Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

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Spiritual protection for empaths with depression Empty Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

Post by Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 Sat 2 May - 15:03

Hi, I have a few questions about psychic abilities.
Does feeling depressed, having anxiety, occasional panic attacks, issues with low self-esteem, self-harm make you spiritually vulnerable or weaker?
I am psychic and a empath and I feel like I attract narcissistic, psychopathic and toxic people in general.
I feel drawn to particular people and I feel like I have a connection with them. Negativity affects me a lot from other's and I have my own reasons for feeling depressed.
My friend suggested crystals to help with negativity.
Other than meditation what other methods would protect me from psychic attack? How do I shield my energy, deflect negative energy sent to me?
Some psychic abilities I want to learn are vampiric in nature.


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Spiritual protection for empaths with depression Empty Re: Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

Post by Maxx Sat 2 May - 15:18

Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 wrote: I feel like I attract narcissistic, psychopathic, and toxic people in general.

hmmmm. Would you like to be my friend???

Being Psychic and empathic should help you make a quick decision.


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Spiritual protection for empaths with depression Empty Re: Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

Post by Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 Sat 2 May - 15:40

Sure Smile


Number of posts : 31
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Spiritual protection for empaths with depression Empty Re: Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

Post by Maxx Sat 2 May - 15:51

Welcome I Agree Devil

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Spiritual protection for empaths with depression Empty Re: Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

Post by A.Nightside Fri 22 May - 12:51

Maxx wrote:
Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 wrote: I feel like I attract narcissistic, psychopathic, and toxic people in general.

hmmmm.   Would you like to be my friend???

Being Psychic and empathic should help you make a quick decision.

trying to hold back a bit of snickering.

Welcome, Vixen.

Does feeling depressed, having anxiety, occasional panic attacks, issues with low self-esteem, self-harm make you spiritually vulnerable or weaker?

In my opinion? maybe. I mean, these things suggest a misconnect in the brain and/or mind. Something potentially not right, hence why they call it "mental illness". These things can tax the immune system, keeping you in a sort of fight, flight or freeze response. As well (focusing on the self harm aspect) perpetually forcing the body to go through it's healing process without true need to do so.

Consider ANY machine, organic or otherwise. Use over time leads to wear and tear. Wear and tear leads to decomposition and vulnerability.

These states of mind can also alter the flavor of energy (for want of a better term) you emanate. Some entities are draw to that sort of energy, while others are repelled by it. Most humans are repelled, in my understanding, because we are such social creatures we risk our own stability if we remain in such a negatively charged environment for too long. "Misery loves company".

On the flip side, mental illness messes with your mind. Many vulnerabilities, percieved attacks and discomforts are the making of one's own will (intentionally or not) and is more often a viscous cycle of one's own will.

It's best to take care of one's self in ways that are studied, defined and easily measurable before assuming something spiritual is involved. The body is linked to the spiritual, take care of your brain and body, and it will aid your spiritual health as well.

I am psychic and a empath and I feel like I attract narcissistic, psychopathic and toxic people in general.

According to many pop-culture and psychology type articles that float around, this is common. Without taking control of yourself, toxic people are drawn to those who are sensitive and prone to codependency. Also keep in mind, that while some attribute this spiritually, empathy is also considered a normally skill in relation to interpersonal relations and is not wholly, nor is it often referred to in a manner of spiritual ability, in these types of articles.

I feel drawn to particular people and I feel like I have a connection with them.
That's part of being human.

Negativity affects me a lot from other's and I have my own reasons for feeling depressed.
My friend suggested crystals to help with negativity.
learn how to block and to ignore. learn to recognize what are your feelings and what are not. Also, keep in mind, what you feel from others, can also be influenced by you. In other words, what you perceive as someone else's feelings, could actually be the projection of yours, even subconsciously so it might be harder to realize.[/quote]

Other than meditation what other methods would protect me from psychic attack? How do I shield my energy, deflect negative energy sent to me?

Don't assume everything negative coming at you is an "attack" psychically or otherwise. Many believe that you will receive what you put out. If you are suffering mental illness, that which you put out on a consistent basis is negative. Work on yourself. Get out of toxic relationships, seek a professional therapist, break bad habits. As you better yourself, so too your natural "defenses" might improve.

Some psychic abilities I want to learn are vampiric in nature.
just because you can perform an act that one calls "vampiric" doesn't mean you are a vampire. Why would you want to learn "vampiric" psychic abilities?

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Spiritual protection for empaths with depression Empty Re: Spiritual protection for empaths with depression

Post by A.Nightside Fri 22 May - 12:53

On the flip side, mental illness messes with your mind. Many vulnerabilities, perceived attacks and discomforts are the making of one's own will (intentionally or not) and is more often a viscous cycle of one's own will.

*viscous cycle of one's own making

Number of posts : 523
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Location : New Hampshire, US
Registration date : 2017-06-07


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