I Thought of You

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I Thought of You Empty I Thought of You

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 13:19

When I read this I thought of some of you that want to become a part of the Aset Ka so badly......  also the part about the Master would not apply to the training but I consider much of the process would be the same to acquire the Dark Kiss.  As I posted a little earlier, this process was really how the ancients communicated before we all became so "technically advanced."

"Telepathic work between a Master (the focal point of a group) and the disciple in the world. It is an occult truth that no man is really admitted into a Master's group, as an accepted disciple, until he has become spiritually impressionable and can function as a mind in collaboration with his own soul. Prior to that he cannot be a conscious part of a functioning group on the inner planes gathered around a personalized force, the Master; he cannot work in true rapport with his fellow disciples. But when he can work somewhat as a conscious soul, then the Master can begin to impress him with group ideas via his own soul. He hovers then for quite a while upon the periphery of the group. Eventually, as his spiritual sensitivity increases, he can be definitely impressed by the Master and taught the technique of contact. Later, the group of disciples, functioning as one synthetic thought-form, can reach him and thus automatically he becomes one of them. To those who have the true esoteric sense, the above paragraph will convey a good deal of information, hitherto hidden.....  

For your review.....

Number of posts : 4334
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I Thought of You Empty Re: I Thought of You

Post by Lynskha 02.01.19 14:45


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I Thought of You Empty Re: I Thought of You

Post by Maxx 05.01.19 12:21

Telepathic interrelation between the members of a group grows through the medium of a constant attitude of reflective thought and a steadfast love for each other. I would remind you that when I use these terms I am referring to the two major types of energy in the world today. Essentially, energy is active substance. These two types of force are of a vitality, potency and substance so subtle and fine that they can work through and "force into activity" the pranic fluids which constitute the substance of the etheric body and to which I referred in a much earlier instruction (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, II, 113). The telepathic work, therefore, is, concerned with three types of energy which demonstrate as forces with the power to motivate:

[1. force of love - last post]

2. The force of mind. This is the illuminating energy which "lights the way" of an idea or form to be transmitted and received. Forget not that light is subtle substance. Upon a beam of light can the energy of the mind materialize. This is one of the most important statements made in connection with the science of telepathy.

The success of this is dependent upon the alignment of the bodies of the transmitter and the recipient. The double line of contact must be that of mental energy and brain electrical energy. The magnetic power of love to attract attention, to produce alignment, and to call forth rapport and understanding is not all that is necessary in the new telepathy which will distinguish the new age. There must also be mental development and mental control.

This form of telepathy is not a function of the animal soul, as in the case of the solar plexus contact and response to messages by the emotionally polarized man or woman. This telepathic rapport and response is a characteristic of the human soul working from mind to mind and from brain to brain. It is literally a state of consciousness which is sufficiently conditioned by the integrated mental person so that he is aware of and inclusive of the mental state and thought processes of another person.

Alice Bailey

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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I Thought of You Empty Re: I Thought of You

Post by Lynskha 05.01.19 18:09

very nice. Thanks for sharing.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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I Thought of You Empty Re: I Thought of You

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