Thought Manipulation

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Thought Manipulation Empty Thought Manipulation

Post by Maxx 04.05.12 7:11

This may be old hat for some of you but realize I find myself only a human in the midst of different kind here.....and this is the reason for my post. I look for feed back on your activity regarding thought control.

Two days ago I wondered about influencing another's thoughts. I am aware that it is greatly enhanced within the astral plane. But I had never really targeted a person in the physical plane with it before. I selected two people I had not had contract with for a in Georgia with the last contact on July 8, of last year, and also an attorney in Toronto that we had not talked since Nov. of last year.

I decided to see if I could influence their thoughts and tell them to contact me. Within 48 hours both contacted me via computer to see if I was they said. Kind of a startling fact for me and a wake up.

I began to wonder how much of our thoughts that we think are our own when they really are not? I realize that it has been a claim for Vampires to do this for years and years...but I see that most of the claims out there from the movie Vampires and wannabees like them are nothing but humanistic gathering tactics used by various groups to enhance their pockets.

This made me wonder about the Asetians...Aset Ka and really the Red Order of Set, and how involved these are at controling the thoughts of others. At this time I am aware of machines that are in operation to control thoughts over the population....but I now see how easy it is to place thoughts in others minds and make them think it is their own from just a simple and physical operation from this physical plane. I did not spend a lot of time and doing no special tactics. I have seen ads saying some magicians do spells and there are books written detailing calling out spirits to do this very same process. Heck, I see I can do it without calling out the cavalry and the troops.

I can see how groups in unison can send a certain thought out to governments....or governments getting together to hire groups to send out thoughts to the population for control of their minds.....

and what shocked me so much was that it was just a common mind that was in control of this process. I wonder what a great mind is capable of? So I am asking how successful many of you have been if you have utilized this process before and what you are doing with it at present.

All kinds of possibilities exist for this......if you get my drift.


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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by Kalb 04.05.12 15:37

I think I understand what you say, Maxx.

That's why I believe we must be always alert.. What you shared is just a small detail of the true reality. The best proof of what you say is be aware and with attention to the energy of the air when an event is taking place. I can give you an example of the electoral campaign for the presidency of the U.S. Many strange things happen on the mental plane and often people are like fallen leaves of autumn trees, walk without a path in their mind. They go where the air drive them and because of this,it's so important to maintain ignorance to the human mind. It's easy to manipulate an ignorant person, ignorance is weakness, weakness is destruction. Therefore, I do not know the answer to your question. Raja Yoga gives us a good workout for a mind control, but the truth is that our feelings can be implemented and changed too for everyone with a great deal with Energy work. So, I asked the same question: As we know that our sentiments are ours?

And that's a subject that the AK makes all the difference ....

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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by Kalb 05.05.12 12:48

Maxx: What is your point about the Law of Radiation and Attraction and what you said?

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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by Maxx 05.05.12 18:20

To quote Syrianeh.......I also typed a long answer and just before sending I lost here goes again.

I have been in study about the mind and thought....because of what happened.

What is thought..and how does it work.

First let us establish two brain wave frequencies that we are interested in for this subject. Delta half to three and a half cycles per second, are associated with disease, death, and degeneration. Large waves on the monitor and slow in movement, they are seen in sleep and may also indicate pathology, such as a brain tumor, when they are conspicuous in a person in an awake state.

Theta waves are four to seven cycles per second, and are seen in an emotional, creative imagery state computation on a deep level. They are infrequent in the waking EEG.

Matter owes its existence to the vibrations of Spirit.....Spirit = Energy.....

Matter, manifesting on the material plane, is a collection of vibrations that have origin in Spirit. The human body is a vibratory manifestation of this energy. However, each person is also a conscious individual meaning a thinking entity. So...........WHAT IS THOUGHT?......

From the view from Science, they say it is the result of brain activity. To some degree this is correct but this is a very limited view and is incomplete because this definintion does not explain how the brain, which is material in nature, can produce so subtle a phenomenon as mind....or mental activity crossing into the astral .....or produce changes or effect in material objects, transferring through the two different dimensions and interacting with each other. (When I looked at this, I can see real Magic taking place here, folks.)

This .....thought a special expression of the Universal Consciousness (some call this God) which mankind has within itself. Being more precise, we can say that thought is the result taking place within the brain between the vibrations of Spirit and the vibrations of the Soul. Spirit and Soul vibrate on different hertz degree. Degrees of vibrations operate whether on the physical level.....or the astral level...or the soul all vibrates to the tune of Universal Mind. This also reflects in everything the Law of Nature as it also is present in physical, astral, and mental....whether animate or inamimate.

Spirit is an energy that underlies our earthly environment and our sensory perceptions. Soul is a spiritual energy which, while it is incarnate in us, radiates from the very depth of our being.

Thought originates from the encounter of these two energies, one of which has its source outside of us and the other inside of us. As these two energies are vibrations in motion, it follows that our mental activity is itself of a vibratory nature.

What I am writing here is no secret as this is what present day science is finding in our time....and it will no doubt go into the future and uncover more enlightening info. So I am not revealing anything of a secret nature from any group.....Plus.....this is not coming from me....I am in study on this... I am a simple I do not put this forth as a revelation from Study this subject and you will find it yourself.

Many people would think that the vibrations of the Universal Consciousness would be vibrating at a very, very high rate....but the opposite is actually true. When we begin meditation an EEG will show back and forth between alpha and theta at the rate between 6 and 9 hertz. Beta is 13 to 50 hertz and above....Alpha is 8 to 13 hertz....Theta is 4 to 8 hertz.......while Delta shows 0.5 to 4 hertz. Remember, we said that normal sleep shows a Delta range. An EEG can only record and amplify "material" waves emitted by brain activity. The closer our state of consciousness is to the Universal Mind, the weaker our pure cerebral activity is. This is why it is not possible to record "Spiritual" vibrations corresponding to such a state of consciousness.

The brain is not the seat of human consciousness, but rather the center where the vibrations of Spirit interact with those of the Soul to give birth to thought. Its role is essential , because mental activity cannot take place without it. We see this in the EEG reading of a person when physical death occurs and the monitor gives a straight line reading with no wave at all. So going into the Spirit realm might indicate a reading of between 0 and 0.5 or below (if we could get a reading). This proves a very weak showing of cerebral activity and shows the soul leaving the spirit....and proof this is a lack of vibrational wave activity. Death never takes place for the Soul....because it moves into another vibrational location. This can then move into and merge with another spirit can follow what I am saying here and what this means.

Continuing, I found that individuals that adopted a passive mental attitude gradually lose their intellectual abilities...some never had any at all to begin with as the conditioning of society will greatly diminish brain activity .. ..and also (it is necesary to keep the strengh of that vibrational wave at its peak). To do otherwise is to weaken your mental processes. Finally, after long periods of spending too much time "escaping" such as sitting in front of a TV set or in a movie or possible participation playing the games of the this condition of spectator paralyzes our mental processes and impairs our power of concentration.

The conclusion I reached after the study of the above (this is not my own thought process but a much wiser group mentality I looked at) shows the possibility of the two individuals falling within this "escaping spectator group" and failing to keep their mind sharp and vibrating at peak performance. This allowed me to pass the selected thought from my brain activity from the material side and into the astral dimension flowing to each, and entering their weakened mental state within their interaction between spirit and soul vibration, ......... causing that thought (which was mine) to interject itself in disguise as theirs.

Now, I believe in order to accomplish that, I did not have to slow down my brain wave activity as their weak mind activity leaves them open to all sorts of advertisement and influence from all directions around them. I believe that if they were of a type of person that did exercise the brain.....then, in order to accomplish this, I would need to drop my level of brain wave activity to a lower hertz rating and focus more to get the desired goal. This is another reason why one will use the middle of the night to work at sending thoughts into anothers that other mind is shut down and in operation of 0.5 hertz to just a little more....and is wide open to receive anything directed to it...and why one needs to exercise the protection power of strengthening your mind so as not to allow others to enter it. It also tells us why some people listen to radio or tv at night as they sleep......they want to be overrun and controlled by the thoughts of others as they lead passive lives and beg to be led by someone stronger.

All this is a lot of info but I wanted to discover and get an answer as to how this all took place. I hope I answered your question. I still have a lot of work and study to fill in more details.


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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by 8lou1 01.02.13 7:08

i also studied this subject, but my starting point was a mkultra and tavistock. 2 terms connected with mind controll. the first one tru abuse and the second one tru electric waves.

me being me i used myself as a testperson and became totally induced with fear and i was paralised in the astral. i lost total control of me in this life and stayed in bed for 3 years. all the time fighting to get 'me' back again in this life.

what i found out is that in this day and age, people dont know who and what they are, they dont know what is tru intent they dont know whats really in their heart. is that begging to be led? i dont think so. i think its way worse, i think its orwells 1980 and its done from the inside out...

and in between all of this i also found that their are still a few people who are strong and free who also can control others peoples minds., but most important of all they control their own minds....

with love,

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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by 8lou1 01.02.13 9:46

and what do i do with that knowledge? i totally forgot to answer that questions...

i listen and i love....

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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by Divine 277 02.02.13 6:38

Max : WHAT IS THOUGHT? Answer: I think ,therefore I am.

Scientists also say that in the time of birth you have no sense of persona ... How ever, every mother out there knows this not to be true....
I do not rely all on science, If I did, I would never exist.

Interesting about thought , soul and spirit, they have to be in in tune for magic to be released in to mind and body, this also applies to moving energy and being energy ( Im hoping that some understand ) .

When You are talking in this scientific term are you talking about string theorY ?

The power of suggestion is Dangerous way to do magic .. and I dont think it should be practiced, unless one has good intensions for the individual intended ...

This is why : We go true life and We all have daily struggles , we all have good days we all have passive days, and some days even up to years can be quite chaotic and life changing....

To start Over, and understanding once goals, to flip once life upside down, causes the brain and emotional activity to go off balance, and that will result in a counter reaction and that is normal, and every person handles it differently;
To take advantage of a situation like that, Is to kick them when they are down , Unless you have no selfish or ill intensions while doing this... other to help the person i question, rise them up, and help them on their way, but do keep in mind that most things happens for a reason, one ripple crashes with another and makes a beautiful unicum picture, never to be the same again Smile

Lessons ether good or bad is there so we can learn and move towards our own evolution, if we so choose to .

So with this said : I don't think I should be done.... unless with really really really good reason.

*8Lou1 : yes this also works on one self, and there are numerous ways of doing it.

I did listen Smile I do really like Queen and David Bowie, so thank you for sharing, never heard this mix before Smile

Med Vennlig Hilsen Luna Aurora Divine

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Divine 277

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Thought Manipulation Empty Re: Thought Manipulation

Post by Filia Noctis 15.02.13 14:08

I think the first post in this topic makes a very interesting point (reading everything is a bit long, so I won't do that, sorry if I missed something out because of that).
I think every person can control the minds of the people who open up to them, who are not aware of the existance of the possebility of their thoughts being controlled, or who are aware of the possebility, but forget about it for a while.
The reason why many "normal" people don't try it is because they believe it is impossibe, and if you doubt yourself while you try to do such a thing of controlling someone's thoughts it simply won't work.
I think that if you stay aware of your own thoughts they can not be controlled, unless you are open to other people's influences too much.

I see thought control as a form of telepathy most of the time; people (especially the ones you are closer to) will unconciously pick up the thoughts you send out to them and they believe those thoughts are their own. The fact that it is way harder to control people you don't know confirmed this for me, but because it becomes easier when you have steady eyecontact with someone I also think it is about making contact with a person or his/her energy or thoughts.

Sorry it it seems like I'm rambling, but it's pretty late where I am and I am half asleep, so it's hard to write out what I'm thinking in a language other than my own first language.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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