Spiritual Sickness?

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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Niani 20.06.17 22:19

Okay, so, for the last several years my health has plummeted. i have yearly checkups and everything is fine. According to the doctors I am healthy as a horse - aside from a nasty case of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I'm totally fine. I also struggle with depression and anxiety, but it is managed. I can generally differentiate between those symptoms and what I have begun routinely experiencing.

Since about the age of 20, so the passed eight years, I have been experiencing extreme and sudden fatigue, and feeling just absolutely drained of all energy. I feel almost like there's something either missing or something that shouldn't be there. An infected wound, if you will. I've heard the tell of spiritual sickness but I have very little experience with it and was wondering if you guys could relate your experience with it - if indeed it is a legit thing, and help me go from there.

I'm wondering if I haven't picked up a spiritual parasite somewhere along the line. Whatever it is though, I've thrown everything I have at it and I can't shake it. My guides are mum on it. It's very strange. Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you!

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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Naoom 21.06.17 2:02

Hello Niani and welcome to the forum.

I have also have little knowledge on spiritual sickness but I believe I can relate with what you are saying, as some people experience these kind of symptoms under invironments which are heavily influenced by a energetic phenomenon known as dor (sort of for deadly orgone). Biophysicaly ,exposure to states of this kind of irratated energy can lead to feelings of lethargic necrosis and feelings of being permanently dehydrated and/or being unable of taking a big breath from the invironment, as if the air is choky.

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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by A.Nightside 22.06.17 13:12

PCOS is a chronic condition and can cause your symptoms. These symptoms, even under treatment, can eb and flow. This is likely your explanation, however, I'd also recommend getting other hormone and nutrient levels checked, such as thyroid, D and B vitamins, iron.

Generally when there's an issue in one part of the body, there's bound to be a similar issue elsewhere as well.

I am also in a similar position. I've been diagnosed and on treatment for a thyroid condition, and likely also have PCOS. Despite treatment, I still experience incredible fatigue among other symptoms. I'm still exploring possibilities medically, but so far the best treatment is a combination plus feeding (I identify/classify I suppose as Pranic Vampire). So too, many believe that vampirism can present much like an illness or condition, spiritually or physically in origin. More and more it seems Vampirism is just an umbrella term for a lot of varying, though similar, experiences.

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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Jessamine 23.06.17 0:08

I have similar problems for years. All the test results from doctors were great, but I still had problems (fatigue, tiredness, neurological problems, etc.)
And then finaly I got a diagnosis for fibromyalgia.
But that didn't help much, I just had to adjust my life to it.

And actualy I am glad I have it, it forces me to take it slow and enjoy the little things in life, and it allows me to focus on my art instead of having a normal job. If I didn't have it my life would be comepletly diffrent.

What I want to say is some things were like born with and even if they look bad they might be the best thing in your life. But the choice is ours, and a thing can burn us to the ground but we choose to rise again, better than before.

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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Niani 23.06.17 11:13

This all makes sense. I will further look into both the physical and metaphysical potential causes. Thank you all for your insight!

Number of posts : 27
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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Lynskha 30.08.17 16:46

When I was about 17 I used to feel very tired, drained, my energy would just disappear.

Then I started researching on many things, spiritual, metaphysical ones, until I got information about vampirism.

With the spiritual/energy thing, the explanation I got was that maybe it was "bad energy" , like some people tend to say, envy, and other kinds of bad energy that we can "get" . This is something said, specially by families that deal with spiritism, for example.

Then I thought that maybe I was "too open", meaning that I was getting affected byt this energy around me.

Other thing I was observing was that maybe I was "allowing" my energy to just flow, outside, then I was getting exhausted, for little things.

Then, I realizes some things about energy, and maybe, a need to "feed" , because I was losing so much energy, and not being able to restore it as a "normal" person would do.

Nowadays, I got deep into some practices like meditation, chi kung, tai chi, to BALANCE my energy. Then I realizes that , maybe, it would be the key.

I say, maybe, because, it worked for me, but I cannot say it will fit anyone, as each person is an individual.

I believe that may be many things, from spiritual "influences" to energy ones. But the key wouçld be, Self discovery, and finding your balance.


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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Lynskha 30.08.17 16:50

I am sorry about the big image in the signature, I have just changed for a small one.

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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by Niani 04.05.18 14:49

Thank you so much! I got busy with other things for awhile but I am back yet again - and I really appreciate all your input. The last year my health has improved almost dramatically by simply just taking care of myself and my needs both physically and spiritually. I believe most of my problem was mental, born of a place of conflict. Also I had some pretty toxic people in my life and I have a bad habit of internalizing things.

Number of posts : 27
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Spiritual Sickness? Empty Re: Spiritual Sickness?

Post by A.Nightside 20.05.18 16:40

That's very good to read. Glad you're doing better ^_^

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