... it has been observed before. I'll give an example - when people find themselves unable to understand an initiatory element, they might cover their misstep with self-importance and other things that only just get in their own way. This is just one thing. There are many others that no one is likely to talk about, if they have managed to uncover such things, because it exists in silence. And because it is up to each individual to make their own discoveries. This is paramount. As an example, if you have never felt what a hot burner on a stove is like, and someone helpful tells you not to put your hand on the stove, you never taste that sensation of why unless you either ignorantly put your hand on the hot stove or see, perhaps, an item catch fire when irresponsibly placed near it.

Ultimately though, no one can decide if it's right for you - aside from yourself. If you decide to pursue it, there are surely many students who would be happy to help you out.

When you fall down, you only taste defeat if you remain on the ground. If within the purity of your Heart you are able to find the impetus to gather your courage and get back up again with a yell of defiance, rising from your own ashes, you will always come away victorious and reborn, worthy of the Flame.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Nightshade 19.05.18 13:58

Those are some good contributions right there Rhea, on both occasions. I agree with that elaboration of thoughts and have experienced similar results.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 19.05.18 14:11

Thank you.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 19.05.18 14:55

Thank you. That was very helpful, and I believe got me in the right mindset to move forward with this. I really, really appreciate your insight Rhea. I will keep you updated, if you like. Smile

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Jonathan 19.05.18 14:57

Keep us all updated if you don't mind. Smile

It's always fascinating to observe how the path develops on different initiates.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 19.05.18 15:01

Sure thing! I planned on dedicating a notebook not only to record notes in reg the subject material but also keep track of any noticeable changes.

Because I'm a nerd.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Jonathan 19.05.18 16:02

That's a good kind of nerd!

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Kalb 19.05.18 16:09

Niani, Kemet first.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 19.05.18 16:15

I'd enjoy hearing your reasoning behind this recommendation, if you don't mind sharing it?

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Kalb 20.05.18 3:07

For a number of reasons, I can list them. The Asetians argue that a true path should only be traveled with the heart, if there is no feeling in that way, it is corrupt. Any beginner who join in Asetian universe, many of the times join without any notion of the dangers and concepts that may change their life forever, many of them will be lost just because they deal with new knowledge and reality that seems strange. It happens the same with the Violet Throne, which is a very complete book where the student will surely get lost in his frustrations and delusions. Both one and the other, the student may have the difficulty of perceiving something. So I believe that Kemet is the best option, it is a meditative book, without writing, without new concepts, it is only a book with images, and it is up to the student to meditate, and for every image he/she is meditating, a link between Holy Land Kemet and his soul is emerging for the first steps on Violet magick and if your soul feels connected, nothing and no one can change how you feel about the Asetian spiritual path. You will follow firmly on your journey without someone distracting you with corrupt and false and unworthy knowledge.

After this, I advise the Asetian Bible.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 20.05.18 9:42

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion on this matter. It contributes really well to the discussion and makes it more well-rounded.

Honestly, I came into the path pretty (understatement) ignorant, and had to make a lot of mistakes before I could See. In fact, I'm still working on that. Looking back, I see there was a whole mountain in front of my path, and I had to find my way above it, not without treacherous tests and problems.

I'm going to admit that I obtained Kemet last. I think it was you who advised me, years ago, to obtain Kemet, that I needed to have the book. I ignored this advice, for a number of reasons but the biggest was financial. I really wish I hadn't! When I finally got my hands on the book, the emotion was just too much for me. I will add that initially, I had complaints about the size of the book, the type of paper used, and the fact that it was a soft cover. This quickly evaporated when I saw how much care there was in this book. The paperback format and size makes it a bit easier to carry around. The type of paper actually is quite nice, the matte finish allows for you to touch the photographs without leaving annoying fingerprints on your copy. You could also view them in candlelight, a nice setting for meditation, without seeing a glare on the pages. Smile

Onlookers without the key will roll their eyes. The rest will understand.

I share snippets of the more personal details so that others may perhaps resonate a bit with it. It is not without a fair amount of hesitance, but I hope it provides value in some way.

I spent the entire day thinking about that book when I saw that it had arrived in the mail. When I finally got home, it was there in a greatly over-sized box. I eagerly tore into the box and took out my copy. And then there was a sort of stillness, where I hesitated. When I finally brought myself to begin turning through the pages, this feeling welled up inside of my chest and I just started crying - hard. I had to stop, put the book in my lap, and lean my head on the desk as the feelings went through me. The emotions were too intense. I had to keep stopping, to gather myself before I could continue. I will add that the last parts of the book provoke rather curious emotions. To see the dense array of modern structures encroaching upon that sacred land was nothing short of intensely painful and upsetting.

Flowery words typed from a keyboard mean nothing without the purified intent and meaning being carved firmly, honestly
and permanently upon the heart. My words are only a message of gratitude, that we were gifted with the chance to see Kemet from such a special point of view. They are only a testament to the power of the violet path and the way it can instigate powerful changes.

Kalb, I look back on that time when you recommended Kemet to me and sort of just smile, wishing I had obtained it sooner. But, I will still add my own thought on this recommendation.

Kemet is not a tool for a beginner just coming into Asetianism. It is, in my opinion, a more extreme and intense tool than it initially appears. I am not sure which page I saw this on, but Mr. Marques mentions that some of the most powerful magic is the most simple. Kemet reminds me of this.

The Asetian Bible is a bit like a powerful beam of light, reflecting off the different mirrors and cues within the subconscious, forming a small piece of a lost key made of pure Willpower that only fails to crumble when it sits in purified hands. To "walk" in Kemet, that key is vital, or you might miss a lot of the important details that remain in pure subtlety. You surely can walk, but it becomes a mere self-guided tour and not an emotional return to Love.

Once again, thanks for adding to this topic. I liked reading your perspective. Though we disagree, in the end people will make the decision that is most right for them at the time.


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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 20.05.18 12:21

Thank you Kalb for your guidance and point of view, and once again, you as well Rhea.

Honestly....Rhea, what you've described above gives me more pause than any possible negative consequence. Not to sound "edgy" but pain is something I have far more experience with than what you described above; that kind of intensity without fear or judgement, that sort of connection? Kind of makes me want to rock back and forth in a corner somewhere. Because I had to spend years and years and make many mistakes to get control of myself and my emotions and my notorious temper. So any kind of situation where I feel I might be out of control, even for positive reasons, really just.....makes me squint skeptically.

But what you described above was beautiful, and I hope one day sooner rather than later I am not so much of a chicken shit and won't shy away from such an experience. I order to better explain....and I really hope I do not offend anyone with my words or views (please understand I do not have the experience and experiences with Kemet that you do, and may very well not have a connection to her at all) but one of the things giving me the biggest hesitation about this whole ordeal is the utter devotion that more or less seems required to even understand what I would be reading.

I understand that actions have consequences, I understand the metaphysical side of it. But I feel I should be able to absorb the knowledge at least without being smote. I mean no disrespect, I am just a humble scholar bumbling along like a wayward toddler, honestly. I am utterly harmless and totally open minded and open hearted, just....lacking the unwavering devotion towards a concept I have no real feeling toward (as of yet, at least?).

I will admit to feeling drawn to Egypt though. The sand, the landscape, the heat - the architecture. I keep a bottle of sand from a desert, not really using it for anything, other than to just take it out sometimes and smell it. It seems weird but the sand after all this time still retains the wild, fresh scent of the wild landscape from which it came. Granted it's from the Mojavi desert, but still. I will admit to wanderlust and literally just having the soul of an adventurer. I want to go everywhere and see and do it all; including things that will undeniably scare the daylights out of me. I'm halfway convinced I was a sailor or something in a past life because I love the ocean and the thought of sailing and it feels like home - AND THEN THE TERROR KICKS IN. lol

But when it comes to unwavering faith in something as simple even as a concept...I make decisions based on intuition and information gathered (because again - I am a nerd) but it is never accepted as a true fact. I accept little as true facts in this life because everything changes. New things are discovered each and every day that shed new light on previous principles and theories and - yeah. So, I hold on to things, but never get too attached, because it could always change tomorrow and I would need to adapt my way of thinking in order to continue to survive and thrive and make sense of what the actual hell was going on around me. It is very important for me to understand things, otherwise I just kind of lose....something.

Then there are things I will admit to never being able to understand, like why human kind is so utterly ignorant and cruel.

I guess the fact that deities in general are a thing is still something I'm on the fence about. I have encountered spirits both good and malevolent, and I'm pretty sure I've encountered at least one true demon (don't recommend it), and I've seen other weird shit I can't even possibly begin to classify. I guess that's why I'm trying to remain open minded - I even developed a pantheon...but things changed. As they inevitably do. I can't say that I haven't felt the hand of a presence in my life though. My childhood was pretty abysmal. My teen years were better, but I was a very misguided and angry youth - and the darkest time I think was when I was at college. I remember feeling a warm, loving presence comfort me one night. It lasted a pretty long time, and I just....kind of laid there and let it happen. My head usually starts analyzing the second something like that happens but it didn't that time. My shields are usually pretty damn good, so the thought something could just bypass them like tissue paper, good intentions or not, kind of rattled me.

Alas, I've rambled enough. Hopefully it's at least semi-coherent.


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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 20.05.18 12:49


It already sounds like you have a good mindset. You question things for yourself and make decisions from there, from what I can tell by reading your posts. And that is a good thing! You already have some good tools in your kit.

A column of fire will not descend into your living room and smite you for picking up the Asetian Bible or any of their other works. Razz I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression with my experiences.

This subject... it's tricky, it's deep. And there is inherent potential for miscommunication.

The only way to really know, is to take a look for yourself. You can take a look at the preview provided on the Aset Ka's official website if you would like. This preview is great, you can use it to your advantage and meditate upon the energies before deciding to go any deeper or not.

I have recently obtained a new book that I'm finding to be a good read. This whole subject makes me think of a passage I read there, which resonated very well.

"Much portentous nonsense has been written about 'occult secrecy', the 'Keys of Power', and the like in the past years, mainly to cloak ignorance in the writer, or else for cheap self-aggrandisement. The reason why the Mysteries, which are really the Yoga of the West, are called hidden, and for the few, is because they cannot be described to outsiders. The barrier is purely one of communication. To try to describe a mystical experience is like trying to describe the scent of a flower; one cannot do it. The best one can do is tell the enquirer how best he can obtain the particular flower so that he can smell it for himself. If he cannot be bothered to follow your directions or flatly refuses to believe that the flower exists there is nothing one can do about it. The Qabalah could therefore be described as a ground-plan of the flower garden of mystical experience. One can present it to an enquirer if he is interested, but it ultimately rests with him if he will use it. That is, it is no good his having a purely intellectual grasp of its ramifications; he has to make practical use of it. The merely intellectual approach is like expecting to smell flowers directly from a seedman's catalogue." -Gareth Knight: A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism, pg. 6

While I find it relevant to the discussion, I hope to cause no misinterpretation as I do not find that his implications of student laziness or anything negative apply to you or your questions and ideas.


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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Jonathan 20.05.18 12:58

Rhea Kaye wrote:
"Much portentous nonsense has been written about 'occult secrecy', the 'Keys of Power', and the like in the past years, mainly to cloak ignorance in the writer, or else for cheap self-aggrandisement.  The reason why the Mysteries, which are really the Yoga of the West, are called hidden, and for the few, is because they cannot be described to outsiders. The barrier is purely one of communication.  To try to describe a mystical experience is like trying to describe the scent of a flower; one cannot do it.  The best one can do is tell the enquirer how best he can obtain the particular flower so that he can smell it for himself.  If he cannot be bothered to follow your directions or flatly refuses to believe that the flower exists there is nothing one can do about it.  The Qabalah could therefore be described as a ground-plan of the flower garden of mystical experience. One can present it to an enquirer if he is interested, but it ultimately rests with him if he will use it. That is, it is no good his having a purely intellectual grasp of its ramifications; he has to make practical use of it.  The merely intellectual approach is like expecting to smell flowers directly from a seedman's catalogue." -Gareth Knight: A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism, pg. 6

That’s an interesting quote Rhea and most of it makes perfect sense. I just disagree that the only reason for secrecy is the barrier of communication. There are several strong considerations to enforce occult secrecy beyond communication and why that hasn’t changed in centuries, having nothing to do with aggrandizement or ego. Actually, I’m sure you’re more than aware of that, my comment is just directed at the author and not at you.

Great discussion so far!

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Troublemaker 20.05.18 13:17

This was actually the part I was in disagreement as well, Jonathan. Thanks for adding this. You have a really good point. Actually, there are a lot of the author's ideas that I do not find myself to be in full agreement with, but I'm glad I picked this up anyway.

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Niani 21.05.18 11:26

I definitely agree with both you and Johnathan, Rhea! I can't thank you enough for all your time, patience, and insight.

So, just to give you guys a little more perspective of my situation, I am in constant flux right now. I tend to find that if something I try to do blows up in my face in succession, even when I am moderately capable and intelligent, it's simply not meant to be at that time. Well, everything is quite literally disintegrating (not in a depressive way) and all my plans that I had going just kind of went "poof." So, now I'm just kind of sitting in my room/office going, "Okay, what the hell do I do now?"

It's a bit scary, but it feels natural. Like I have reached a crossroads. I've felt a big change in the air for sometime - still not sure if it's entirely something I will like. But uh, fingers crossed?

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Asetian Bible or Violet Throne? Empty Re: Asetian Bible or Violet Throne?

Post by Lynskha 21.05.18 14:10

I would like to share some thoughts. This Path, like many paths that deal with occultism, spirituality and the work of the self-work, is hard. Why? Because it tends to affect us at all levels.

Many traps wait behind the doors we believe we are able to unlock, sometimes false doors, sometimes, real ones.
Then we reach something, some knowledge, be sure of things, and in the next moment, we see everything flowing between our fingers, like sand in the wind.
I have to agree with the warnings given above. It is a dangerous path, it will bring the best and the worst of each one.
It is a Path that will leave everyone affected in some way.
My comments about Violet Throne are that it is a complete and powerful grimoire. Imbued with Heka, not just words but real magick.

Kemet is, without a doubt, a masterpiece that touches the heart, the soul, the very fabric of the essence of those connected to this wonderful land, from Ancient times.
So, I am sharing here, with some emotion (that it is the feeling I always carry when I talk about Asetianism, and when I can feel Her Violet energy, the one that I cherish, I honor and respect), a little bit of this endless Journey.

One that, for me, is hard, painful, that will burn every little part of yourself, but that it is powerful and beautiful.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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