Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 04.12.19 12:48

Hi all,

I personally don’t agree with the use of drugs as a part of my own lifestyle choices. But I’ve been becoming more open to the idea of trying marijuana for spiritual/higher self, or other dimensional experiences. Of which I haven’t yet experienced. I’m curious as to whether it may be able to help me achieve this in a responsible and safe way.

Has anyone here had experiences with this?


Number of posts : 55
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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.12.19 12:56

Never had experiences with it. Meditation has always been enough for me.

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 04.12.19 13:05

I’m so far finding it a difficult task to meditate without thoughts. I then become tired and end up going to sleep.

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.12.19 13:19

Don't try to meditate without thoughts - just witness the thoughts, let them pass by of their own accord like you'd observe a river sitting at the bank or riverside, without judgement or interference in their process, just witnessing. Hold no expectations of becoming thought-less because that's putting sticks in the wheels.

Number of posts : 1343
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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 04.12.19 13:22

Ok I’m going to give that a go for a while shortly. Any other suggestions I should try? Music, incense, crystals? 😊

Number of posts : 55
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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.12.19 13:37

You can always put on some relaxing peaceful and harmonic meditation music. I usually meditate just with myself but it's fully workable with music as well.

I'm speaking practically in my last post for a reason, however, because if I said that this was the way to get into the thought-less state maybe you'd put expectations upon it and the sticks in the wheels would be there, just due to the nature of how the mind works. But that's the way... and it's very scientific. Thoughts begin to calm down when witnessed. But they are stirred up by expectations, desires and hopes. Then, when you're not able to get into that thought-less state because of those desires, expectations and hopes, you begin to be frustrated and doubt the efficacy of meditation or think that you're not able to do it. The mindset or setting of your mind is essential. I believe it's called mindfulness and it's very helpful for meditation.

Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 04.12.19 13:40

I understand what you’re saying. I really do need to have more belief in myself!

Maybe I should just focus on meditating for the relaxation and peace it brings, and then the thoughtless state will eventually happen on its own.

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.12.19 13:53

Kind of, yes. If it brings you peace and relaxation already that's good. Some find it difficult to sit still unmoving for extended periods of time but it's a matter of self-discipline and that sitting still is highly beneficial to tame your impatience and become more patient. It soothes the nerves, stills the mind and calms down restlessness in the body. All that's needed is a little bit of determined focus and concentration - a matter of strength found within, quite stoically in fact. Such practices can be taken even further and make you an excellent occultist or magician I believe. I'd say the spiritual and mystical practices are far more important to begin with than the magickal practices as it builds your spiritual backbone to be able to better deal with the latter but that's just my opinion and it's far more intricate, involved and complex than that. Mastery of mind, however - and that can come through various disciplines all from meditation to martial arts to other spiritual or mystical practices.

Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 05.12.19 2:06

Most of my meditation has been while i'm laying down comfortably, and probably why i fall asleep. I should start doing it in a sitting position instead.

The reason i ask about marijuana aiding in the experience is because after watching The Pyramid Code, the ancient Egyptians were depicted from their hieroglyphs as using the blue lotus flower to aid in the process of them having their higher consciousness visions. I wondered if marijuana would have a similar effect.

Number of posts : 55
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Registration date : 2019-11-25

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 05.12.19 2:25

For anyone else with the same curiosity, i'd like to leave some info that i found on the internet. There are a lot of other articles etc that are along the same lines as this, and has helped me decide that the use of marijuana for spiritual enlightenment is not the path.

"In meditation, especially 'True Medititation", as defined by Adyashanti, realizations are the result of cognition in the absence of thought. It is more of a clarity of perception than knowledge developed through analytical processes.

Marijuana revolations tend to be spontaneous thoughts and concepts amid active mind clutter. Once the marijuana enlightenment wares off a look at such "profound" genius generally brings thoughts of amused curiousity. What the hell was I thinking????

But realizations born of the silent presence and clear awareness of true meditation transcends mental review and is more likely to transform much or one's thinking process. Others finding their own clarity through meditation generally come to similar understandings as those who came before them.

Those who discover their own true nature through True Meditation usually lose all interest in the muddy state experience through marijuana. It just doesn't compare to (an usually gets in the way of) the beautiful clarity that is known in simple presence awareness."

Number of posts : 55
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Registration date : 2019-11-25

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.12.19 4:50

I agree, that's why I said meditation is enough for me. I don't need those other experiences because I'm already fulfilled by meditation.

Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 05.12.19 11:07

I had an absolutely awesome meditation today. I didn't achieve any enlightenment or thoughtless state but it was truly special. I lit some incense and candles and hopped in the shower, i then sat down and let the water wash over me. It poured over my head and ran down my face and body.. It felt like i was sitting under a waterfall and could hear rain surrounding me. It was a very peaceful and beautiful experience. I could have stayed there all night! Very Happy

Number of posts : 55
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Registration date : 2019-11-25

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.12.19 11:22

Great! I've had similar experiences. You can meditate at different places.

Number of posts : 1343
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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Naoom 05.12.19 11:42

Hello Aurora Smile  
I have some experience with both Blue Lotus and Marijuana, because I used to work in the cannabis industry and did a lot of experimentation around the time. They are very different in effect, and can both be used for different things. For example Blue Lotus for me was very useful as a tool for lucid dreaming because it puts your mind in an alert state of mind, yet helps your body fall to sleep easily. Marijuana on the other hand heightens your senses, and I can see why it could be useful for a beginner, as to make you cognizant of your body, as well as to bring about an altered perception of your thoughts. I don't see anything wrong with experimenting but if you want to use any kind of substance make sure you research everything you can find about it. For example, marijuana is a lot safer and has a different and more spiritual effect if used rarely instead of often, like many people unfortunately abuse it. To summarize, those substances to me are just tools which you may want to use, depending on the time and situation. They shouldn't replace meditation or other practices like that, and they are more accurately described like stepping stones, which can be used to eventually move onto higher practices, but that is just my opinion, and I know they are not for everyone.

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 05.12.19 12:36

Hi Naoom,
Thanks for sharing a bit about your experience. I have sent you a message Smile

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Troublemaker 05.12.19 14:15

I would say develop your own skills first. Meditation is the foundation of magickal practice.

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Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences Empty Re: Marijuana and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Aurora_AUS 06.12.19 2:36

Thanks Rhea

Number of posts : 55
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