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Introduction Empty Introduction

Post by Bomani 14.08.20 11:10

Sorry about my first post. Kinda just a weird thought i had about the egyptian theme of this website. I've been kind of half researching vampires and other like beings for a few years. Been around to a couple of different forums but none are this.... Unique. I've heard all of this aset ka lingo before n other corners of the web, but it looks like that's this sites main squeeze. Anyway about me im 22, live in the good ol USA and im pretty sure im human.


Number of posts : 15
Location : The United States of America
Registration date : 2020-08-13

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.08.20 12:27

Welcome. Smile Hope you have an enjoyable time here.

Number of posts : 1344
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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