Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Veiled One
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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by A.Nightside 20.08.18 21:13

Initially, I paid no mind to their claims of being an Asetian. It didn't seem true, but it really didn't matter to me.

I figured exact details could be ironed out privately, or however the exchange would have been initiated.

Still, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed, or perhaps ashamed, given the other reactions in this thread, regarding the OP. I suppose I should have conducted my responses more mindfully.

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by Veiled One 21.08.18 15:20

Rhea, I do appreciate that you're trying to preserve the integrity and strength of these forums. Perhaps it will come as a surprise to you, but I am generally disgusted by the immaturity, narcissism, and naivety that I see in most spiritual circles, which is partially why I was drawn to come here.

I always prefer truth over ego flattery, and like that your intentions are firmly set to the former. You probably see self-indulgent neophytes here with little sense of self or true identity all the time, so I understand why you would assume I am one of those.

Even Asetians are humans as well, and regardless of what I am, I suppose the reason you perceived me as "loud" is because I seek belonging among my kind, whatever that is. I am relatively young and have never felt a strong sense of belonging in a group context (in this lifetime at least), and feel strongly repelled by the ego games, superficiality, and power struggles that govern nearly all such structures today.

Perhaps some of you here are peaceful and content in the general isolation that comes with self-realization and don't really need the company of others like you, but I don't think it's fair to see the desire for belonging as necessarily a weakness, especially when Marques speaks of the strong bonds common between Asetians, and their loyalty to the whole.

In making my post, I primarily wanted to connect with someone who has a sense of the eternal, as trying to explain this perception I have to those grounded primarily in their humanity, individual selves and mortality takes energy and despite the strong or even divine unity I can feel with such people, there is always a difference in perception and distance that remains.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by Troublemaker 21.08.18 16:06

"Veiled One",

Even if your intentions are good, your approach isn't. I even came across an old thread where you asked if there were some Concubines/Scarabs who could help you feed by acting as donors. That right there comes across as quite narcissistic- "Hi, I'm new, can I please feed on some Asetians?"

Maybe, if you want to learn that badly, your approach should change from loudly proclaiming to know so many real Asetians and being special enough to warrant Asetians rushing to become your donors, to one that actually encompasses real respect, because you words seem to be as poor as your apparent taste.

Like I said in an earlier reply, my intent isn't to just disrespect newcomers and try to get rid of them because they "don't know enough", but I will attempt to set things straight since things like this have manipulated many people in the past, and will probably continue to do so from various others.

So the whole point of my words, is this: If you want to learn that badly, I think you should, well, actually attempt to set down your ego, stop making bold declarations on this forum when we've all seen it countless times before from quite a few others, and actually try to learn humbly.

I hope my point has been made without it being interpreted as needlessly combative.

The path of Asetianism deserves more respect than what I've seen it being given so far... And without respect, one does not last very long....

Just a student's opinion.

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by Zabet Aranyalma 21.08.18 17:03

I feel like it would be super cool if we could all not pretend to be better than each other and relax.
No one's going to have the exact same ideas about vampirism, it's not for people to throw passive aggression over.
Zabet Aranyalma
Zabet Aranyalma

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.08.18 7:21

I see where Rhea Kaye is getting at. Respect is indeed important and one has to learn it from the very first steps, so I can also understand the agitation by some when people loudly proclaim themselves to be in contact with Asetians out of nowhere, which would not only infringe upon the code of trust and confidentiality but also appear very random and exaggerated. Also, don't ask for Asetians to come out nowhere, apparently, and become donors (?) as that would not appear very respectful in regards to privacy as well as secrecy, not that it would be broken anyways but just that the mere appearance, suffice it to say, is a bit over the edge on a public online forum.

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by Troublemaker 22.08.18 7:29

I am not sure we are reading the same thread. I never intended to claim to be better than anyone with my statements. In fact, it has nothing to do with what I think of myself in relation to anyone else.

Unfortunately, in this area, everyone having different ideas on how vampirism works does not come into play. Not even remotely. What will remain true, whether anyone likes it or not and entirely independent of any words on my end, is the fact that people coming forward being loud about supposed connections with all of these special Asetians are misguided at best and this is the nicest way of putting it. Throughout the years, many people have tried making grand entrances with huge claims. While that will never change, neither will the official teachings on the matter- teachings that directly expose this behavior as being a sign of inner weakness and egotism.

A. Nightside, no need to apologize. You're respectful when making contributions.

Anyway, I saw nothing passive aggressive about this or a need for that sort of approach. Things should be said plainly and truthfully, as I have done. Those who feel offended by the truth are certainly in the wrong place.

With or without my involvement, this will not change.

MysticLight, a good contribution and mature reply. Thank you.

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by Veiled One 25.08.18 21:46

Rhea Kaye wrote:...

Our original poster here came in loud and proud, screaming to literally thousands of people (this forum is read by many, and is of course public) that she is Asetian, knows many other Asetians, and is awakened enough to be able to know these things with some degree of substantial, reliable basis.

I noticed you repeatedly use the word "respect" in your comments. Yet, and even though you don't know me, you seem fond of ascribing motives to me that aren't mine. As far as I've read, you behave like you know better than others and can deliberately judge and butcher the things I said in this subject. The way you utterly caricature my claims in the quote above to further make your point betrays insecurity on your side and I don't see how I may consider you with the seriousness you seem to expect.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.08.18 6:54

Let's seek to stop with the personal things... exactly the reason why we move into our false personality, in a certain sense of blinding ourselves with egoic delusion and error, is the reason why we end up in conflict and these kinds of situations to begin with, not to diminish the worth of an individual, for personality and individuality are distinctly different and separate things, where personality is a mask as its etymological roots itself implies - a false charade, or a focal point into which our energies most often unconsciously seep into; something impermanent that does not follow us beyond death so the distinction between the ego's self-constructions and the individuality of the soul becomes of paramount importance where one should, strictly, not be confused with the other. But that develops into a whole science of its own... and may range from a variety of definitions on how you classify the personality, so my words should not be taken without due consideration and proper contemplation. However, it becomes useful to draw a certain distinction anyways.


Veiled One, what I think Rhea Kaye meant to infer was the particular respect towards Asetianism not by loud and bold claims but by an approach of humility in pursuit of proper understanding and knowledge... not to rush in with bombarding steps, but to carefully consider with tact?

Rhea Kaye, maybe Veiled One did not intend disrespect in any way, shape or form, although she did approach it in a manner so as to raise certain questions so it might just come to misunderstanding on her own part, although I do see your point very clearly.

In the end of the day, none of us really like to be proven wrong. It requires a great deal of humility, and the ego is very subtle... paradoxical... and whoever tries to say they are without ego, might in fact be blinded by delusion and error of their own subtler ego.

Nevertheless, none of this is a life or death sentence, at least I hope not so hopefully we can move forwards from here on and learn from the things we ought to learn. I see no reason to halt individual progress upon things of unneeded dispute if people will only approach things in a better way.

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Post by Troublemaker 26.08.18 8:57

The fact remains that, despite claiming to have read their works, you still understand nothing of the Asetians or their elitist, secretive ways. Insisting in such disgusting behaviors as leaping into a forum desperately asking for real Asetians to come forward so you can feed upon them and touch your inner power, telling everyone that you know real Asetians... All of these things expose you as someone who knows almost nothing of their ancient culture. Your very claims are a caricature.

We all make mistakes and have our inner battles, our lessons to learn, flaws, and so on. I am no different in this regard. If anyone insists on making delusional and loud claims while misinterpreting my words as statements of superiority, they remain as elegant examples to prove what I am stating.

Yes, I use the word "respect" multiple times. Respect, something you seem not to understand. This has nothing to do with how other people see me. I could care less for the opinions of others on my character or the merit of any knowledge I might have. What I care about is Asetianism, this path that remains so deeply in my heart, this path that is so sacred. What I care about is defending it- though it does not need my defense. Claims like these degrade forums and discussions.

Your claims remain here as a testament to the fact that the magic within the Violet Throne is still well protected even despite the public means of access.

If you want respect here, you have to actually learn how to show respect to their ancient culture.

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange?

Post by Noctis 26.08.18 12:44

In my limited experience with everything related to energies and people capable of manipulating these energies, I always found a common and repeated denominator, a pattern of behavior common to all of them. I never saw anything other than infinite simplicity. Those who are sure of who they are, and of what they are, do not need to convince or dazzle. On the contrary, despite the efforts of these people to go unnoticed by others, the feelings and sensations that awaken in other people can not be hidden. They shine like a full moon on a dark night. Naturally, I'm not talking about Asetians, I'm talking about normal humans ...

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Is anyone on this forum interested in energy exchange? - Page 2 Empty Thank you for the information you really care

Post by AkashaofKemet 27.10.24 1:51

[quote="Troublemaker"]Indeed, this interaction is possible, however, you are not likely to have a productive experience seeking this over the Internet. Keep in mind that the entire culture of vampirism is extremely secretive, regardless of what may be presented outright. The occult world is full of deception, dishonest people and opinion masquerading as ultimate truth.

Anyway, I can already see this viewpoint will be extremely unpopular and perhaps even unwelcome but, not many are going to breach their own personal privacy and eagerly volunteer to have an intimate, familial energy communion with a random stranger over the Internet. Such behavior and mindset directly contradicts the dark nature of the vampiric culture. This type of energetic interaction is extremely sacred, a gift to cherish and not to be toyed with.

To take this even further, the Triumvirate spoken of is exclusive to Asetians (assuming we are speaking of what is presented within the Violet Throne). The energetic circuit formed by a circle of Three is only possible due to the specific qualities found in each Asetian, the nature of their vibrational reality found at their very core reflecting alchemical interaction far beyond the comprehension of most and residing in the understanding of more advanced metaphysics under subtle lock and key. Others may attempt energy exchange and group intensification under the light of metaphysical exploration using triplicate ritualistic archetypes with widely varying rates of success, however, one will never find the pure Asetian variety anywhere outside the fumigated doors of their elitist realm and certainly never in any Internet forum.

I would be remiss if I failed to mention one rather important detail - the frequent warnings found in many places of that sacred grimoire. Just because one reads of something does not mean it should automatically be attempted. If one desires to increase the scope of their subtle health, energy, and magical potency, there are responsible alternatives such as indirect and elemental feeding, that when paired with traditional grounding, centering, and cycling can greatly assist the individual in achieving their goals regardless of the nature of their soul.[/quote
So far many of what you have answered in response of many people questions I can appreciate. Is there a way you can add me as a friend? You are very informed. I like that you look out for others well being. Thank you

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