Animal Souls

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Animal Souls Empty Animal Souls

Post by Troublemaker 25.02.19 13:20

Something has been a curiosity in my mind for a while. It is said that human souls are not immortal and that if spiritual growth is not sought after and conquered in its various stages, the soul will gradually decay until it perishes. So in this way, only the evolved can linger.

How might this concept apply to the essence within animals?

Animals seem to act in a more evolved way than a great number of people.

It gets me wondering about the level of consciousness that animals possess. When being stared down by an eagle, hawk, or cat, for example, it does not feel at all accurate to say they don't have a personality and consciousness of their own.

Would they simply return to Source once their lifetimes are over, or does this process of the essence vary in length between animals just like it does in other beings? I would tend to think that each creature, down to the butterfly that evolved to look like a dead leaf, is a fragment of the essence of divinity in it's own way, embodying elemental energy. Many people report seeing the spirits of their late pets near them, wandering around their homes or land- perhaps their essences sometimes linger.

However, I've also seen the argument that animals don't possess the same abilities of reincarnation, which I tend to agree with and would also answer my own question.

Energy centers are required for the maintenance of life, so it is also interesting to think about how they may be found in animals, and if a Crown is present as a connection with the universal source or if that connection is present in another energy spot. (Also, how would this 'shen mapping' differ among species?)

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Animal Souls Empty Re: Animal Souls

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 25.02.19 15:31

I think animals reincarnate but it is ever so difficult to ascertain how reincarnation absolutely works.

For sure, animals have their own personalities and consciousness, but I believe the essence with us all never dies as we are a part of the fabric of immortal consciousness itself upon a deeper and fundamental level of pure existence. The soul in humans gradually decaying if they do not keep up with spiritual work I'm not too sure about - at least not to the point of them perishing - although it makes some sense perhaps that there would be certain spiritual decay without some form of integrated, spiritual routine, but the soul might be something that is different from the spirit within all. One's essence, the spirit, might in fact be a part that is indistinguishable from the universal fabric of consciousness although retaining its own individuality unless, as I have heard, that can be chosen to be dissolved upon final liberation or ultimate enlightenment to submerge within the All, as something indescribable perhaps. But the soul would be something that is linked to the spirit, our essence, and has its core within the individual, not something that can ever be destroyed contrary to many other opinions here at least as far as I see it - or maybe I only mention this because it would be a terrible thing if it were true.

I ascribe to a more Hindu-ish notion of reincarnation because of how many spiritual masters seem to have spoken of it almost authoritatively as if verified from their own deep experience and realization whilst I have no insight upon the notions of the Asetian concepts of reincarnation, whether they be actually true or not, to such an extent - although I do believe it to be true that Asetians can have a conscious control over the cycle of reincarnation so that is one bit I might be concurring upon, drawing reference upon who the Asetians are. So I tend to believe the animals reincarnate and may even become humans after a while. Humans might become animals if they fail to uphold some standards of dignity and spiritual work and sincere effort in their lives or whatever other kinds of variables but also pursuing enlightenment or evolution overall. It depends upon how we all live and what we do conclusively but I am not sure if you have to be ultra-spiritual or righteous, whatever that is. In fact, I actually believe humans have reincarnated with humanity since the beginning of time and that we are all souls evolving together with this great collective on our planet throughout all the Root Races (Theosophical concept) but that certain, however perhaps only temporary - as in the case of humans reincarnating as animals - exceptions might be made, or more permanent ones - such as in the case of animals coming up to join the evolutionary course of humanity from their evolution that reached this level sufficiently but I am not sure.

What I write herein are actually two separate understandings of reincarnation interwoven in my response, one more Hindu and another more Theosophical, although I tried to find between them a balance point or mutual middle-ground. But, in the end I just do not know and cannot profess myself to know when I do not. It merely speaks from my current understanding and what resonates as truth within my own mind at the moment but recognizing that I can be utterly wrong.

Also, I cannot definitively speak upon this, but I believe the immortality of the Asetians is not an exclusive thing but a more augmented and consciously lived reality, echoing a unique signature of their souls, than most humans although humans can attain to immortality themselves. But that requires strenuous spiritual practice, inner realization and wisdom as it is latent within their souls but the moon has to be accurately reflected in the still waters of the mind and then plunged into to ever greater and increasing levels of realization and inner development to sinuously attain to, consciously, what already lays within them if so...

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Animal Souls Empty Re: Animal Souls

Post by Troublemaker 09.03.19 11:32

I'm not entirely sure that humans can become animals in other lives. I feel like they have to have that actual blueprint within. An animal has such a different subtle body and structure that it is hard for me to imagine they would be able to go back in forth between human and not. I also think there would be a fundamental difference in the structure of the Ba, but I am just ruminating at this point. It makes more sense to me that the actual placement of the shen centers and genesis of the Ba as well as its vibration would condition how a physical body is able to manifest on this plane. Just my thoughts though. It is interesting to meditate on and ponder.  

Concerning the rest of what I read, it is good that you are pursuing different paths and keeping an open mind. 

Hinduism seems really interesting and it is something I intend to study more in the future.

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Animal Souls Empty Re: Animal Souls

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 09.03.19 12:35

Interesting point, Rhea. I didn't think of that so much. Might be true what you are saying, and then that concept would perfectly align with the Theosophical concept of Root Races and the evolution of humanity throughout time where all humans reincarnate with and within humanity from the beginning of time. That might also play into the concept of the genesis of their Ba, as you state. Although all of this is up to debate with differing opinions on the matter - whether, for instance, humans hold an immortal soul and would be able to reincarnate for that long or so many times. Nevertheless, it does better align with that belief of what you said, at least to a certain degree or extent.

Yes, Hinduism is very interesting, diverse and rich in its tradition of divine knowledge and wisdom. It has many and various paths of yoga for instance, science of mantras and paths of devotion and maybe so much more. For instance, the priestly, sacred, highly specialized and developed language of Sanskrit in which most of those mantras are made, and in which very fine and elaborate concepts of spiritual and esoteric psychology, as well as numerous other things, are embedded is a fine example of their cultural legacy and spiritual traditions, all co-mingling under the same roof in a diversified and peaceful co-existence as well. India has been called a powerhouse of spirituality, too. Hinduism is diverse and very open in the way of what I believe is the ultimate liberty on what to follow being in your own hands. You can even create your own deities, however that works. Or you can choose a particular deity of your preference, an Ishta Devata, as the form of the divine that you reverently devote yourself to in worship, however you conceive of that deity.

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Animal Souls Empty Re: Animal Souls

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 09.03.19 13:23

I forgot to add that it was from Hinduism or the East where H. P. Blavatsky got her ideas of the Right Hand and Left Hand Path distinctions based upon the Hindu Tantric notions of Vamachara (Western transliteration as "Left Hand Path") and Dakshinachara (Western transliteration "Right Hand Path"). They might differ somewhat from East to West, in different cultural contexts as from the original wherein those notions derived from, somewhat losing their original background of meaning into something else in the West, but are still very similar as far as I see it in certain - yet rather broad - ways. Vampirism might be classified as Vamachara or Left Hand Path according to most societies and cultures or particularly in the Hindu culture which is presumably and predominantly Dakshinachara. It is worthy of study and research as bearing impact upon Western esotericism; their terminology, words and definitions yet very different. Now this post I write here is by no means complete as dwelling deeper into these subjects would be necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding, as the brief notions mentioned above barerly covers anything at all just for the heads up. I'm no expert upon it but I'm dwelling into it right now as it sparked my interest in re-ignition.

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