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Post by Vytror 20.02.19 7:23

Hello to all! I'm glad that my account finally got activated, i've been waiting for some days now. I've been consuming the posts of the forum cause i've been very curious.

Just to introduce myself, I'm Vytror, people call me Vy for short and I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. I've started searching for Vampirism when I found out the website of Aset Ka in my searches in Occultism, due the fact that here in Portugal, searching for anything of Vampirism leads to Aset Ka (due the fact that the temple is in our city of Porto and Luis Marques also portuguese).

I found out that this is a complex world if I may call that way, and I've been lost in what to read besides the Asetian Bible (which I've been saving money lately to buy it!). I've been reading topics in this forum and found out that many posts here are, sorry for the term, bullshit.

I don't know where to go and I wanted to ask around for help and also to introduce myself.

Thank you so much for reading,

Number of posts : 1
Location : Lisbon
Registration date : 2019-02-20

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Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there!

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.02.19 8:09


You ask for help in what to read. What are you interested in reading? Vampirism primarily, or works on the Aset Ka or Asetianism? I believe the best works personally you can get on vampirism is from the Asetian Bible or sources from the Aset Ka, however the Asetian Bible is more leaned towards the nature of Asetians and vampiric practices, and a lot more, although it does not go into any exact details of working the methods as that would be quite a dangerous thing to put out there I guess, presupposing perhaps that those who know how to drain and manipulate energy or master energy work might find clues therein to higher practices. But there's also the other works, than the Asetian Bible, by the Order of Aset Ka, dwelling into certain deeper facets of the tradition or various other details therein, such as the Book of Orion which features Asetian Kabbalah, a particular and quite noteworthy sigil as well as other things. The grimoire named Violet Throne contains all the books, that is the Asetian Bible, Liber Silentis (Words in Silence) and Liber Aeternus (Book of Orion), but with a revised version of the Asetian Bible, all apart from Kemet: The Year of Revelation which is a very pictorial and meditative, contemplative book of photos from Kemet, and has to be bought on its own.

If you're only interested in vampirism, however, there's many other books on it, but I'm not sure to say that their quality is quite as high on the practices of, and philosophical system behind, vampirism as those from the Aset Ka although I do not discourage reading all manners of books and finding out for yourself. I'm personally reading a book by Michael W. Ford at the moment called "Sekhem Apep: Typhonian Vampyre Magick" just to assess the content and see if there's anything valueable in it; not too familiarized with the works of Michael W. Ford but I can't tell if it's something I would recommend yet as I've just begun looking into it and giving it a chance for seeing what it's worth. There's a thread on Michael W. Ford on this forum which might give better clarity but which does not seem to give him much credit upon vampirism, only Luciferianism or Satanism, however I believe the release date of this latter book is beyond the date when this was discussed in the thread so I don't know whether he's gotten some improved knowledge or expertise upon the subject or not but will see: https://www.vampirismforum.com/t312-michael-w-ford

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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there!

Post by Jonathan 20.02.19 9:31

Hello Vytror and welcome to the community. I hope that you enjoy your time around and find it productive and insightful.

Mystic already provided you with a fair and accurate reply above so I will not go through the subject of Asetian literature which he addressed very well.

Is your real name Vytror? I ask because you say you're from Portugal and people call you Vy but that doesn't strike me as a Portuguese name.

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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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