Being a vampire

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lynskha 11.03.19 6:13

As nightshade said, there are also the fetishists. So in this case becoming a vampire is a matter of dressing and behaving. Then they would become their type of "vampires", as for the definitions we are used to... We would just say... There is no turn...

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.19 7:01

What Nightshade and Jonathan say is very true.

I can also see how the US might be misrepresented by people like Belanger and Sebastiaan. Fetishism and roleplay are huge issues among that crowd. Though the two of them work as a good filter. I know that Luis Marques states his work and Asetianism as a whole can't even be studied or approached with the same minds that would seek out, praise or value commercial occultism, so even they can be good tools to filter out the wise from the unevolved, the ones who linger around and praise people like Belanger.

I've yet to find any better path that even approaches vampirism, despite the highly dishonest and cowardly attempts of some others to push an idea that everything must be accepted as a valid path and criticizing anything is wrong and shouldn't be allowed. So I would recommend at least a study of the concepts put forth by the Aset Ka if any form of understanding is the goal.

Surely you will not find the answers you simply want to hear, but it can open many doors of understanding and growth. And of course it is obvious, OP, that you would be better served by trying to simply grow and learn than to get some form of turning over the Internet.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.19 7:07

I also think a level of differentiation is important when it comes to talking about "vampires", and it is true that you will not find them offering turnings. Different people call themselves vampires for different reasons but most often the ones presenting themselves as wise and evolved vampires into the scene for so long are actually just pretenders. Many, many people want to be vampires, making that a banner of their identity without even having wisdom over Self. And the real variety, I believe, is extremely uncommon.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.03.19 7:34

Why not just dismiss this thread and tell the person that their quest is aimed at delusion, without knowing it? There is no such thing as "becoming a vampire" in a simple sense. There are the "Dark Gifts" as Lightseeker nicely puts it; initiations such as Khenmet by the Asetians and some other form of probably defaced version of that by the Sethians but their level of operation is far beyond the mere callings of a child wishing to become a vampire out of the blue. Now, that is an entirerly different path, and does not yield to people's mere wishes, desires, hopes and expectations as it goes far beyond it into serious realms of the occult on a much higher level where, as in the case of the Asetians, honor and loyalty go far above any other mere mundane calling or wish-fulfilling expectation; to even begin to approach it out of such level of understanding would be aimed at ending up in failure and frustration as those secrets are probably amongst the most safeguarded on this planet.

Having said this, however, now I would not advocate trying to track down these powers by such mere silly wishes of "becoming a vampire" as that would be aimed at futility and never heard, whilst the potential risks and serious dangers might be there and probably, quite seriously, are. There were other mentions here by members of the forum referring to falling as prey. Now there certainly might be other groups of people wishing to take advantage of peope like that, people that are not genuine or authentic but promising great things only to take advantage of you. Beware of that! Don't be desperate and don't fall prey. Really, what are you expecting asking for how to become, or get turned into, a vampire on an online forum with such naivety (and don't take that as offensive as we're all naive at some point in our life until we gain more experience, wisdom and judgement - which is really what you should be focusing upon before anything else, too)? Now I'd advice you not to take contact with anyone claiming to be able to bestow you these "Gifts" or at the very least not believe or fall for their lies. You have been warned, now don't pursue the wrong direction unknowinly falling into a trap of internet bandits. Really, this is serious. I might sound harsh in what I write but it is to give you a sobering lesson and teach you the right things so you don't fall for this. It is intended for your higher good or best.

Also, they are valueable inputs above by other members. Please exercise caution, discernment and sound judgement; don't believe yourself to know everything before actually knowing.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Jonathan 11.03.19 9:02

Nightshade wrote:You're forgetting the fetishists. A lot of people in the so-called vampire community have a fetish for blood and the gothic aesthetic. Most aren't that familiar with occult practices and paranormal phenomenon, particularly in the States. It's more about the parties and the roleplay, but you won't find many vampires there if any at all. So I agree with your post Jonathan, established definitions are important when people want to speak the same language. To most people in the community vampires are just a set of fangs, we who see it as something deeper and more complex are the minority.

Forgot about those, my bad.

My question to you all is this, why should we include fetishists and role-players as part of the vampire community?

Since when is fetishism, cosplay and partying an occult practice or spiritual path?

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.03.19 9:14

The magickal powers lie in the robes of dressed up cosplay, didn't you know that, Jonathan? Wink

Also, partying does indeed tend to release a lot of energy so it can be harnessed. No, that was just a shallow joke.

But fetishism? No, fetishism for real is a legitimate occult practice, because BLOOD! Indeed... lol!

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.03.19 9:17

You've got to know it's bad when even MysticLightShinethForth can makes a laughing matter out of it. Lol.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.19 9:35

I see where you're coming from and I honestly don't think they should even be included as part of the real community.
But the issue is, those sects, the fang wearers and fetishists are the most vocal, trying to teach others (and spreading misinformation) and representing themselves as something they have no business teaching about or instructing on. The loudest voices create this fume or a false impression of a real community, hiding behind false ideals of tolerance and acceptance, using this to push an agenda that denies fact in pursuit of socially fitting in.
The real community is something private, I believe. And in those instances of loners trying to find their path while remaining somewhat isolated, one could also say there is a "home" or community that goes far beyond the usual ideas of what that entails, being present on a spiritual and subtle layer.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Jonathan 11.03.19 9:47

That is true, the most superficial sects are the loudest. That happens not just in the VC but in nearly all occult communities. What is to be found at surface is never a pure representation of said community or path.

Truth be told those portions of the community are hardly a community at all. They’re an incoherent group that flocks around the word vampire for various reasons but it’s completely infested with drama and drama is what sustains it. There would be no activity there beyond petty gossip and infighting.

The real community moves on much deeper layers, is extremely silent around the public eye and they’re bound by oaths of loyalty and secrecy that most wouldn’t even comprehend.

Hey MysticLightShinethForth I see that you’re in good spirits today. Wink That’s always a good thing.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.19 10:00

Actually Mystic what you mentioned about the partying might have some deeper element to it, at least in their misled eyes. For example the Sabretooths do party a lot and I have heard they believe vampirism and energy raising to be heavily tied to partying, dressing up and whatever rituals they design with the "egregore". Partying might have some energy raising to it, but only that which happens on a mundane level due to natural excitement and socialization. Of course, the real occult techniques probably vary a lot and require actual skill to execute.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.03.19 10:57

Indeed, Jonathan. Very Happy I also see your point makes profound sense.

And yes, I agree with that, Rhea Kaye. Smile I'm sure, as you say though, that the energy they raise probably isn't that refined or elevated. Haha, that is on them...
Nevertheless an interesting point about that kind of occult procedure. I believe this might hold correlation to ancient cultures and practices, rain dances, for instance, or tribal warfare or other dances for celebration and hunting, among Native Americans, tribal groups in Africa and aboriginal peoples of Australia and New Zealand as well as many other places of fascination. I'm by far not an expert on that so I'll leave it be from further digression but leave it up for thought and consideration in research and study.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.19 11:03

I didn't think of rain dances or the tribal warfare, but that is actually quite an interesting detail and something to look into.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.03.19 12:29

Indeed. Smile

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Jonathan 11.03.19 12:45

I agree and MysticLightShinethForth brought an interesting cultural detail into the discussion, as shamanic dances and African tribal warfare rituals do have quite an occult background. However we can't really compare those rich cultures and practices with the superficial parties of the VC. For example if you've ever attended a Sabretooh event or similar product, it's more about getting drunk and watching almost-naked girls than any sort of magickal practice. It's more sexism than culture.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.19 12:50

That is true as well. They can't really be compared especially given the deeply sexist vibe these promotions give off.

The subject of tribal traditions and rain dances is quite intriguing though and could make a great thread.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lightseeker 11.03.19 13:08

MysticLightShinethForth wrote: Having said this, however, now I would not advocate trying to track down these powers by such mere silly wishes of "becoming a vampire" as that would be aimed at futility and never heard, whilst the potential risks and serious dangers might be there and probably, quite seriously, are.

I totally agree, your post sums up everything nicely. If she still goes on with it, then it is really her own responsibility.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.03.19 13:13

Aye, I did not mean that they had any correlation to the Father Sebastiaan's Sabretooth Clan parties, but to the supposed occult technique involved to an alleged extent although when employed in purity, away from such defilement.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lightseeker 12.03.19 15:30

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Aye, I did not mean that they had any correlation to the Father Sebastiaan's Sabretooth Clan parties.

I personally know of young wannabes that thought getting a set of fangs from the "Father" would initiate their transformation into a vampire. I'm not saying that Sebastiaan has no occult knowledge, actually I somewhat enjoyed reading his Sanguinomicon some time ago. Still, he's obviously in it for the money.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lynskha 12.03.19 15:35

Lightseeker, what is your opinion about other places like House Quinotaur, the Codex from Belanger, Sanguinomicon ( that you already mentioned above),House of the Dreaming studies?

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lightseeker 12.03.19 16:13

Lynskha wrote:Lightseeker, what is your opinion about other places like House Quinotaur, the Codex from Belanger, Sanguinomicon ( that you already mentioned above),House of the Dreaming studies?

I can go into it in more detail if you wish, because we do keep track of most new Houses and Orders as they form or reveal themselves. But in a few short words:

1.) House Quinotaur: We have no record of this House's existence before about 2010. However, the Merovech legend that they base their heritage on is much older, dating back into the 7th century. It is quite plausible that the Merovingan kings are descended from a special bloodline (there are also those that claim they are descendants of Christ) and the idea that House Quniotaur does indeed contain Merovingian decendants is not entirely impossible.

2.) House of the Dreaming Studies: Not really to be taken seriously, based on the supposed "dream visions" of a Madame X and heavily influenced by the works of Father Sebastiaan, even using the same symbol. The only interesting point is that there may have at one point been some kind of contact between Madame X and Luis Marques during the time both lived in Portugal. That would explain why some minor Asetian concepts seem to also be included in this House' teachings.

3.) Beranger-Codex: A solid work on psychic vampirism. House Kepheru definitely has people with occult knowledge within its ranks. A lot of its teachings (starting with the term "kepher" or "xepher") show influences from Michael Aquino's Temple of Set. However, Beranger seems to consider psychic vampires the only kind of vampires existing, which - based on the knowledge of my Watcher Group - is just a small part of the diverse phenomenon that is "vampirism".

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lightseeker 12.03.19 16:20

For those who are interested in learning more about the origins of a lot of the "Egpytian teachings" of both Sebastiaan and Beranger I would recommend researching the Temple of Set's Order of the Vampyre. Compared with the Asetian literature, very few concepts of Sebastiaan and Beranger seem orginal, a lot of it is based on the teachings of other occult organisations.

That is not to say that the materials they present are without value, it does however prove that they both do not have a more direct access to old traditions, but are instead depenent on other groups.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lynskha 12.03.19 16:28

he only interesting point is that there may have at one point been some kind of contact between Madame X and Luis Marques during the time both lived in Portugal.

I am aware of that.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Jonathan 12.03.19 18:08

Lightseeker wrote:I personally know of young wannabes that thought getting a set of fangs from the "Father" would initiate their transformation into a vampire. I'm not saying that Sebastiaan has no occult knowledge, actually I somewhat enjoyed reading his Sanguinomicon some time ago. Still, he's obviously in it for the money.

I know several people like that as well. That is his philosophy, crafting fangs is how his "vampires" are "created". It's a scam.
Concerning Sanguinomicon, a large portion of that book is plagiarized. Compare it to your Asetian books and you will find several portions copied from Marques, as it's also found in most Sebastiaan's books which you're probably aware of. Your Watchers group certainly is as they have documented several cases on Father Sebastiaan plagiarism.

Lightseeker wrote:The only interesting point is that there may have at one point been some kind of contact between Madame X and Luis Marques during the time both lived in Portugal. That would explain why some minor Asetian concepts seem to also be included in this House' teachings.

Likely more rumor than factual I might say.

I do agree that she has adopted portions of Asetian theory into her House of the Dreaming teachings, but if you look at it it's mostly basic concepts accessible to the general public but nothing from the lesser known mysteries and practices.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Lynskha 12.03.19 20:45

Lightseeker what do you have to say about kesha rakseph and sekhemu?
Also strigoi VII path.

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 Being a vampire - Page 3 Empty Re: Being a vampire

Post by Maxx 12.03.19 20:59

are you following that?

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