My (long) Introduction

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My (long) Introduction Empty My (long) Introduction

Post by Nekhensahka 16.09.18 1:25

Hello all,

I apologize for the rather lengthy introduction. I have been someone who lurks often and posts never, but as I do occasionally want to ask my questions or speak my mind, I have written out a bit about myself, so that if and when I do post, I will not be entirely a stranger.

I was born in Russia, but we never stayed in one place for very long, and after living in various European countries, I ended up in the States. I was never put in school, but since I was a child, my life was books, and as my parents and sister are bookworms themselves, it definitely rubbed off on me.
I was drawn to Ancient Egypt from about eight years old by chance when going through one of our history books, but quickly became enamored and obsessed with the culture. At the beginning, it was the hieroglyphs that fascinated me most (perhaps one of the reasons I have chosen this avatar of Thoth), and I am to this day so thankful that I had access to a rather decent library as a child and found books on reading the glyphs. I spent hours learning to read and write the glyphs from Budge, but eventually I obtained the works by Mark Collier and Bill Manley and soon I could read and write more than I have ever learned of the Russian language (my father is a native English speaker and so my family spoke mostly English at home and very little Russian)

As I grew up, my interests in the mythology became stronger than the interest I had in learning to read glyphs, and as my family had no religion, I decided to believe in the Gods of old as my own deities. At about eleven, this simply meant that I considered the books on the legends to be more fact than fiction, but it wasn't until I was thirteen and discovered the occult that I truly knew it was more than myth to me.

At this age, the occult and certain eastern philosophies consumed my interests. Everything was new and thus I could not tell what was fact and what was just charlatans publishing random nonsense to Llewellyn, who seemed to accept just about anything that included a "k" in magick.
My interests back then was mainly healing, crystal work and herbalism, and I considered myself an "eclectic" wiccan.

I had learned about vampires first from books warning of the dangers of "psychic vampires" and defense against them.
After that, I stumbled on Konstantinos's book on vampires. The subject fascinated me and as books on the subject were limited in my library, I eventually went online.
I found the "vampirewebsite" and as a naive teenager, I took everything to heart and this became my way. I had learned feeding techniques and basic concepts from this site.
A couple years later, I discovered Michelle Bellinger and that whole fiasco with the online communities and the fighting between "sanguine" and "energy vampires".
From this, I had learned that other "orders" existed, and soon found "The Ordo Strigoi Vii".
I couldn't get my hands on any of the works by Father Sebastiaan for another couple of years. When I finally did, I was interested. I was drawn to the ideas of healing and vampirism being combined, but it felt so incredibly gimmicky to me. My intuition had let me understand even then that this was another charlatan, but so many of the concepts in his work just felt right.

I should like to point out that, although I was interested in all the philosophy and ideas of vampires, I was never involved with any people who claimed to be a vampire, let alone another practitioner of the occult. Being raised without school, I was and still am very uncomfortable around people.

Despite my disappointment and overall feeling that something was lacking, I had the works of Father Sebastiaan sitting on my shelves, collecting dust as I continued on with my life practicing that which worked.

By my 23rd year, I had moved into my own apartment with my significant other. Having had my own place away from my family, I became once again interested in the world of vampires and wanted more information.
I found this forum and learned for the first time of the Aset Ka.
I immediately purchased the book.

Never has book enthralled and captivated me quite like the Asetian bible. After completing the book, I quickly bought The Violet Throne. I cannot truly say how immensely thankful I am for this discovery. A combination of all my interests, everything in one book. Nothing has ever made more sense or felt more at home with me.
I am, at the same time, so very thankful to this website for existing. Although I now believe I would have found the Asetian bible in some way or another in time, it was because of this site that I first discovered it.

Soon after completing the books, I had looked into works such as those by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, as well as The Hermetica (or rather, an abridged version as I have yet to find an accessible and affordable more complete version), The Picatrix, the Three books of the Occult, and various others that have lead me on a path of self discovery and an evolution of consciousness.

Today, my interests are much the same as they were when I was younger. I love healing, herbology, botany, crystals work, reiki, cooking, reading etc., but now everything fits together. My life has changed profoundly since completing the book and I am now on a path of evolving my consciousness and coming to know Aset.

Like I said, I do not expect myself to post frequently here, but I wanted to introduce myself so that when I do post, I am at least known.
And although in life I do not socialize unless forced to, I would love to speak with any of you here and discuss the mysteries further.
Please feel free to PM me any time! Smile

Number of posts : 5
Age : 30
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2018-09-04

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Naoom 16.09.18 4:32

Welcome. It's beautiful how you finally discovered the Aset Ka. I can relate with my own experience. Feel free to join with your thoughts whenever you like! Smile

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.09.18 7:58

Welcome to the forum. Nice to have new people here. Interesting story too. I remember also stumbling upon the "vampirewebsite" by the recommendation of a friend who thought I was a vampire and that is how I initially got into this many years ago.

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Nekhensahka 16.09.18 8:48

Thank you both!
I think it's interesting that although there is so much false information lurking around every corner, some of us manage to keep digging and find the Aset Ka in time, even if we start with websites or books that have no place outside of fiction.

Number of posts : 5
Age : 30
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2018-09-04

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Troublemaker 16.09.18 10:22

Em Hotep,
Thank you for introducing yourself to the community. And there is no need to apologize for the length at all, it was a good introduction/read and now we know you a bit better. Smile

Feel free to ask questions or post around in threads. I'm sure people will be glad to converse with you.

Yes, there is just something about the Asetian works. You pick them up and cannot put them back down... so to speak. Best of luck on your path.

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Jonathan 16.09.18 11:00

Welcome to the community!

Looking forward to read more of your thoughts and experiences around the different threads.

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Noctis 17.09.18 5:32

Welcome sekeer:

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Lynskha 17.09.18 7:54

Welcome. Reading your introduction made me smile. We share some similar things as the passion for Ancient Egypt and how we got attracted to it at a very young age. It is beautiful to feel this passion.
I really hope you have a good time around here.

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My (long) Introduction Empty Re: My (long) Introduction

Post by Nekhensahka 19.09.18 7:25

Thank you all for making me feel so very welcome. Smile
I'm very much looking forward to getting to know you all better on our fascinating paths.

Number of posts : 5
Age : 30
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2018-09-04

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