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Protection Empty Protection

Post by Veiled One 04.03.19 13:45

What I have read is that Aset is a fierce warrior, capable of brutal acts of force when she sees it necessary. I am fairly new to the study and practice of Asetian magic, and wondering how I can, as an Asetianist, tap into these abilities of hers. I haven't been able to find much material about Asetian magical practice, and as much as I can intuit parts of it, I think some external input would be helpful.

For the sake of clarity, my aim is to dispel magical attacks. None of the "light" or accessible spiritual currents have helped much so far. My own power and intent as a human, alone, hasn't been sufficient.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.03.19 15:57

I don't know if it is as much "tapping into these abilities of hers" as tapping into your own inner power. Tapping into the powers of a dangerous Goddess such as Aset might indeed be dangerous, I think, if at all possible for an incarnated human being, in such a way. There are allusions to this in the Asetian Bible section of the Violet Throne depending upon what you mean. There are also references to very difficult and sinuous roads.

About Asetian magickal practice you might find some of the basics in the Asetian Bible.

A period of reading would be most suitable and in the end it is up to you to walk the path and nobody else. There are many warnings, remarks and serious words upon the dangers of the path, as well...

As for dispelling magickal attacks, I'm not sure.

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by Troublemaker 08.03.19 14:48

I wouldn't worry so much about trying to evoke Aset. Or tapping into Aset's abilities. What might be more helpful is just trying to discover your own inner strength.

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by Lightseeker 16.03.19 8:58

Veiled One wrote:For the sake of clarity, my aim is to dispel magical attacks.

I would also be interested in discussing different shielding or protection methods. Maybe a few of you would be willing to share what you have tried and what works for you? It's a pity that the Asetian Bible doesn't go into more details about the techniques used within the AK, it all remains very vague. It seems to be a closely guarded secret.

Number of posts : 283
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Registration date : 2012-08-06

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by Maxx 16.03.19 11:43

And I would not even consider revealing what and how I use it as that would enable my attackers to know what I am doing. That just does not make sense to me.

Same can be said about bible material.

You stated you were attacked and knocked for a loop for 2 weeks. Did you learn how to eliminate that attack if it happens again?

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by Lightseeker 17.03.19 8:53

Maxx wrote:And I would not even consider revealing what and how I use it as that would enable my attackers to know what I am doing.  That just does not make sense to me.

I personally believe that a technique either works or doesn't work, regardless of whether it is known. But I understand and respect your point.

Number of posts : 283
Location : Western Europe
Registration date : 2012-08-06

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by Maxx 02.08.19 22:46

I woke one night and looked across the darkened room.  I was amazed to see probably the mystical presence of a group standing there in the spirit and all in awe and eyes big and wide open. Maybe seven to nine individuals.  I came to understand they were more in awe and frightened more than anything else.  Almost instantly, and I did not have to look behind me, as I could see there without turning my head.  

There was a Being standing (I instantly was aware and knew who it was) back of me looking forward at the group.  They were knowledgeable in spirit travel and I could name the two combined groups of the so-called black magic members but it is pretty well common knowledge who they are.  The Being stood approximately 40 ft tall and on cloven hooves or wolf-like claws.  Cannot be for certain.  Struck me in appearance as maybe one like Mystics buddies of the otherkin group or just a large wolf beast. This incident happened long before Mystic made his appearance here.  It stood there with Red Glowing Eyes looking at the group. They became terrified.   I was aware it was there and it was protecting me.  I had to do nothing at all.  

I did decide to fire hot energy at one of the individuals and just to give the bastard hell.  I was told later he was sick for 2 or 3 weeks.

My point in describing this and it makes no difference whether you believe me or not, I know it is real.  I am just making a point in the topic above.

I am saying I did nothing to form protection around me before going to bed and had no concept that the idiots were planning a night attack on me from their two combined groups.  They do have knowledge enough on how to design an attack in a spiritual base.  It turned out to be a really enjoyable time and I did learn some people just do not like ole Uncle Fester.  lol.  I cannot imagine why????  Uncle Fester is really a swell teddy bear kind of guy.   hahaha.  Just ask the next teddy bear you talk with......  it will verify that.

Anyway, my friend is always with me now as well as several others from the other side.  I would think that this is the case with most everyone and you just might not be aware enough of it to let it happen.   But I could be wrong.  I believe everyone needs to practice until they are certain something like this works for them when things go bump in the night.

This is another reason to make contact with beings from a higher dimension that I mentioned in another topic.  You may be the power within but they can teach you while you are in a growing stage.

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

Post by Maxx 03.08.19 17:46

hmmmm. Lightseeker must have reached the end of his road as one of those bad boys came after him. only silence now....

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Protection Empty Re: Protection

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