How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 15.10.18 4:48

Hi, members of this forum. I am new here and if there is a certain thread where I need to introduce myself, I would like to be directed there, please.

I have figured out after long struggles and suffering in my life that the path of Vampyrism is what I was always seeking, but unlike many others, I seek to become the complete incarnation of Darkness and Malice with no remorse or pity for anyone.

I myself am a Theistic Satanist for almost 13 years and an Illuminist for the last 5 years. After understanding the Above, I seek now to understand the Below which is myself. I was systematically being weakened by society and family as they were breeding weakness and dependency on me to such extent that my Freudian Id is until now under-developed and therefore it is very hard for me to be a part of a society that is Id-driven as I see myself entirely "Pure".

Lately I've also lost 26 pounds drastically and feeling weak and tired quite often which would be quite unusual. My first suspicion was a woman that i am in contact with and quite crazy on her and therefore i direct a lot of energy towards her unconsciously and while it's not reciprocated entirely, it feels as she feeds on me.

I have started to consciously feed upon people from distance. Whenever I walk the streets and see people, especially those who seem young and healthy, I imagine myself being fueled with hatred and black serpents coming out of me and viciously biting hundreds of bites on the victim and draining him as i inhale the released energy. I even started to these on babies and little kids that I see on the street. The feeling is great as My soul becomes fueled with hatred and Malice yet it is still so basic and am so far from Mastering it and part of it is because I do not know how to properly feed upon someone. I am very introverted person so it's hard for me to try to take attention from people as an extravert would succeed.

Also, I have realized why I always hated the sun and how my body was not used to the Sun as I was always burning with heat and needed cold temperatures. I have figured out that normal food and Gym are not things that are able to restore my energy properly.

P.S If there is someone here who is experiencd and who sees himself / herself as Incarnation of Darkness and would like to take me as a project, progeny and mentor me, I would be so grateful!

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by Naoom 15.10.18 5:32

Welcome, SunEater. You can introduce yourself further in the off-topic section if you like. May I ask what brought to this forum? What do you know about Asetianism so far?

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by Naoom 15.10.18 5:33

brought you* typo

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 15.10.18 5:34

George Gosdas wrote:Welcome, SunEater. You can introduce yourself further in the off-topic section if you like. May I ask what brought to this forum? What do you know about Asetianism so far?

Thank you George, what brought me to this forum is the need and desire to Master the ways of Vampirism for feeding and gaining power. I know little of Asetianism.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by Naoom 15.10.18 7:22

SunEater wrote:
Thank you George, what brought me to this forum is the need and desire to Master the ways of Vampirism for feeding and gaining power. I know little of Asetianism.
Then I am sure you can gain a lot from here. Asetianism is a spiritual tradition with its roots in Ancient Egypt. Its approach to vampirism is unique and unlike any other I have come across in my path as a practitioner of vampirism. Vampires are not part of society but it's also true that some vampires have a more humanized nature than others and can easily benefit from social interactions. I can imagine why you feel this way towards society. Darkness has a very different meaning in Asetianism than what modern culture and popular occultism seeks to portray. You can visit their website ( for more info, or just read through the topics here. Feel free to join with your thoughts whenever you wish!

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by A.Nightside 15.10.18 12:09

The embodiment of malice and darkness is not vampirism.
Welcome to the group, you will certainly learn a lot here, but encouraging angst-driven revenge on all of humanity is not something you will find here.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by A.Nightside 15.10.18 12:09

Vampirism for me means a struggle to survive, not a method of gaining power.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by Troublemaker 15.10.18 13:00

This situation seems more like a need for intensive therapy than vampiric knowledge. Babies and children? Is that supposed to be edgy and scary or something? You seem really confused as to what darkness actually is. What you state about it seems more like being misled from society and Hollywood delusions. The mindset discussed in the original post sounds more like that of a parasite than a predator, to be blunt.
George, nothing personal but from what I read I wouldn't even recommend Asetianist teachings as it seems at this point like it would only tear him a new rear end (it is not for everyone), but that's just my own view.
Further, the open statement about only looking for power just solidifies it even more....
Anyway welcome, I guess. I hope you can find some maturity here if you do decide to stay.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 15.10.18 13:27

A.Nightside wrote:Vampirism for me means a struggle to survive, not a method of gaining power.

For you. For others it means other things. And if you read my post carefully, you would see that Survival is an aspect of Vampyrism in my perspective along with power.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 15.10.18 13:31

Rhea Kaye wrote:This situation seems more like a need for intensive therapy than vampiric knowledge. Babies and children? Is that supposed to be edgy and scary or something? You seem really confused as to what darkness actually is. What you state about it seems more like being misled from society and Hollywood delusions. The mindset discussed in the original post sounds more like that of a parasite than a predator, to be blunt.
George, nothing personal but from what I read I wouldn't even recommend Asetianist teachings as it seems at this point like it would only tear him a new rear end (it is not for everyone), but that's just my own view.
Further, the open statement about only looking for power just solidifies it even more....
Anyway welcome, I guess. I hope you can find some maturity here if you do decide to stay.

Actually I do understand what Darkness is. And I try to awaken everything that is repressed within my Shadow-self. Who exactly am i trying to scare if the only people I would talk with about that is like-minded people, lmfao!

Fact is that most people are alcoholics, smokers, and have negative energy because of life struggles that makes their entire aura contaminated anyways. I despise religious people and where I am from most of them are like that. So the purest energy would come from healthy people and babies and children. It has nothing to do with sounding edgy or scary but just a rational perspective upon things. Honestly I thought people here would be much more advanced in their world-views...Just some hippie bullshit everywhere.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 15.10.18 13:32

George Gosdas wrote:
SunEater wrote:
Thank you George, what brought me to this forum is the need and desire to Master the ways of Vampirism for feeding and gaining power. I know little of Asetianism.
Then I am sure you can gain a lot from here. Asetianism is a spiritual tradition with its roots in Ancient Egypt. Its approach to vampirism is unique and unlike any other I have come across in my path as a practitioner of vampirism. Vampires are not part of society but it's also true that some vampires have a more humanized nature than others and can easily benefit from social interactions. I can imagine why you feel this way towards society. Darkness has a very different meaning in Asetianism than what modern culture and popular occultism seeks to portray. You can visit their website for more info, or just read through the topics here. Feel free to join with your thoughts whenever you wish!

Thank you George, I will definitely check that out.

Number of posts : 8
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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by A.Nightside 15.10.18 17:10

I didn't choose to practice vampirism as a spiritual path. I was born a vampire.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by A.Nightside 15.10.18 17:10

* path or practice.
I have a need to feed, not an aggression/lust filled desire.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by Ramla-Meryt 17.10.18 6:04

Self-discipline definitely sounds like it is something that would be worthwhile you practising. You may be able to feed on anyone at a whim, but why would you? Would it not be better to be more careful in who you drain from? The phrase of 'just because you can, doesn't mean that you should' come to mind.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 17.10.18 9:51

nachtzehren wrote:Self-discipline definitely sounds like it is something that would be worthwhile you practising. You may be able to feed on anyone at a whim, but why would you? Would it not be better to be more careful in who you drain from? The phrase of 'just because you can, doesn't mean that you should' come to mind.

I actually choose healthy victims to not contaminate myself.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by Ramla-Meryt 17.10.18 11:50

SunEater wrote:
nachtzehren wrote:Self-discipline definitely sounds like it is something that would be worthwhile you practising. You may be able to feed on anyone at a whim, but why would you? Would it not be better to be more careful in who you drain from? The phrase of 'just because you can, doesn't mean that you should' come to mind.

I actually choose healthy victims to not contaminate myself.

I still advocate restraint. Or perhaps a degree of analysing why you imagine what you do. Is it because that is what you expect you should think, or is it because you want to do so if you had the ability without repercussions? Not necessarily saying those are questions that I am asking but, they are useful questions to consider and reflect upon. The redirection of such thoughts into a more beneficial route isn't a bad concept. There is knowing one's nature and practising restraint, reservation and judgement and giving in to it, and potentially making mistakes.

Darkness can be embraced and found comforting, without indulgence, be it in action or thought. Discipline is a useful and exceptionally transferable skill.


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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by CREdarkness 18.10.18 8:37

I wouldn’t want to give someone a negative response ... especially since they may have only received negative responses thus far in life, although I have no idea if that’s true or not... I only read your post...

I can give you my best advice though...

From what I have learned in my life, having power over anything in any kind of a dominant way, whether it’s even acceptable (able to take place, that is) is a matter of health, or a matter of avoiding destitution.

If you want to have power over something, then why? Is it to fuel your own feelings and ideas of yourself? Is it to generate happiness for yourself? Is it to bring about health for yourself and others? Is it to restore something or bless something? What is the reason behind your striving for power, and over what do you wish to exercise your power?

When you strive to dominate anyone or anything you may be opening a door to the idea that exercising power, dominance, over an existence, is acceptable. You may be the subject of someone else’s dominance because of this. It may even cause what you are striving for to be futile.

That is my understanding of the nature of any unequal power: if it is used to do anything less than accomplish something great which permanently affects all of existence in a great way... then it’s not commonplace that it will even happen.

Basically, if I’m really being honest here, I have an aversion to Satanism, especially, and I would suggest that you talk to a psychologist, a physician, a doctor, counselor, etc. ...

Usually, ideas such as the ones you’ve listed are used to create art. (paintings of the Traditional depiction of death, or drawings of baphomet come to mind... they’re interesting to look at but as far as I know, anything of unhealth is only allowed to climb far enough for the art itself, then collapsed before it can have a permanent and negative affect on anything).

Interesting post. I personally don’t feel Satanism is the Below in contrast to the Above. I’m not sure what else to say.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 18.10.18 17:14

How do you equate Illuminism with wanting to become an incarnation of Malice? They seem contrary in terms to me, perhaps not directly... but in some significant manner. What draws you towards malice anyways? How will it serve you, karmically speaking? Whilst I can sympathize with your points and your sentiment... it is something I have gone through... I believe there are probably better solutions, but what is a better teacher than experience... as long as you do not go around and harm people? Maybe part of your journey at the moment involves having to live out and express these emotions and whatnot. But just do not harm anyone or lend yourself into trouble. There are healthier, more holistic approaches to letting out these kinds of things.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 21.10.18 3:10

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:How do you equate Illuminism with wanting to become an incarnation of Malice? They seem contrary in terms to me, perhaps not directly... but in some significant manner. What draws you towards malice anyways? How will it serve you, karmically speaking? Whilst I can sympathize with your points and your sentiment... it is something I have gone through... I believe there are probably better solutions, but what is a better teacher than experience... as long as you do not go around and harm people? Maybe part of your journey at the moment involves having to live out and express these emotions and whatnot. But just do not harm anyone or lend yourself into trouble. There are healthier, more holistic approaches to letting out these kinds of things.

Illuminism is beyond Darkness and Light, it's the realization of and actualization of our God potential. Becoming an incarnation of Malice is my goal of mastering the Darkness as i have already did with the Light. I cannot truly become a God unless I have mastered both of these aspects witihin me.

And i still couldn't find in this forum propery method for feeding on the lifeforce of someone.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by SunEater 21.10.18 3:12

CREdarkness wrote:I wouldn’t want to give someone a negative response ... especially since they may have only received negative responses thus far in life, although I have no idea if that’s true or not... I only read your post...

I can give you my best advice though...

From what I have learned in my life, having power over anything in any kind of a dominant way, whether it’s even acceptable (able to take place, that is) is a matter of health, or a matter of avoiding destitution.

If you want to have power over something, then why? Is it to fuel your own feelings and ideas of yourself? Is it to generate happiness for yourself? Is it to bring about health for yourself and others? Is it to restore something or bless something? What is the reason behind your striving for power, and over what do you wish to exercise your power?

When you strive to dominate anyone or anything you may be opening a door to the idea that exercising power, dominance, over an existence, is acceptable. You may be the subject of someone else’s dominance because of this. It may even cause what you are striving for to be futile.

That is my understanding of the nature of any unequal power: if it is used to do anything less than accomplish something great which permanently affects all of existence in a great way... then it’s not commonplace that it will even happen.

Basically, if I’m really being honest here, I have an aversion to Satanism, especially, and I would suggest that you talk to a psychologist, a physician, a doctor, counselor, etc. ...

Usually, ideas such as the ones you’ve listed are used to create art. (paintings of the Traditional depiction of death, or drawings of baphomet come to mind... they’re interesting to look at but as far as I know, anything of unhealth is only allowed to climb far enough for the art itself, then collapsed before it can have a permanent and negative affect on anything).

Interesting post. I personally don’t feel Satanism is the Below in contrast to the Above. I’m not sure what else to say.

I appreciate your time for the reply, basically in the end it is the practice of mastery over weak aspects of me to eventually be rationalized once they were quenched.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 21.10.18 8:46

I see. Well, it is for rather good reasons that feeding methods are not really found here, or at many places like these, in relation to vampirism, I think, as the student must find or learn his or her own method; or else these methods might be stumbled upon by nearabout anyone which might prove harmful for both them and others under irresponsible misuse. You should not expect the easiest of answers merely coming your way, in any way; it takes hard work, persistence, finding and exploration. In consideration of what types of people sometimes find this place, not speaking for all, with certainty, but for a few, it might prove really harmful, too. We have seen countless of trolls and unstable people, even including myself in the beginning. What I did, though, was to constantly strive for my restoration from a terrible state I had fallen into.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by A.Nightside 21.10.18 16:59

Whether or not you find a mentor, keep in mind that many people can feel when they are being drained. Being fed on without consent can be considered an assault, I've even seen it likened to rape as it does cause damage to the subtle body. Many people, aware and unaware have defenses and will retaliate. I hope, that as you grow, you find other things that drive you, aside from hatred and malice. Until then, I know I will not assist you, but I still wish you luck in your self journey nonetheless. Be careful and consider how you might feel if someone reciprocated your behavior and intentions. You may be the deity of your life and being, but remember that others' are of their' s too, and there's bound to be someone eventually who you may choose to educate you on the difficult lesson.

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by CREdarkness 22.10.18 5:29

Strengthening weak aspects is a great idea. The ability to rationalize what could not be rationalized previously is a necessary step in advancement.

The nature of above and below, as I understand it to be, is a concept of equality, contrast, balance.

When something which is “above”, can be categorized as “wrong”, “destructive”, “polluted”, and in a way which is truly purposeless, it is an intrusion into the reality of what is above...

Example: An individual is involved with a church group’s weekly meetings in order to infiltrate the objective of the group and utilize the group’s full list of resources and serve their self-indulgant propaganda: (monetary greed, authority in places they have no business exercising authority, further infiltration, and overall destruction ...).

A better example of that scenario would be Male Supremacy. When Male Supremacy has a foot in the door, in any establishment or government, its final objective is parasitic and non-constructive. It is intrusive towards constructive ideas, and the corruption within an establishment (an establishment which was built to bring about knowledge of Christ’s original message of restoration).

Whatever is categorized as “below”, which can still be categorized as “moral” and “acceptable” would be the natural balance found in this strange phenomena (the strange phenomena being current ideas that Male Supremacy is acceptable).

An Example of how the nature of “As above, So Below” would be occurring, naturally, as a universal balance:

An individual who is stuck in a program within this establishment (that has been infiltrated), is led to beleive that they will continue on and excel in the midst of such “Supremacist” invasion... only to find that these male supremacists climbed within the program, and finally became “Masters” within the program who harbored ill intentions towards them.

The individual is kicked out of the program after being stripped of their life’s work. When they leave, though, they find that the original messages of Christ, which they were taught, are active everywhere (speaking against such corrupt leaders). The individual can conclude that what they were shown about enlightenment was true, and they now walk a path which is illuminating all on it’s own (regardless of gender, status, circumstances, or basic details which rarely have any impact on the greater or lower spiritual message).
They are a better example of who they are.

It may be difficult to understand where people are actually coming from on the internet, so, what I’m attempting to portray in my examples, about these concepts (satanism, above and below), is this: Satanism is comparable to an altercation in the presence of anything within Christian theology, while “Above and Below” is a traditional Christian concept.

I can’t be certain of your perspective. Some rather strange ideas have been found later on to hold meaning. As I said, you would have to answer my questions before I could help you on this subject...

The power, is it over yourself you wish to exercise it, and for the purpose of training weaker parts of you in order to strengthen them? I can see the reasoning in that, as I have been there...

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How to properly feed upon someone's energy? Empty Re: How to properly feed upon someone's energy?

Post by CREdarkness 22.10.18 6:06

I personally feel that to be malice would not be a greater goal in life. I also feel, personally, for anyone to assume they know where someone is coming from, where they’ve been, what they’re really talking about, and especially over the internet, is careless and judgemental. I’ve seen way too many assumptions on forums in my life. I stand by assuming nothing in general, and attempting to be helpful in general, which is a proper method of finding energy, and equivalent to feeding upon someone, minus the damage. I can’t be sure what others are thinking... So I’ll stick with positive feedback if I can.

The only other thing I can add to this topic, currently, is that there is zero shame in asking for simple methods which may be helpful in dealing with vampirism, if that is what you are dealing with. If a person has been lucky enough in their life to find a dictionary, make a friend, have access to websites in order to express their detailed personal ideas as if they are fact... I think they should withdraw from turning down questions or shaming inquiry, as that is hypocritical thinking.

Forums are not always easy when trying to understand what people are actually communicating. I would really only want to know more about you before offering more information.

My questions are:

Do you feel you are stuck in a certain frame of mind, on some level, which causes you to feel isolated with malice as your only choice?

Do you have a form of vampirism which is causing your health to decline?

I think it would be easy to get stuck feeling like malice, or whatever, is your only option, if you have declining health due to vampirism. Declining health because of vampirism is not rare.

If those are too personal to answer on a forum you can message me.

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