Weather manipulation

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Weather manipulation Empty Weather manipulation

Post by Jonathan 31.07.11 7:16

I decided to open this thread based on a theme that pops up from time to time in my occult research. I wanted to ask the opinions, if any, from other members of this forum.

Do you believe it is possible to manipulate the weather to any noticeable level through metaphysics?

Many cultures have this belief, from different witchcraft traditions to the shamans and druids. All adopt our magickal influence over the weather as a relevant part of their practices. The Asetian Bible also skims the surface of this power, in a broader field of practice they describe as Vibrational High Magick, which comprises several highly advanced metaphysical techniques. The wield of an Asetian Servitor, wanding and mastery of talismanic magick would also fall under the umbrella of Vibrational High Magick in the Asetian tradition.

In terms of metaphysics, such practices raise several concerns. First off, the necessary energy to manipulate such extensive bodies of nature, like clouds, rain and thunder, would be so extreme that could easily drain even the most experienced practitioner. Second, the level of expertise and power to achieve it would also be very unlikely to be found among a regular occult student.

I find this subject interesting, but not sure if others may find it entirely irrelevant. Just wanted to share what I have come across during my studies and also hopefully get some opinions in return.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Kalb 31.07.11 9:21

Greetings, Jonathan. Thank you share your thoughts. I loved your thread. Sometime ago i was studying the same and I believe it is possible. In the case of Asetians, as we know, They have alot of respect about magic world and don't say what can do. Asetians don't like exhibitionism. For everything that was said here about Asetians and the message that is transmitted to us in Asetian Bible, and even because of my beliefs, I believe so. On the other hand, over the decades, some phenomena have emerged about the weather. Some are explained, others not.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Natalia 31.07.11 10:11

I do think it would be possible to manipulate the weather and nature using energy. After all, if energy is everywhere and surrounds everything, it is only but natural that by manipulating such energy to our Will we can cause change. That's what magick is all about.
What I find most important to consider in this situation is "why?". Most people who would influence the weather, if they had the power, would do it for selfish reasons. Most would even do it for demonstrations of power. That alone is the major reason why they can't do it. Magick must serve a higher purpose, and not the ego. There are not many valid reasons that I can think of that would justify to influence nature in such a deep way to alter the weather.
Jonathan is right, the Asetians do mention such advanced practice in their book, and I can see how in a situation like an important battle, using the weather to your favor might prove a powerful tool. But despite such rare and epic situations, surely empowered by powerful priests and not common energy workers, the needs to change the weather are very scarce to justify such a practice.
I also agree that the energy requirements would be extreme, but there are other known metaphysical practices that equally demand outstanding levels of energy. The Asetians hold many of those magickal practices as part of their tradition and culture, maybe one of the reasons why people started calling them Vampires in the ancient days.


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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Victor 01.08.11 14:44

It's important to leave a note on what is being discussed in this thread. Not particularly to the case of weather manipulation, but relevant to every practice of Vibrational High Magick.

The consequences from some of those practices can be devastating. The power wielded through some of those techniques is too great. The effect of some can be greater than death, enduring lifetimes.

This is one of the reasons why such practices are held in such tight security, and why most people would believe them not to exist simply because such knowledge is not accessible to them. Despite the effective security enforced by secrecy through the hands of many occult orders in this world, there is another small but incredibly important detail that makes such practices ineffective or simply impossible to many practitioners. That detail lies in the very essence of magick itself. The fluid and dynamic nature of magick, intimately connected with the laws of Maat, makes Higher Magick unattainable to the individual that seeks it to feed his Ego. We all have seen it in our lives, and even in this forum, when those who pretend to know so much, have access to all the secrets and rituals, are those who easily end up showing having no power at all.
Attempt a powerful spell for demonstrative purposes and behold your ridicule of seeing it fail. Magick brings responsibility, and this is something the Asetians keep reminding us in their every step. The greater the power, the greater is your responsibility. That is why you never see any true practitioner of metaphysics to show off his powers and spells to anyone. Magick doesn't work that way. Never did and never will.

Luis Marques remains a great example of this magickal secret. Online in superficial communities he may be just another occult writer and international author. He is admired by many and disapproved by many. In the occult society, reality is entirely different. In such a world of orders and covens, Luis Marques is held and respected as one of the most powerful energy workers and occult masterminds alive. Yet, not even once in his 300 page public book we saw him making claims over his powers and abilities. I can do this and I can do that. That's for those who lack power. His true power is beyond demonstration, it doesn't need acceptance, support or belief from others. The same is valid to every other great occultist in history. I believe it to be a great lesson to anyone seeking to understand the nature of magick...

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Syrianeh 01.08.11 16:59

That was an excellent post, Victor. Thank you for this important reminder.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Tambarina 01.08.11 20:47

Nice post Victor Clap

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Daniel09 01.08.11 20:57

Also, a big reason that magick will certainly fail to work when attempting a demonstration (and this has been present when practicing with dreams as well) is that if anyone witnessing your magickal work has doubts, the doubts will send a destructive vibrational frequency directly into your work. Literally, being a skeptic will prevent magick from ever being real to you.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Jonathan 02.08.11 10:01

Thank you very much for all your replies, they were much appreciated. Good and interesting answers.

Victor like others said you made a great post with an important reminder. You said important things in your post and I agree with your views. Studying the dark arts can be a very dangerous thing, I am well aware of that. I also believe that in some cases if we approach them with maturity and honesty things tend to work out well. Like you said, if we leave ego behind. I know that even then there are dangers hiding and the price to pay may be too high for any of us to bear. I appreciate your concern and warning.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by sungodaurora 04.08.11 6:49

A very interesting question, especially for northerners of Scandinavia, since manipulating the weather was considered a major craft in heathen times, especially in Iceland. As late as in Jack London's novel "The Mutiny on the Elsinore", a Finn is thrown overboard off Cape Horn for suspicions of keeping the bad weather going - and it clears afterwards. In Russia there have been wild experimentations with this until recent times, and I think they still try it in China.

In all honesty weather just shouldn't be messed with because of the cause and effect that it can have. You might get a slight rain and cause a drought somewhere else. The Native Americans often have "weather" dances to raise the energy to push their intent of a good harvest for the year or season but it's something that wasn't done because they were bored. However the best solutions for working with nature is through the elemental energies themselves. It keeps a balance in everything, flows through so much easier. Although Maat is more the concept of understanding that balance such as the yin and they yang and law it's more towards the feminine side of thing, but it has a mixed polarity because after it is a concept of the universe. Maat honesty doesn't go against higher magick by any means but really stresses the importance of balance of the astral to the physical.

Anything and everything is possible astrally, but we are still bound by the physical laws. So no you can't physically grow wings or fly but you can produce change and in the end that's what all the universal concepts are about change and understanding yourself.

Back in the late 19th century, when the Golden Dawn was without an official leader, SL MacGregor Mathers, a somewhat dreary and studious occultis of the day, claimed to have created a storm in order to cease leadership of said GD. A short time after, due to there being no proof to his claim, another head was appointed. However, in the world today, if one views weather manipulation as an extension of alchemy, then yes, on an industrial scale, the weather can be made to change. A prime example of this is geo-engineering

Another such example, which is harder to prove, is HAARP (geo-engineering may be a part of this), which is said to have the capability to cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

In brief, the possibility can't be ignored.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by witchmark 28.02.12 19:24

This is a great subject actually. Many have posted excellent replies as well. I find that with anything concerning magick that the need must be strong. I find this more so when manipulating weather. Have I done it? Yes I have. However, it was during some of the worst weather that had given me an extra push, the element of course was fear and it was overpoweringly present.

Can I manipulate weather whenever I please? No! No! and a final No! I find that weather is one of the most difficult to even begin to have a firm understanding of it. Seems it is fickle in it's very movement.

I do agree with the statement made that if one were performing a feat of magick in front of a crowd that any individual with a negative mindset could come in and upset things. That is human bad thought can spoil the pot! But there is again another aspect of that performance that can bring a feat of magick to it's knees.....that is when the practitioner splits his or her own energies as some focus is applied to the audience (entertainment value)....or worse....failure or success being top priority (worry about what others will think). Even both perhaps may occur......securing failure rather than success.

This is not typically a topic that comes up and I must say.....I am tickled to no end that I see it listed here.


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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Jonathan 29.02.12 0:55

I agree with your opinion witchmark. You mentioned something important which relates with the presence of an audience and entertainment value. Magick is something that happens within and that may echo on the outside, as above so below. I believe that's what you meant by manipulating the weather. But true magick can never be related with entertainment or loses all its power and this is something people don't understand in this age of television and entertainment.
Performing has no magick. In fact, if you use magick to perform you will be extending power through ego which makes it something very weak.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by witchmark 29.02.12 3:26



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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by DCxMagus 29.02.12 8:00

I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be possible, although I can see it being one of those things that would get exponentially harder as the scale of influence was being increased.

Another topic was brought and in this thread I've always been interested about. Now it seems we are all in agreement that any type of magick act done to "prove" it's existence in front of others is more then likely going to fail for a multitude of reasons, all discussed above.

But I'm sure we have all done our fair share of small menial tasks, most likely in the realm of energy working, especially when we first start down our paths that have no purpose other then to practice energy manipulation. Sometimes even to help along our "Belief" of such forces, these acts to be seem purely exhibitional to me even if they are only for the practitioner eyes.

Now obviously comparing the ability to gather energy into a ball and something such as the Vibrational High Magick of effecting weather on a grand scale would be foolish. Also we can assume that if one is even some what close to being able to even handle the energies needed to form a high Magickal intent, that they would be way past the level of needing to "prove" to themselves they can do this by making a psiball before hand.

Energy work and Magickal work are very different but just as one needs to practice energy working techniques I would just naturally assume the same for magic.

If exhibitionism can have such devastating effects on the outcome of a spell, what allows aspiring magicians the ability to practice using magic?

Is it the simple fact that the act isn't one of pure exhibitionism but has a higher intent of furthering the initiate's knowledge that one can cast, for lack of a better word, "practice" magic spells?

Or am I wrong completely in thinking that one of this level would need to "practice" these types of spells?


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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Daniel09 29.02.12 8:30

One of the more misunderstood aspects of magickal work is that it will not function in the same way twice. There must be intent, meaning, and pure will behind every working. As a result, any practice would only prove a point to oneself once. The introduction of an observer who even knows what you are doing will disrupt the flow of energy, which is why attempting to show off any powers will never work, and it just make a good energy worker look silly.

If your only will is just to practice, there may not be enough energy to achieve any kind of result. On the other hand, if your will is for something such as acquiring rain for crops, and you know that you must summon the rain clouds, it is possible to focus the will into generating a high precipitation rate. Really, it is a very backwards-forwards system, energy work. That's why it is so difficult to master.

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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Maxx 29.02.12 8:48

These are some interesting thoughts and in reading accounts of Franz Bardon with his manipulation of weather and then relating those to the comments above of sungodaurora, witchmark, DCxmagus, and others, I find very interesting. If those Bardon accounts are accurate, then I would have to say that as one increases with their strength in magick, then it would make no difference whether in front of people for entertainment purposes or to aid them, then that element would not apply. But not many I know have that kind of control over their world.

I seem to disagree with most of your posts in that I will say that it would make no difference whether the motive was for good or evil, as plenty of instances of evil have involved the use of weather manipulation and I have seen some first hand. So I directly disagree that a good motive needs to be present to accomplish what you speak of in weather modification.

I do recall having been in the midst of a wierd blizzard one morning around 2am. I awoke with the entire house shaking and 75 MPH winds with a blowing blizzard covering everything outside. Complete white out. I knew we were in trouble at that point and I began to call forth the spirit being I work with regarding weather. At that point, I saw the small area that enveloped my home and car seem to have very diminished attack. It seemed as if there was a lone pocket of protection afforded just my area. As I looked out the window at the majesty of this storm....I saw all of the electricity go off in this town where I live.......except for my home. Now that is impossible in the normal world....but I have seen strange things like this take place around me before. I then watched this storm move through (as I certainly love to see and feel the weather like this.....I love it). I give this illustration from the opposite end of this conversation from showing the beginning of manipulation of it, to the far end of it as stopping it or diminishing it.


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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by DCxMagus 29.02.12 9:07

yes but were you stopping the manipulation, if there even was manipulation to begin with? or was there just a protection type spell placed around you and your home to protect from a nasty but natural storm?

Also I don't think people were saying only good can be done with weather manipulation. As people in this thread have all demonstrated the knowledge of good and evil being human concepts that don't really have hold once we enter into the realm of energy work and magick.


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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Jonathan 29.02.12 9:18

No one said that for magick to work you need to have a good purpose. What you do need is to do it according to your will, and that can be evil as well. Like DC said, good and evil are just human concepts and they don't mean anything in magick. What is good to me may be evil to you.

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Weather manipulation Empty possible and not that hard

Post by bvncbvnc 27.07.15 0:01

Some here may be more studied than I am as I am just beginning, however I do believe it is possible to exert some "influence" over the weather.

I have done this myself on some times. A nickname I have is hare no otoko which in English means sunshine boy or man. Several times I have gone out when it is supposed to rain and the clouds and rain cleared up upon my request or just happened that way. Recently I have been experimenting with manipulation of weather and have had some successful experiments. Making it rain when it is not supposed to or even after it has rained and is clearing up being able to call down rain again within a couple of seconds when there were no clouds. Other times I have cleared the rain clouds and brought the sun out within thirty minutes or so.

I don't know if it is this easy to do or I have gift in this area. But one extremely freaky thing happened when I was first experimenting is that I walked outside when it was raining hard and then the rain started following me and coming in almost vertically up to hit me as if I was a magnet drawing it in, and this was after I had called it down.

Overall from my limited experience in this area, and this may just be my beginning level of skill, is that at the moment it is hard to create weather but we can have an influence over pre-existing weather conditions.


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Weather manipulation Empty Re: Weather manipulation

Post by Maxx 27.07.15 21:10

You may care to call and meet the spirit being that is totally controlling all the weather. Have a meeting and a conversation with that being to find out more details about the issue. You might also find interest in the weather that one will find in the next dimension or 4th as you are living half of your existence there now. I find it interesting, myself.

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