Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Luna7 Silver1.7
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Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 18:44

Rhea Kaye wrote:OP, practicing is the best way to go. As you experiment with feeling energy and develop sensitivity, you can begin to manipulate a shield, discovering what works and what doesn't. A big thing with this is remaining grounded and centered. Also, inner balance aids greatly with this, which is developed by things like healthful eating and consistent exercise. But, we are all learning and if you feel just crappy after these situations, one thing that might be of particular use is meditating in nature and silence. Even just this simple thing can sometimes be enough to help greatly.

I should add that if you're really able to see deeper within it, studying the Asetian Bible and their other works can lead to greater energetic sensitivity. Somehow that reason goes much deeper than words and I believe is tied the essence and subtle touch.

Thanks Rhea, there's so much good information for me to digest and process. I'm looking forward to improving on my shielding, I need it. I have a lot to work on and practice but it feels good having some extra insight "going in"... I used to take more time to meditate more often and I feel like I've sort of "let myself go" a bit in that regard. At least I'm on the right track as getting away to nature when I feel like crap or get a terrible migraine. I was lucky to get away for a couple days last week but now I'm back in the city and work... it kind of sucks, lol. There's a park nearby, but it's just not the same. My fire escape isn't bad actually, for some reason it feels less chaotic, maybe because it's above much of the business happening  on the streets below.

So far The Asetian Bible has been pretty profound for me, it's introduced some things I never considered and addresses answers to questions I was seeking in other places and times in my life. I hope I'm able to grasp the deeper messages woven within it's pages.
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 20:09

Lynskha wrote:Meditation is very good and it can help in many different aspects. Like Rhea said, practicing is the best way to go.

There are some exercises you can do, to feel your energy, your chakras, breathing techniques.
Explore, try it. practice it. Observe your feelings, the surroundings. how you feel everything, your own body and energy.

Thanks for your help Lynskha, I'm going to work on following your and Rhea's advice and start practicing at least little bit every day. I love the way meditation feels but I've feel I've "let myself go" a little bit in regards to taking the time to do it frequently, to my own detriment. I was trying this breathing exercise, earlier actually found through this forum, called the "Wim Hof Breathing Method" on youtube... it was first time I tried it, but it was pretty cool. I was really lightheaded afterwards

Are there any specific exercises related to chakras or breathing techniques that you would suggest I should try out?
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Lynskha 28.02.19 10:39

Well... There are some things related to yoga for example.

I've practiced kryia yoga for quite some time in the past. You can find some thing about asana, pranayama on the internet. There are some basic things you could try, some guided meditation for example,could be a good start.

Basic of all, could be sitting, quiet and trying to feel your body, then your mind, your thoughts, your energy.

Are you familiar with chakras?

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Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 01.03.19 10:36

Lynskha wrote:Well... There are some things related to yoga for example.

I've practiced kryia yoga for quite some time in the past. You can find some thing about asana, pranayama on the internet. There are some basic things you could try, some guided meditation for example,could be a good start.

Basic of all, could be sitting, quiet and trying to feel your body, then your mind, your thoughts, your energy.

Are you familiar with chakras?

That's cool. I want to try to get back into that... I liked yoga but didn't keep up with it when I tried it with a friend. I did some yoga classes a couple of years back, and I enjoyed it and found that I felt very...for lack of a better word at the moment - activated or in sync with myself and environment, during and after the classes...but we stopped going. Ugh. I wish we had kept up with it, cause it felt nice. I'll look for asana, pranayama on the internet and via Youtube and give it a try.

I know a little about the chakras, I learned about them mostly in the yoga classes, lol Laughing ...until recently I just knew of the seven: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sexual, root...I know there's better names to describe them than their locations but that's just off the top of my head. I noticed in The Asetian Bible there's mention of more chakras, or shen, I should say in this case. A whole secondary level or layer. I'm still going through the book, but I wonder... do only Asetians have the secondary layer or is does everyone? What about animals and trees or other living organisms? Is it, the more basic the organism, the less shen? I wonder how the chakra or shen system relates to many types of organisms.

Thanks always for the suggestions and the thought provoking responses Lynskha, much appreciated
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Post by Troublemaker 01.03.19 11:22

I don't think any of those energy centers apply only to Asetians. To my knowledge, the energy center that would specifically apply to them is the one on the left wrist, where the energetic 'Dark Mark' is located.
As for secondary centers such as the hands and eyes, those tend to be overdeveloped on Asetians. It is also said that the Crown shen might differ somewhat in addition to it being overdeveloped, due to the connection with Aset and that divine bond of immortality.

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Post by Troublemaker 01.03.19 11:24

But yes, that map of Shen centers is very useful and can be used in things like healing work. You might find that these centers are also mentioned elsewhere in other literature. Smile

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Post by Lynskha 01.03.19 11:28

It is nice to see you have looked into learning more about the chakras , or like the Asetian teachings display the word shen.

Actually there are an infinite numbers of chakras, but these are the main seven you may find info about.

I would suggest you to study a bit more about them, this way it can make it easier for you to develop a work about energy in your body. Knowing the "map", the location, what each one is about. what each one relates to.

They are about different layers in our bodies, from physical to emotional. They are linked to endocrine glands , for example.

I enjoy this book a lot, especially because of the looks in the pages and the info.

The Complete Guide to Chakras - by Ambika Wauters

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Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 01.03.19 11:48

I've been interested in learning more about chakras for a while but haven't taken as much time as I'd like to really put in the work. I've been slowly acquiring bits of information for while for when I  have better windows of time for real practice.

Wow! An infinite amount? Shit, I really am green Laughing jocolor
I need a better picture in my head of this map. I've actually had some issues with my endocrine system on and off in the past, reflecting now, it was probably related to some blockages in a chakra(s) or something.

Thanks for the book suggestion Lynskha and advice, looking forward to checking it out study
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.03.19 8:01

I think there might be hundreds of chakras but not infinite. There are many minor points of energy nexuses or centers or chakras within the subtle anatomy and they may range up to a hundred or hundreds of them but not infinite as we are still finite beings within these forms within an infinite universe and the universe will not hold external chakras for us; the only place which could contain so many of them. If we had infinite chakras I think we would look very different, not being finite creatures as we are when in form. In order to maintain our form, we need a finite number of them because finity puts a boundary around our form and a solid, exact, defined shape, least we be absolutely formless like Ain Soph and not embodied at all but one with the Absolute in fullest and indefinable way, liberated far beyond the flesh.

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Post by Jonathan 02.03.19 9:19

Yes I don't think there are infinite chakras, most likely not even hundreds. Chakras or Shen are not just energy centers, they operate like major organs in the energy system. I can see how our subtle systems have hundreds of different energy points but those aren't necessarily Shen as major energy organs.

There's also what MysticLightShinethForth said, we are living in a finite reality and the Chakras work like a bridge between the physical and the energetic. Physical reality simply wouldn't handle a system built on an infinite amount of mechanisms. The human body and its existence is finite.

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Post by Lynskha 02.03.19 10:13

Since my use of infinite may have caused problems. Lets rephrase

According to the Vedas it can go from 32 to 88 thousand.


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Post by Troublemaker 02.03.19 10:15

Good clarification there, Mystic and Jonathan. There are not an infinite number of chakras, as they do serve the function of being major energy organs regulating the physical ones. Meridians and other energy structures parallel the blood vessels too, and are far more numerous.
I also believe the 7 primary and 7 secondary shen mirror an important numerology with more significance.

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Post by Lynskha 02.03.19 10:16

Thanks for the input for both of you.

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Post by Troublemaker 02.03.19 10:51

Addressing what was said about the infinite being contained within the finite (the body), I think the function of the crown shen could explain a lot here. It is said as being the only shen center that actually has a three-dimensional form as a sphere rather than a rotating disk, also apparently being active even beyond death as the connection to divinity and transcendence. The seven pillars in Asetianism each correspond to a major shen center with significance tied greatly to initiation.

Concerning other systems they do contain variations of this, like some pranic healing that notes 11 chakras.

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Post by Lynskha 02.03.19 12:08

I found it very nice your interest Luna. Research the base and Basic then explore it more. It is an important field for energy work. Learning about then can help you in future exercises and a better understanding of many things that may mention them.

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Post by Lynskha 02.03.19 12:11

About what Rhea said, it is well pointed. The significance of the Seven pillars in Asetiam tied to initiations.

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Post by Lynskha 02.03.19 12:15

Maybe others with more experience and time inside Asetianism can discuss this subject better.

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Post by Jonathan 02.03.19 14:27

Lynskha, I wasn’t trying to say that you were wrong and I am right, just giving my own perspective to the debate. I hope that you didn't mind. It’s fine if you see it in a different way or based in a different tradition. We’re all learning here.

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Post by Lynskha 02.03.19 14:45

Oh no Johnatan. I got worried that using the word infinite could have caused a misinterpretation. Maybe I was trying to say a lot,lol.
I appreciate your input. I try to understand how they relate in different systems. My knowledge is very basic so I would not like to say something wrong. Especially about how Asetianism talks about the Shen in a more specific way thay have to deal with them according to their system.

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